Wednesday, March 05, 2008



Ah the joy of waiting. It just makes one so happy. to know what you want is on hold for another day.

Normally this starts the night before. Some date on the calendar is reach when you expect perfection. A dream to take place.

All night is spent, hoping and waiting. Then in the morning, nothing. You end up with zero.

This starts the clock all over again. And that is never fun. Oh it is aggravating, but never something you can prevent.

So you just groan and plot for revenge. Which gets really difficult to accomplish in the process.

But it sounds good. Just thinking about it makes a big difference. I just feel so much happier when I do.

And the nice thing is that if I work it right, it becomes such great inspiration. Oh yeah I do so savor the opportunity.

Just have to you know try and regroup. Then remark the calendar for the next time. And hope it makes a difference.

Which it may or may not. For that will depend upon how much more successful I feel I can be next time.

It can be so much fun. Providing it actually works. And let me tell you that is not easy at times.

It might be nice I guess if I could guarantee this. However as a formula it is at best a theory.

Not that I care really to contemplate it that much. Just you know, would be so much more fun if it happen the right way.

As in the first time I tried! Now that would make it all even better. However, that does not quite work out that way.

Still, I can still dream. And you can be darn sure I do a lot of that. Because when nothing happens it really is such a great option.

Only thing that doesn't add up is how you succeed in making it all sound great when you know you are lying to yourself.
But with practice it can be done.


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