Monday, March 31, 2008


Ah, a wonderful myth. I say it is a myth because most things are not that delicate. Well not from my idea of fragile.

But the main thing is that one has to allow for the balance. To be sure you actually take time to really appreciate life and what is durable.

However, a lot of such understanding never happens. You just get more inclined as time allows to focus with wisdom.

This translates into not being as stupid. Which is a very important element. Because without wisdom you have nothing.

A lot of broke is what you get. Broken dreams, broken hopes, all the stuff you really crave.

Which is why you have to know what will break easy and what won't. Fail to understand that will end with disaster.

I ought to know. I've had lots of things that broke on me. Fortunately I am able to you know glue them back together.

Well most of the time. Maybe not all the time. But some. Enough to keep trying and that sure helps.

I really do find this very critical to assess. Be darn sure you don't get caught up accepting some crap that will never survive.

Just a helpful hint from you old Uncle Rash. Have the smarts to test things out and find the stuff that is going to last.

Same with people too. Some will be far more able to hang in there than others. Really is a big deal to know.

With people it can be tough though. They can lie. Somebody will always start out seeming to be a tiger and then suck.

And if you don't watch out they will end up fracturing you in the process. I've seen it happen.

Best way to avoid it is to be sure you are not fractured yourself. Know the cracks in your own life.

Then you can keep from letting them sneak into your own delicate areas. At least in theory.
That depends on how much you can keep them covered up.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


This is considered a good word to creative people. And in the right ways it is great. But in the wrong ways it sucks.

Now for me creativity needs to be profitable. And that means it will end in something good happening.

I'm sorry, but that is not normally related to something like art or literature. Oh yeah they will toss out the artistic aspects, but that don't pay the bills.

What does matter is when you get inspiration you get some satisfaction. For me that comes from dollars and sense.

Not from some silly option that doesn't bring you buck one. Now that doesn't help me at all.

I want something when I get done being creative, I'm happy. But then that is the practical approach.

And when you get right down to it if we aren't having joy what good is it. I just prefer to take my idea of creativity to places that it does the best good.

Only I never get any thanks. I mean conning people is a form of art. Well it is to me. and a very important one.

Why heck without it who would appreciate the good people? People would end up being far too trusting.

But with my help they learn. They become far wiser in ways that help. Then you just have to feel this is art at its best.

But do I ever get thanks? Does anyone erect a statue do they want my autograph? Heck no.

And to think of all the people I have help with such wonderful ways over the years. Not even a Christmas card of appreciation.

I don't let it bother me though. I just keep trying. But then you have to keep in mind people are not always willing to show gratitude.

In any case I am such an artist of the tongue. Oh wow does that sound good or what? Does to me.

And you can be sure I cherish such things. Just not in times that I like. So I have to settle for enjoying life.

And the money I get from my craft.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Nice theory, but not even close to reality. I mean it is kind of silly when you think about this really sucks.

I wish it was true, but no in life that I have found. Oh you get the illusion naturally. A nice impression that life can be faithful with somebody.

But most of the time, it never happens. Let's face it most people are liars. Yep, big time from what I have observed.

Let's face it fidelity is a good thing, just nor realistic. But it does sound good though. I would love to celebrate it.

However, I am more prone to accept the fact that people just prefer to make crap up. It just is so much easier to deal with.

So that is not quick the option of life we enjoy. We want people we can deal with that we can trust.

The way I see it we need to take this in a different direction. Make steadfast something that applies to any activity.

Hey, how about if we give out trophies for having bad habits? Come on this could really be fun.

Alas there is nothing sadder than this kind of detour from stupidity. Let's face it that is not going to be painful.

We just celebrate the way life is lived. Now what could be more fun than that in this day and age?

Course you know I do like to toss these little options out there. That makes me feel like I did my duty.

Naturally, in so doing we get the joy of pretending things do make sense and people can be trusted. Not quite reality, but we can enjoy them.

So I say, let the game begin. Come on let's have a good time and forget things like the need for truth.

Now the hard part might be finding out who should be a winner. Has to be based on some criteria.

However, I am willing to write the rules. For a small fee naturally. That would really be fun.
And profitable for me.

Friday, March 28, 2008



Ah the moments of hellish kiss where you are left smiling. Can't feel sadness when it feels so good.

And not quite a time for sadness to be sure. Well unless you have something against being happy.

There are plenty who are like that. Never figured out quite the upside to such and option. Sorry not my choice.

And can't see why it should be anyone's choice. However, that doesn't quite seem to work for others.

Which is fine with me. Because while some are off feeling crappy and apparently loving it.

Who am I to deny them such happiness? Or more like unhappiness. Really is up to them and I won't try to make them lose their choice.

In the meantime I am doing my best to really focus on the joy of when these hot flashes are a good thing. Yep, that is my priority.

Now you would think that we could find a nice balance on this subject. I mean who doesn't like to feel excited once and a while.

I mean in a good way. This can be tricky though. I do have to admit that. And you can be sure I want my part of that pie.

Only you can't just go to any bakery to get one. Nope, that won't work. You need some way of buying without being seen.

This is the part I'll never understand. Is it really that bad to admit that you happen to enjoy being aroused?

Apparently that isn't allowed with some people. At least not for the ones who think lying about it helps.

I don't mind they love doing that. Honestly, I can think of a reason to see that as a blessing.

But then I don't have a reason to see it in that way. For I'm not ready to try and make that part of my options.

Go ahead and enjoy your sadness. Just don't expect me to cry with you . I might clap if you are convincing enough. Well enough to you know make it seem like I appreciated your perfomance.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


My own endearing name for the council meetings in my city. On a fun scale it sort of falls between watching an old movie and getting an oil change on the car.

