Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Now we are talking big time bargains here. Very important times to be sure. And wherever you can find them they are so wonderful.

Providing you consider a bargain the priority here. Which for me it is the issue. Some would disagree naturally.

They would consider other things a more important. Such as the item that is a bargain. I mean they would give priority to that aspect.

But then you know how it is. Some people just aren't all that happy to save money. They want it to make sense too.

Which is never will to me if you just concentrate on quality and not quantity. I mean the more is definitely critical here.

But there are those strange people out there that wouldn't agree. They just seem to feel practical is important.

And that translates into useful. A nice sentiment. Maybe not realistic, but useful in it is own way.

As for me, well I don't know, there is just something to be said about crap. You know hording for the sake of hording.

Which works for me on so many levels. You know piles of junk make you feel rich. It might be crap that is useless, but it still looks great.

And that is the part I enjoy. Yeah, I love having that illusion of being rich. And as long as I don't let it get crazy, I do fine.

Now crazy is when I actually start thinking all that accumulated stuff is really worth something. That is when I know I have a problem.

And the way I avoid that is by stuffing everything into closet. That way I can have the illusion of something filled, but not the expense.

Still I do wish it was really worth something at times. Only that is more of a wish than reality.

Which is why I do keep my collections and never get rid of them. Got to have the joy of my illusions.

You can talk all you want about what separates man from other creatures, but to me it will always be the precious gift of being able to lie. We can hide from truth and never admit we did.


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