Saturday, March 08, 2008


Not exactly my favorite concept. Well not when it applies to me. Now I should qualify that when I say celibate I'm not just talking about you know the obvious.

I'm speaking of a more generic type. You know where you are separated from something that is your lover of whatever is your passion.

Yeah now that kind of celibacy is really hard on the nerves and lifestyle. You can be sure of that.

And I'm all for it when it applies to another person. Yes, I will never complain if they have to without.

I just love when that makes them come to me for help. Because my premise on this is that celibacy is not a natural behavior.

Well I do agree that you know with the folks who are spiritual and into denial of some kind for spiritual reasons it is cool. Not having them as competition works for me.

However, that is not the norm unfortunately. Wish it was. Well for others that is. Not for me.

Honestly it just doesn't make me very inclined to seek their help. Of that you can be certain.

But then I think the most fun part is helping others when they do think this is a good thing. Yep, love doing it.

If they need to be denied something, always glad to help. If they want to pay for the privilege even better.

But then the other side is when they are denied and don't want to be. Then I have them. For the right kind of fix they will be my slaves forever.

What is extra fun is being able to up the ante when they get hooked. The moment they come and beg for more, I got them.

Yep, you can hear all their vows of restraint and all, but it always comes down to being a joke. For the moment you hand them the right kind of candy they are like totally turned to clay.

And I will mold them so much each chance I can. Really makes me smile to offer up some strumpet supplement to appease their lusts.

Which is the big part that I love. Never can have enough virgins of celibacy become your willing trolls.


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