Not totally boring, but not able to give lots of joy either. Now for me the real joy is in watching these elected officials pretend they know what they are doing.

It is a real entertaining to see this event borderline on the surreal. And the best part if you want to call it that is when you get the speeches.

Now you can not have politician gather without speeches. And we get more than our share.

Pity it isn't for sane things. I'm sorry, but I do not need to hear someone ramble for hours on something like stop signs.

I might if they actually said something worth hearing. But the only reason I cope with it is because it is better than any of their questions.

Normally that never really ends up being other than a test for stupidity. Only they always fail.

Well you be the judge. I mean I ask you should I be impressed when they aren't even sure what state we live in or how to spell it?

Honestly happen. We had a rather dull debate on the subject. It was not helpful to have them vote to consider succeeding from the union when they were sure.

Really scary for a moment until I explained what that meant. Then they were able to like sit back and appreciate this was not a genius idea.

I'm grateful that I have the joy of making sure they can't make those decisions than myself. I am also happy that our secretary keeps the minutes from the meeting.

We use to have a tape machine, but it broke. Took be a couple of times of dropping it before it broke, but I did it.

So our secretary takes notes. And let me tell you that is not a bad thing. Given the fact that she does have a tendency to nap in the middle of the meeting.

They leave the editing to me. And so far I am still working on that option. Oh yeah, i got the notes in my drawer. Next week I might even look at three years ago.

Not sure it will matter, but I can say I edited them. Really is enough. Well for the carnival of smiles that I lead.

Yep, such joys I have to sing.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Now this is a very good approach. One where you put conditions on forgiving someone. Yeah, that is very cool.

Sort of like, well I did put down my knife, but you know I can still reach it when your back is turned. Keeps that wonderful level of tension flowing.

And really that is more important that revenge. Just that joyous occasion when the person you hate is stuck worrying when you will get even.

Only you never do have this plan to actually do anything. Just leave them assuming you will.

Now that is the best kind of torture. Oh yeah, you got to love it. A real perfect way of getting even without actually getting even.

Well at least not in a way that you have to confess. Nope, this is all so much better when you can leave them worried.

But the important part with this is the bluff. You have to be sure they think you are going to get even.

Which isn't that hard. You just have to say the right choice of words that makes them nervous.

Now the important part is never actually threatening. You have to avoid that option. Because then you have to actually do something.

And that can be a big mistake. Oh yeah, nothing like saying you are going to shoot somebody when you have only blanks or a toy pistol.

So you must do your best to maintain the illusion instead of a real threat. Yep, that is the key.

And if it is forgotten it can be very dangerous. That is if you are dealing with somebody who really does have a gun.

Then you could have a big problem. You know it is a nice safety tip. Always make sure that you check for such things before you piss somebody off.

Just a helpful hint to be sure you don't get in trouble later. Oh yeah not a good idea. We really need to be careful on such things.

Now for me this is not quite the choice I want. So the only way to avoid it is by being a very effective liar. And there is no room for error that is for sure. The difference is whether you win or end up with a bullet wound.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


There are some things we are truly better off not knowing. Just to our benefit to be ignorant. No matter what we care to imagine, sometimes it really is so much safer to be uninformed.

Yes, I would say I like this option. And I do appreciate how often this does not quite seem to be a good choice.

We do seem to love truth. Well in theory. In reality we really want truth when it doesn't hurt.

Yeah, I love when I can have painless truth. Of fact that don't stab me in the heart. Ooh, does that smart.

So I enjoy the precious opportunities to savor not having any anxiety. You know where the truth is going to really hurt.

Now in my case this is extra important. Mainly because I lie a lot. And so the truth really is extra painful.

Some might say that it would be helpful if I didn't lie. Well I have thought of that. But it won't work.

Because nobody wants the truth if it hurts. Doesn't matter if the facts are correct. Just spare us the pain.

It is like with the government. And especially at my local level. Now the prevailing opinion is often that we have lots of money.

Of course that is not really true. Oh we do have resources, but not unlimited. And these come from things like taxes.

Now I really enjoy when I get those with attitudes of being tax payers. Like they own our butts.

Hate to disappoint them, but that is not even close to the truth. I am an employee, but not a slave.

Sorry, but I do windows or take out the trash, I am not anyone's gopher. So you might pay taxes, but then so do I.

So deal with it. Have fun, be nice and don't piss me off. Those should be easy rules to follow.

Course that is if you read them as I write them. And let me tell you some sure don't want that. They get an alternate version to fit their world.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Now the one thing you can count on with this is that thought is not involved with the process. It is an excuse.

Not in any way to be confused with reality. Which naturally never comes to a point of making sense.

Oh to the person it makes sense. But to the independent mind it is other than logical or realistic.

Not exactly a formula for wisdom if you ask me. And of course nobody is. But that is to be expected.

With the I thought process another person's opinion is seldom requested, even if it is seriously needed. Yep, you can count on that one.

Alas it is other than wisdom. Stupidity, pride, all the elements that lead to great blunders, but never wisdom.

Basically, this is an issue of assumption. That is where the mind goes deaf because you think you know it all.

So not exactly a formula for greatness though. A good way to find to come up with some wonderful lies.

Which is fine. As long as you don't worry about things like truth. Personally, I don't mind.

It is just perfect if that sucks in terms of what the person thinks. Falls under the category of slap your head to avoid embarrassment.

But that is no problem. We really do savor these times with the right point of view. Normally when somebody gets totally stupid.

Now that is not all bad. I mean stupid yes, but not all bad. Kind of depends on if you decide to treat this as a learning experience.

