Thursday, March 27, 2008


My own endearing name for the council meetings in my city. On a fun scale it sort of falls between watching an old movie and getting an oil change on the car.

Not totally boring, but not able to give lots of joy either. Now for me the real joy is in watching these elected officials pretend they know what they are doing.

It is a real entertaining to see this event borderline on the surreal. And the best part if you want to call it that is when you get the speeches.

Now you can not have politician gather without speeches. And we get more than our share.

Pity it isn't for sane things. I'm sorry, but I do not need to hear someone ramble for hours on something like stop signs.

I might if they actually said something worth hearing. But the only reason I cope with it is because it is better than any of their questions.

Normally that never really ends up being other than a test for stupidity. Only they always fail.

Well you be the judge. I mean I ask you should I be impressed when they aren't even sure what state we live in or how to spell it?

Honestly happen. We had a rather dull debate on the subject. It was not helpful to have them vote to consider succeeding from the union when they were sure.

Really scary for a moment until I explained what that meant. Then they were able to like sit back and appreciate this was not a genius idea.

I'm grateful that I have the joy of making sure they can't make those decisions than myself. I am also happy that our secretary keeps the minutes from the meeting.

We use to have a tape machine, but it broke. Took be a couple of times of dropping it before it broke, but I did it.

So our secretary takes notes. And let me tell you that is not a bad thing. Given the fact that she does have a tendency to nap in the middle of the meeting.

They leave the editing to me. And so far I am still working on that option. Oh yeah, i got the notes in my drawer. Next week I might even look at three years ago.

Not sure it will matter, but I can say I edited them. Really is enough. Well for the carnival of smiles that I lead.

Yep, such joys I have to sing.


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