Sunday, March 02, 2008



Now this is truly a very important part of life. Concrete has such a terrific value in life and the world.

It is solid and full of meaning. It can be used to form so many permanent shapes. And that is a good thing.

But then you know it is a problem at times. For the difficulty does arise that one can face difficulties with regret.

This is the main sadness. When you take the time to you know get everything fixed in a given situation and it was wrong.

Then it is so impossible to undo. Really nearly beyond any chance for it to happen. And let me tell you that is not a good thing.

I try to be optimistic. After all you can like use dynamite on the stuff later. But that lets everyone know you made a mistake.

And there is nothing worse than have people know you were stupid. This is never a good thing for a politician.

Which is definitely not an improvement. Plus you can't just you just take time to like be sure you do this right afterwards.

This is when all the speeches really suck. Because you just end up feeling really like a jerk.

So it is careful to be sure you don't mess up with the results are made in to something that permanent.

This is where I savor the time of you know having option of plaster of Paris. That thing that gives you the illusion of being permanent.

But it is a lot easier to eliminate later. Only using it doesn't give you the same illusion of your know confidence.

And people will notice too. So that has to be factor in. I do have a fake cement truck to help out too.

But then I have trouble lying well enough to always get away with that one. Still with practice I have gotten better.

In any case you know I will keep trying. Saving the real cement for things like when you know I get to figure a way to get rid of an opponent. But then I can't talk about that part very much.


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