This does require you to learn though. That just doesn't seem to happen much. A lot of promises and useless talk, but no changes.

I do try to you know embrace the joy of it all. That means, very simply, to never take such things to seriously.

This is the key to survival. And lord knows a very important one. Now all you have to do is convince the lunk heads that they don't have to be stuck in the but mode forever. I doubt they will take my word for it though.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Ruins of dreams and hopes left lying on the mind's floor. Ah very poetic if I do say so. Maybe not quite true all the time, but we wish it was.

I have the problem with this. I have to deal with other people's artifacts. Boring! Oh yeah it sucks.

I mean I don't really need to hear their life story do I? Okay I do have to give them a certain allowance for whining.

What can I say? You got to make allowances for such things. People who vote for you sort of expect that kind of attention.

I just never say that is fun. No, no, no, no, no. Which is why I work hard on doing what I can to divert them elsewhere.

Oh it does mean listening. But only long enough to make them thing I care. Which I almost do.

However, in the end the best part is moving them onto a different plateau of thinking. One where they can truly enjoy the fun of thinking in terms of letting someone else get bored by this.

Now if I work it right, I introduce them to another whiner. Oh yeah that really is a good option.

When you do that with the right results you create friends. They love it. And they might avoid bothering you again.

That is always a good choice. Just a chance to nearly make it feel like you did a good deed.

Which then gives you a chance to brag about it. And they get to share the artifacts they can keep for themselves.

Yep, that is a joy. I feel so blessed when I do that. Really does make things so much easier in the long run.

Unless their artifacts include safety deposit boxes with lots of money inside. Then I might listen more.

Right up to the point I clean out the safety deposit box. Now that the kind of artifact that gets my attention.

At least till I find a new artifact to make me day. There are plenty of them to be sure that count in more ways than one.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


A very important issue when talking about most things. We need those proofs about a given situation.

Not just a theory, but the details that make a issue real. You know so it will become more than an opinion.

Now the problem is making sure it is based on fact and not speculation. Just can't take a person's word for anything that is in any way life threatening.

One does have to depend on the information provide at least being truth before you panic. That is a rather essential aspect.

But not to everyone. Apparently this is not a major need in the minds of some. Otherwise gossip wouldn't be so effective.

However, you can depend on it definitely being obvious in my book. I want to see it actually be proved.

Now that is providing you are talking where you want my help. If you want to tell me the world is made of lard, fine.

I don't mind if that works for you. Only don't tell me that my butt is going to depend on it if you are not going to prove it.

That is where you can expect me to have a problem. Oh yeah a really big one too. I mean really, if you want me to get all excited then fine, prove to me I have a reason to trust you.

Oh well, that is my criteria. Not everyone else. I am grateful for that being part of the nice aspect.

See in terms of my telling others crap. That really is essential they don't ask for facts to back up my claims.

Really it is a rather important aspect. I love how this works. They tell me crap and I don't believe it.

But I sure expect them to believe. Oh well that is the way I love to make things work. And being a politician it really works in my favor.

All of which is part of the nice way that life works. I will tell you a story and that is enough.

As long as you take the time to behave and listen to my tale and buy it without question. That is the key for me. To keep things the way I need them.

Friday, March 21, 2008


Ah, I just love durable thoughts. You know, ideas that you hope will have a long life span.

Even become a source for making you appear as a genius. Which naturally leads to the hope of fame and fortune.

But sadly too many of our notions seem to only be good for the next day. Oh they sond so great at the time.

However in the light of a new day, when you are sober they lose that gold. Instead, they look down right stupid.

This is not the joy of life one seeks from any labor. Not the source of boasting. We want a throne, we get a toilet and that is rented.

Alas it is the sad comment about the difference between dreams and reality. Which really sucks to be sure.

So in order to counterbalance this addiction, we must move on. Which means stop lying to ourselves.

Now that is not fun. Because it is so much more full of promise than the truth. Really is not the type of thing that gives lasting pleasure.

But while attending delusion's party it sure is fun. Oh yeah, something we truly savor and get excited about.

Oh perhaps we know it is all crap, but with the right incense we figure we can make it all better.

And it almost work. Until all those imagined concepts were figure are truths turn out to go belly up.

Yep, it happens and I sure don't enjoy it when it does. Just part of the stupidity of life we keep repeating.

Sadly we can talk about it, we can say we understand, but in the end we still like to think that tomorrow will not be the same as today. Somewhere in all our joy we assume that a miracle will happen.

Man that is not quite the future I want to talk about. However I know I will because I'm just as lame in my thinking as the next clown.

Only more equipped to make it fun. And that is the best part. Because that take the sting out of the hangover.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


This is like maybe, but not quite as definitive from my point of view. You know maybe means a chance.

Perhaps is more like can't say for sure. Not exactly the most uplifting of options to be sure.

But that is okay. I don't mind when there is some question in terms of certainty. It sort of is fine under some situations.

Now for me this is a major deal as a politician. I love the times I can dangle this out for the voters.

Also for my employees and any gal I happen to meet in a bar. Oh yeah that is so much fun in the right situations.

And I do love when it is conditional. Like perhaps this will happen if this happens. And so on and so on.

However it does make for some very nice negotiations. If you pick your words correctly then you can lie and they will never know it.

One of those types of things where you come back later when they are all upset and say, well I said perhaps. I never said it was for sure.

That really gets the sneers. Yep. Nobody enjoys being made to feel like they are stupid. Which is how they feel for not paying attention.

However, I just love the tease. You take the person from a possible chance at heaven to something more devastating.

And that is so much fun. Still I do sort of regret when this happens at times. Mainly when it happens to me.

