Friday, March 21, 2008


Ah, I just love durable thoughts. You know, ideas that you hope will have a long life span.

Even become a source for making you appear as a genius. Which naturally leads to the hope of fame and fortune.

But sadly too many of our notions seem to only be good for the next day. Oh they sond so great at the time.

However in the light of a new day, when you are sober they lose that gold. Instead, they look down right stupid.

This is not the joy of life one seeks from any labor. Not the source of boasting. We want a throne, we get a toilet and that is rented.

Alas it is the sad comment about the difference between dreams and reality. Which really sucks to be sure.

So in order to counterbalance this addiction, we must move on. Which means stop lying to ourselves.

Now that is not fun. Because it is so much more full of promise than the truth. Really is not the type of thing that gives lasting pleasure.

But while attending delusion's party it sure is fun. Oh yeah, something we truly savor and get excited about.

Oh perhaps we know it is all crap, but with the right incense we figure we can make it all better.

And it almost work. Until all those imagined concepts were figure are truths turn out to go belly up.

Yep, it happens and I sure don't enjoy it when it does. Just part of the stupidity of life we keep repeating.

Sadly we can talk about it, we can say we understand, but in the end we still like to think that tomorrow will not be the same as today. Somewhere in all our joy we assume that a miracle will happen.

Man that is not quite the future I want to talk about. However I know I will because I'm just as lame in my thinking as the next clown.

Only more equipped to make it fun. And that is the best part. Because that take the sting out of the hangover.


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