Thursday, March 06, 2008


Ah, the purest joy in life. Such a great and satisfying experience. One that zings with joy Yep, it is so memorable.

Now all I have to do is find a way to make sure I can keep them from going out. Really that is the key.

See while most people want to believe that it is better to you know have this approach that restraint is necessary, I don't. Nope that to me is the whole problem.

And you can be sure that it doesn't work for me when it is otherwise. For I like the embers and the more they are that way, the better for me.

Why? Well, why not? I mean this is my main point here. There are too many who simply are in the mind set that this is best when you bother to give in to your desires.

Yep, I truly do find that a good choice. Just have to keep it focused. Which means I will do my best to pursuit what brings smiles.

Now comes on folks let's be honest about this. If more people were truly hones this subject wouldn't the world be a saner place?

Personally, I think it would be. Then we could stop being so darn silly. Just be honest and have some fun.

Now the thing is contrary to opinion, I don't think this would lead to disaster. See the disaster comes from suppression of feelings.

My view naturally. But that is the position I have. See basically it is the rebellious nature that we are suckers for.

Tell somebody not to do something and they will have to do it. Makes sense? I think so. And I think it is very practical.

Which if we followed that advice after a while then nobody would even care any longer. Then sanity would prevail again.

We could finally get passed all the sexual frustration and sit around having a good time. Sounds great to me.

Now all I have to do is convince the people who are saying this won't work to give them a try. Hmmm, maybe a nice free coupon for an escort service would work.

Ah, well they would probably complain about that too. But let it not be said I didn't try. And that should count for something. Just not sure what at the moment. Just trying to figure it out.


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