Just what is the downside for me on this. And you can be sure that I really do love when that happen other than to me.

Ah I did repeat myself. Well that is because it is so much fun. And I find it worth remembering.

But then life can be so much fun when you give it a chance. And this I will do at times. Some it works better than others.

So I shall tarry ever on that thought. Make it mind till it comes home for another joy that can be savor.
And you can quote me if you want.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Ah, well this can be soo exciting. Those moment of real possibility. Not enough to let you feel hopeful, just enough to lie about it.

So that is always a good option to no hope whatsoever. Which is never a source of joy. It is amazing how just having something to look forward to will make you smile and feel better.

Now it does help if this is a real option. Because if it is fake, well then it sort of takes the magic out of the moment.

Which is what is very important to avoid. And you might think we would all understand. But nope, just doesn't happen.

So instead we kind of fail in our efforts to achieve this at all. Just get trap in the corridors of no way.

That is the suck zone where you just can't feel good about anything. So you sit back and groan and complain.

It might feel good in a bad way, but you know it never helps improve things. Nope that is not the way to see things feel like tomorrow is good.

Let me tell you it is wonderful what dreams can do for that feeling. And they don't even have to come true.

Just be a maybe. As in someday. It is enough to keep people trying and let me tell you that is a very big plus.

And that really is the most important part you understand. You have to be able to take this to a point where grumps smile.

Now that really does make it all worth while. I love making people happy. And if I can accomplish it then I'm happy.

I just hate though when they get so disappointed to find out it was all a lie. Well, I meant for the best.

At least they had a few seconds of happiness. And I was very grateful for when they managed to be grateful.

Those extra funds they gave me were so thoughtful and helpful for the times when they found out there was no maybe. It gave me a chance to soak up enough brew so I didn't here their cries.

Got to start the maybes somewhere at times.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


This is not a good word. It is one that can drive you nuts. Like having someone point a gun at your head. Yuck!

So naturally I prefer to not here it. For it always implies that sooner or later disaster will take place.

And who needs that? Not me. But then you know I do my best to avoid any places this word my end up being used.

Yet always lingers as a pain in the butt. Something waiting to happen. A disaster put on hold till it can causes the worst problems.

And the biggest pain is knowing yet is a death sentence. Those times when you can't escape the fact that you are going to be wiped out.

Fortunately most times of yet at not that bad. They are more like waiting to go to the dentist.

You know it will be painful and costly, but you will survive. So for that you spend the time being grateful it isn't worse.

Still yet is never a good possibility. Yep that is not a good option. There are no time sof yet, which you can smile about.

Wish there were. I would love to have a few cases of yet that were for good reasons. Just the type you sit back and dream about.

However that is fantasy and not reality. So instead I just sit and imagine. Do my best to not let the yets become nightmares.

Sort of helps when you can make that happen. The best way is to be sure somebody else gets stuck with the yucky yets.

I know that sounds silly perhaps. but it really is a big deal. You just make sure you have a scapegoat.

Ah, those are so nice to find. And let me know that is treasure to find. Such a rare quality.

But then you never know when it will be the kind of luck that makes you smile. Yeah, that is a blessing too.

Oh well till that happens, I can savor the moments I do let the yets become a headache. That really adds to the grief.

And who needs that.

Monday, March 17, 2008


This is the journey of presumption. You think things are perfect and better than the past comes back to rot your dreams.

Which is not quite the type of joy I like to consider. But then one can't always get one's choice in such situations.

So we do the best we can. Well that is the simple way of saying we wimp out. You know just give up.

Then right in the middle of when we think it is all a good thing and life is cool, then the past kicks us in the behind. And that really sucks.

I mean I want the past to stay the past when it comes to crap. Good things should be forever, but bad things forget it.

However, that doesn't quite make it in terms of when you face the same kind of problem with confidence and end up getting kicked in the butt. I hate those moments.

But then I do work so hard and doing what I can to forget. You know, do what I can to pretend the past never happen.

I work so hard to make that a reality. I just wish so many others didn't mess it up by remembering.

They are the biggest problem. Just always cause the biggest concerns. Like I need that help.

Which of course is never help. It sucks, but try getting them to appreciate it. This is never easy to be sure.

I do enjoy when I can find some creative way to not deal with such people. Which is always easier when I just hide.

And the trick is to do this without being caught. Lots of creativity needed for that one. But I do manage at times.

The best way is through diversion. I just keep the person to busy to talk to me. Yeah, send them elsewhere.

And if all goes well, which is seldom, I can achieve this without a headache. That would be worth avoiding.

But then we do learn from such adventures. And hopefully you know without the need for any questions later. Amnesia is such a joy when you fake it and I do that a lot at times when being asked to many questions.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Ah, the prove we are owners. Not the bad feeling. Just the little element that says, I'm so proud.

Only problem is when that bill of sale does not happen to be true. We get one to possess, but what we bought doesn't exist.

Now I imagine a few would say that doesn't happen. But in reality it happens way to often in many ways.

And most often the bill of goods is only in our heads. Yep that is why it is a problem. Nobody tests its reality.

Instead we merely never accept that our trust is not based on a fantasy. Now that is the biggest problem.

See we don't have to really make this based upon a tangible issue. It can be based on something totally in our minds.

Which is what happens in most cases. We just imagine that the goods being offer by some lips is real.

Then naturally we find out the whole things was not true. Because we just presumed somebody told the truth.

And I am a master at this type of seduction. It is so wonderful to endure. We just love every second of raising people's hopes for no reason.

This suck in term if you are a consumer. But hey what can I say? It is life. And as a politician I do savor this joy.

I love to offer trust for a promise. Say anything to get the person's money, then whammo, you got the cash and they get the shaft.

Now that is real good business. Well it is to me. Perhaps not to somebody else. But to me.

And all we need is a chance to bring this whole thing under a certain level of scrutiny. One where the world embraces bills of sale as intended. Being one big lie.

Now I think when we do this we are so well off. Real trade can take place. Honestly can be forgotten.

And ethics too. Yep we savor this so much. I do at least. When we have the time to make it so perfect.
Or close enough.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Ah, the joy of the times when you feel you are free. Would they were always those that lasted.

But alas somebody bothers to make sure it doesn't happen. Those are the others who intentionally try and take away your freedom.

I call them time thieves. These are the worst kinds of creatures. They are the types who live you make sure they steal what is most precious.

Now the clever part is how this is not a crime. It is a stealing that truly is legal because you can't complain to the cops.

One can steal your money and they may go to jail. Steal any possession you own and it can lead to the cell hotel.

But time, try and call the cops on that one. Yep, that is not something you have the least chance of ending.

And because of that you have to watch out for those kinds of thieves constantly. Which really is so darn frustrating at times.

Because such people are often very sneaky. They can lie so much. Yep, they know how to convince you there are cool when they are not.

But that is why you have to be extra careful that you don't let them get away with it if you can avoid it. That translates into being careful.

Let me tell you that is not easy either. For these kinds of thieves are often very close in terms of family or friends. And in my case that includes my employees. As well as voters.

They all conspired in some way to shrink my options in terms of being free. And let me tell you I work so hard to make that time available too.

I guess I wouldn't mind if this was really necessary. But it isn't. I do appreciate that people have needs.

I also appreciate I have to help them with the needs. However, does it have to be every second?

Well the big problem is that they do happen to you know weave in this deal on the need they have should be addressed right now. I can appreciate this aspect.

Still, what can I say? Please take the time to at least make an appointment. And that is fair. Only I will not you know say when you will get that appointment. It will be in your life time though.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Well, I'm sure this might appear to be a contradiction. Yeah, this is such an important issue to deal with on so many critical levels.

And I have done this from the perspective that it must be something you actually accept. Essentially that there are times when one truly does need to deal with stress as having a good quality.

Not that we can always do that. In fact I imagine most people would treat this whole idea as stupid.

Which probably the reason they would end up hating themselves for all the stress they can handle. And that makes them so miserable.

Yep, it is really a big problem. And you can be sure that I truly do find it as necessary to find an outlet to vent in a positive way.

I'm not talking about this being the usual thing like getting drunk to forget. Some would treat it that way, but not me.

No, that is not my idea of a good solution. It is a means to surviving in some ways, but not a perfect way.

So I look for other more constructive options. Which can include some terrific options. And that includes anything, which will be a plus in the long run.

Now for me this includes things such as opportunities to get rid of the stress and find a good benefit in the process. This is not always easy.

For me the best option is to be sure I do this in a way that truly blesses. Well in terms of my own life.

Now that isn't truly very had to accomplish in some ways. And you can be sure I find healthy options whenever I can.

Some times this comes down to a simple matter of what gives joy. Not all that hard to find though.

It is just a matter of being sure that I take the time to find the right options. For me this includes ways to inflict harm on others without getting hurt yourself.

This really is so important. You need to be able to smile afterwards. And not in any ay become a boomerang that comes back to stab you in the back.

Which can be so important when you are planning good ways to beat the stress. We all need that. And I have my list ready for the perfect option on sale for the right price.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Oh yeah, the joy of being sure. Of being the prophet who sees things nobody else sees and rejoices over the treasure you know are real.

Now if it worked that way for real, cool. But I know too many prophets who went to the school of stupid.

And they stayed there. No matter how much they honestly talked about success and knowing the future, they were idiots.

I say that because mainly they never bother to you know see reality as reality. Meaning even when they failed they thought they were great.

It is one thing to forecast the future, but darn it all if you are dumb and stupid about it then shut up. Yeah give us a break.

I mean it is alright if you are just human and can't be other than like the rest of us I won't hate you for it. Nor will others.

But if you are going to be stupid and keep predicted even after you fail, forget. Take a vacation and don't come back.

I'm sorry, but I really don't need to have more prophets around. I have too many now who work for me.

Now basically we are talking about people who fall into one of two categories. They are either people who are stupid and only see the world as ending or those who are morons and never see anything bad coming.

Like this is a good option for me? Am I suppose to be thrilled with such information? I don't think so.

Nope, I have preferred to just ignore them. If this worked then I would totally be thrilled. Jus toddle off and find somebody else to thrill.

Yeah, you can do it. I sure won't bother you over it. Not me. I would prefer to keep that as an option.

Providing you will do that and never bother me again with it. But noo, that never happens.

Once they move on they have to come back and tell you more. Like I really give a crap to have them to that.

Just seem to be a curse I have to endure. Really is not a joy. And you can be sure I don't enjoy it. Other than when I can talk about the person behind their backs.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008



A very important concept for a person like me. I like to borrow. Loans are great. They truly do make life a little sweeter.

Alas, I like tossing in that part, I don't quite end up with blessings when I want out of this. Wish it was that easy.

But the problem is when it comes to money people don't forget. Now that is a real shame.

I really think things in life would be much easier without any price tags. Surprised I would say that? Well it is how I feel.

Only with the natural Limburger slant. Which is what I feel we should simplify the process.

Yes, I think the best way to improve this situation is to give in to it completely. You read that right. Honestly is the other option really working?

Ah, I got you thinking about that one now don't I? Well it is true. Yeah, come on let's be fair about this, what we are doing ain't working.

So why not try something different. Just you know forget the laws, forget morality and let's allow greed to get a break for a change.

In fact maybe we could make it illegal to be unselfish. Yeah let's punish people for giving.

That would really shake a few people up I bet. You know it has all kinds of potential. Churches turned into casinos, ah, now that makes me drool.

Anyway there are so many ways this could be so exciting. Make me smile just to think of the fun.

Well fun in my view. But then I always feel you need a creative solution to old problems.

All we need is to get enough support for the idea. And I'm sure with the right kind of effort it will work.

Just a question of how much effort we what to apply to make this thing work. Now really aren't we all tired of the problems we have now?

So we know things are messed up so what can it hurt? Now you just let me handle the whole deal. I will have it up and running in no time. Course I will expect lots of cooperation. A blank check would be a good start.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I have to confess I do enjoy this. Dealing with people who demand details. They require every item be spelled out.

Like they are experts on it. Which is a joke naturally, because most of the time they have no idea what it means.

So they love to make it look like they are smart, but in the process look like idiots. Which makes for a good laugh.

Until you come to the point that they start expecting results. That is the bad part. For it in no way results in a good option.

But I do try to humor them. Which amounts to telling them what they want to hear. Things like how I appreciate their insight.

Of course I would appreciate it if they really had any. But they never do. Just expect you to think they do.

Ah, life is such a joy in that regard. Spending time with morons who think they are geniuses.

I personally don't mind that much. After all they are such a thrill to deal with when they are ready to save the world.

It never quite works out that way. More like they just spend their time telling you their wisdom, which really sucks.

All you have to do is smile. Yep, smiling makes it all seem okay. To them at least. Hardly in real life.

But I am working on ways to get a better control on that part. Which is not easy. For idiots are hard to help improve their stupidity.

Unless you get to run over them with a truck. Then you can really feel better about it. They will just be a wet spot.

You can forget them later. As in the next second. Always so easy to accomplish with the right effort.

Ah, life is such a blessing in that regard. One more time and then it is all a joy. A perfect composure of stupidity in art.

I like that phrase. Really does zing to me. Maybe I will have to figure a way to add it into some speech.

Yep, I can dream.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Now this ought to be simple to understand. Shouldn't be complicated at all. A little rule of life that is easy to follow.

All you have to do is accept that you must follow a certain path of conformity and never veer from it. Unless you have a good excuse.

Which always happens for me. I truly do savor the times of change. Well the ones where I get out of a problem. Now that is a pleasure to be sure.

And you can be sure I truly do find such moments most memorable. Not that it matters that much.

Just a nice thing to image as happening. Which really counts in my book. Yep, that really counts with me.

But then it is so hard to be able to make this actually happen when I want it to happen. Mainly because there are so many jerks in the world.

Yep that is one of the main problems. You just can't get enough people to appreciate this issue.

So that means a person needs to be careful to lie about the priority. Really that is what counts.

You just have to be able to make people think quitting is a good thing and not the coward's choice. Well sounds good that way.

But then it can be hard to always appreciate for its real merits. You have to focus on making it appear very sincere.

Then no problems. Just have a chance to move on and that will be without the other person hanging on.

Oh you might have to you know offer them up as a sacrifice to the cause. It is an understandable option.

I didn't say the other person will necessarily accept it. Just that it does work out that way. And it is a fact of life you do have to lie about from time to time.

I know I mentioned that part before. But that s because it is important to not forget. Which is not that hard to remember.

Just takes enough times of having people end up being violated and then they get used to the idea. And you get used to not feeling guilty about it. That is the best part. In fact it is so much fun I will go and find somebody deserving of it now.

Sunday, March 09, 2008


Aw, that is such a fun thing. Honestly, I do so love the idea of having secrets. Now let's be fair about this, we all have secrets.

And you can be sure I plan on keeping mine that way. Yep, that is important. You have to always have to have a shot at not looking stupid.

Now that is really the critical part to me. And why anyone can't understand that I have no idea.

Personally, I think it is the system's fault. We have you know, this climate where we want perfect leaders.

Why, I have no idea. But they better appear that way. And naturally they are not actually perfect.

But that is okay, they like to be regarded as perfect or face never getting elected. So the effort has to be made to you know pretend.

And I am right there with them. I defend the right to keep secrets. I just don't do it publicly.

I'm definitely not going to do that. Nope that is not the option I would choose. It causes too many problems.

But neither do I regard myself to be in a position where I make the effort to creation the illusion of being perfect. I said it is an illusion.

I just don't tell the public that. I sure wouldn't care to volunteer the fact to them. Nope, that is not a wise choice.

Which is why I don't bother to make the effort to have full disclosure. That myth of honesty where you pretend you have nothing to hide.

Oh it is impressive. People like the idea of honesty. Just as long as they never find out it is all a con.

But that is okay. You just have to be careful. You know never actually make it a big deal.

Just quietly go about lying and keeping plenty of secrets. Which always is makes me happy when I can find somebody else's secrets and expose them.

Yeah, this is nothing that gives more joy than the chance to reveal when somebody else is hiding some nice juicy scandal. And to do that without being caught yourself is truly heaven.

Saturday, March 08, 2008


Not exactly my favorite concept. Well not when it applies to me. Now I should qualify that when I say celibate I'm not just talking about you know the obvious.

I'm speaking of a more generic type. You know where you are separated from something that is your lover of whatever is your passion.

Yeah now that kind of celibacy is really hard on the nerves and lifestyle. You can be sure of that.

And I'm all for it when it applies to another person. Yes, I will never complain if they have to without.

I just love when that makes them come to me for help. Because my premise on this is that celibacy is not a natural behavior.

Well I do agree that you know with the folks who are spiritual and into denial of some kind for spiritual reasons it is cool. Not having them as competition works for me.

However, that is not the norm unfortunately. Wish it was. Well for others that is. Not for me.

Honestly it just doesn't make me very inclined to seek their help. Of that you can be certain.

But then I think the most fun part is helping others when they do think this is a good thing. Yep, love doing it.

If they need to be denied something, always glad to help. If they want to pay for the privilege even better.

But then the other side is when they are denied and don't want to be. Then I have them. For the right kind of fix they will be my slaves forever.

What is extra fun is being able to up the ante when they get hooked. The moment they come and beg for more, I got them.

Yep, you can hear all their vows of restraint and all, but it always comes down to being a joke. For the moment you hand them the right kind of candy they are like totally turned to clay.

And I will mold them so much each chance I can. Really makes me smile to offer up some strumpet supplement to appease their lusts.

Which is the big part that I love. Never can have enough virgins of celibacy become your willing trolls.

Friday, March 07, 2008


Well now for me this has two parts. One that involves help. Not you know, people that are lazy jerks and a waste of time.

And also that it is wanted. Which is a very important detail to include. Unwanted help is a pain in the butt.

That is one thing a person does not need help with. For we hardly need the benefit of a really assistance, not that, which makes things worse.

This does not truly benefit anyone. But you can be sure you can find plenty of this kind of assistance around and it will not be cheap.

That only makes it even a bigger concern. Really there just too much of that kind of service available.

And normally it is by people you just would prefer didn't even try to help. Because they suck.

Only they don't think they do. They think they help. But it never really does much to benefit.

Kind of like a life guard in the wheel chair. Or maybe a blind bus driver. I could list so many possibilities.

None is enough to change the fact it al sucks. Yep, that is such a big problem. You just have to cope the best you can.

Now for me the best way is to take and pass on this wonderful help to somebody else. Spread the joy.

Yep, that is when it really counts. And I do love to do that whenever I can. Maybe I don't get to do it quite as often as I would like, but I try.

It is more a matter of you know, finding the right opportunity to reach out and bless another soul with the joy. I didn't say they would think of it as a blessing.

The tricky part is convincing them to give it a try. Which is not always easy. For there are times when it just doesn't work.

So the best solution is another lie. Just one more story that will make the person think it is a good thing.

Sort of like you know selling a used car. One that is ready to break down any second. However, you can't tell the other person it. Just let them find out the hard way. Which becomes a blessing when they learn from it.

Thursday, March 06, 2008


Ah, the purest joy in life. Such a great and satisfying experience. One that zings with joy Yep, it is so memorable.

Now all I have to do is find a way to make sure I can keep them from going out. Really that is the key.

See while most people want to believe that it is better to you know have this approach that restraint is necessary, I don't. Nope that to me is the whole problem.

And you can be sure that it doesn't work for me when it is otherwise. For I like the embers and the more they are that way, the better for me.

Why? Well, why not? I mean this is my main point here. There are too many who simply are in the mind set that this is best when you bother to give in to your desires.

Yep, I truly do find that a good choice. Just have to keep it focused. Which means I will do my best to pursuit what brings smiles.

Now comes on folks let's be honest about this. If more people were truly hones this subject wouldn't the world be a saner place?

Personally, I think it would be. Then we could stop being so darn silly. Just be honest and have some fun.

Now the thing is contrary to opinion, I don't think this would lead to disaster. See the disaster comes from suppression of feelings.

My view naturally. But that is the position I have. See basically it is the rebellious nature that we are suckers for.

Tell somebody not to do something and they will have to do it. Makes sense? I think so. And I think it is very practical.

Which if we followed that advice after a while then nobody would even care any longer. Then sanity would prevail again.

We could finally get passed all the sexual frustration and sit around having a good time. Sounds great to me.

Now all I have to do is convince the people who are saying this won't work to give them a try. Hmmm, maybe a nice free coupon for an escort service would work.

Ah, well they would probably complain about that too. But let it not be said I didn't try. And that should count for something. Just not sure what at the moment. Just trying to figure it out.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008



Ah the joy of waiting. It just makes one so happy. to know what you want is on hold for another day.

Normally this starts the night before. Some date on the calendar is reach when you expect perfection. A dream to take place.

All night is spent, hoping and waiting. Then in the morning, nothing. You end up with zero.

This starts the clock all over again. And that is never fun. Oh it is aggravating, but never something you can prevent.

So you just groan and plot for revenge. Which gets really difficult to accomplish in the process.

But it sounds good. Just thinking about it makes a big difference. I just feel so much happier when I do.

And the nice thing is that if I work it right, it becomes such great inspiration. Oh yeah I do so savor the opportunity.

Just have to you know try and regroup. Then remark the calendar for the next time. And hope it makes a difference.

Which it may or may not. For that will depend upon how much more successful I feel I can be next time.

It can be so much fun. Providing it actually works. And let me tell you that is not easy at times.

It might be nice I guess if I could guarantee this. However as a formula it is at best a theory.

Not that I care really to contemplate it that much. Just you know, would be so much more fun if it happen the right way.

As in the first time I tried! Now that would make it all even better. However, that does not quite work out that way.

Still, I can still dream. And you can be darn sure I do a lot of that. Because when nothing happens it really is such a great option.

Only thing that doesn't add up is how you succeed in making it all sound great when you know you are lying to yourself.
But with practice it can be done.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Now we are talking big time bargains here. Very important times to be sure. And wherever you can find them they are so wonderful.

Providing you consider a bargain the priority here. Which for me it is the issue. Some would disagree naturally.

They would consider other things a more important. Such as the item that is a bargain. I mean they would give priority to that aspect.

But then you know how it is. Some people just aren't all that happy to save money. They want it to make sense too.

Which is never will to me if you just concentrate on quality and not quantity. I mean the more is definitely critical here.

But there are those strange people out there that wouldn't agree. They just seem to feel practical is important.

And that translates into useful. A nice sentiment. Maybe not realistic, but useful in it is own way.

As for me, well I don't know, there is just something to be said about crap. You know hording for the sake of hording.

Which works for me on so many levels. You know piles of junk make you feel rich. It might be crap that is useless, but it still looks great.

And that is the part I enjoy. Yeah, I love having that illusion of being rich. And as long as I don't let it get crazy, I do fine.

Now crazy is when I actually start thinking all that accumulated stuff is really worth something. That is when I know I have a problem.

And the way I avoid that is by stuffing everything into closet. That way I can have the illusion of something filled, but not the expense.

Still I do wish it was really worth something at times. Only that is more of a wish than reality.

Which is why I do keep my collections and never get rid of them. Got to have the joy of my illusions.

You can talk all you want about what separates man from other creatures, but to me it will always be the precious gift of being able to lie. We can hide from truth and never admit we did.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Meds for Bed

Meds for bed

Now I'm sure you know this is not about prescription drugs for bedridden souls. Nope it sure wouldn't be my intention to write on that.

Might make for a great subject, but not for me. That will just never do. I would rather take this in a difference directions.

Instead I think I would rather regard this as the option of ways to inspired better bed time. Well in the way of not being alone.

Which then becomes more of a verbal medication. You know all the lies that need to be said in order to persuade somebody to do what you want when alone.

Well it goes beyond the predictable. We are talking about you know whoever you are trying to seduce.

For me that includes the voters. Oh yeah, there are plenty of them that I have to seduce. Just has to be done.

You know you just have to keep up that facade of I love you long after you get elected. Really is annoying, but I tolerate it.

However, when I get done they always feel so happy. Never have a clue I'm just massaging their egos.

The nice thing with this is that there are no kids to worry about. No birth control required.

But then you know, I do savor the times it feels like I have gotten my way with someone. Even if no kids come from the process.

Alas, this is not the most fun experience if they discover my tricks. Then it takes all the fun out of the situation.

But thank goodness this is not the norm. And it isn't anybody else's name either. Just so much of need right there to produce a chuckle.

Hope it worked. Generally doesn't in some cases. Readers can be so cruel in their reactions.

But the good thing is that I just move ahead and not worry about such moments. Then I can pass on the joy of the next level.

Which is how I prefer to view it. And it really does keep me smiling when it works out right.
A nice term for starting over when you blow it. Oh yeah, I love those times to be sure.

Sunday, March 02, 2008



Now this is truly a very important part of life. Concrete has such a terrific value in life and the world.

It is solid and full of meaning. It can be used to form so many permanent shapes. And that is a good thing.

But then you know it is a problem at times. For the difficulty does arise that one can face difficulties with regret.

This is the main sadness. When you take the time to you know get everything fixed in a given situation and it was wrong.

Then it is so impossible to undo. Really nearly beyond any chance for it to happen. And let me tell you that is not a good thing.

I try to be optimistic. After all you can like use dynamite on the stuff later. But that lets everyone know you made a mistake.

And there is nothing worse than have people know you were stupid. This is never a good thing for a politician.

Which is definitely not an improvement. Plus you can't just you just take time to like be sure you do this right afterwards.

This is when all the speeches really suck. Because you just end up feeling really like a jerk.

So it is careful to be sure you don't mess up with the results are made in to something that permanent.

This is where I savor the time of you know having option of plaster of Paris. That thing that gives you the illusion of being permanent.

But it is a lot easier to eliminate later. Only using it doesn't give you the same illusion of your know confidence.

And people will notice too. So that has to be factor in. I do have a fake cement truck to help out too.

But then I have trouble lying well enough to always get away with that one. Still with practice I have gotten better.

In any case you know I will keep trying. Saving the real cement for things like when you know I get to figure a way to get rid of an opponent. But then I can't talk about that part very much.

Saturday, March 01, 2008


Now you would think that five feet would not matter that much. You know it isn't a lot of distance or height.

But it is amazing how a little thing like that can add up. And really with the right amount of time and thought even five feet can turn into a huge about for something people can argue over.

It might seem kind of silly to some, but not to me. Honestly, it is one of those things that can start out simple and get so complicated.

And believe me I did not in the least expect it either. Just not one of those things that makes you smile.

Well it does me at least. Maybe not for everyone though. I can appreciate how some would be able to avoid such things.

Where this subject came up in my think was over a little incident that took place. One of those things that you know you end up smiling about to keep from being pissed off.

I have sort of come to appreciate them as part of life where I live in the city of Mediocrity. Wish it wasn't true.

Essentially, this is a matter of endurance. You see dull is really a constant state of being in my city.

One you can't hide from or escape. It is sort of an infection. One for which the only known cure is to totally leave town.

Presuming you don't carry the disease with you. Then you will just end up infecting other cities.

And in some places they have people who actually care. That honestly will try to be involved and do something outstanding.

Well that just won't be something a person who lives in my city can handle. They have worked too darn hard on being bland.

Then they mosey out there and do their thing in the real world. That is when it gets nasty.

But I am merciful and always let them come back. Maybe I do expect them to pay a price, but the do come back.

Now what does any of this to do with five feet and more? That is the distance I measure for their request. If it gets tossed farther than that then I might bother looking at it.