Monday, March 31, 2008


Ah, a wonderful myth. I say it is a myth because most things are not that delicate. Well not from my idea of fragile.

But the main thing is that one has to allow for the balance. To be sure you actually take time to really appreciate life and what is durable.

However, a lot of such understanding never happens. You just get more inclined as time allows to focus with wisdom.

This translates into not being as stupid. Which is a very important element. Because without wisdom you have nothing.

A lot of broke is what you get. Broken dreams, broken hopes, all the stuff you really crave.

Which is why you have to know what will break easy and what won't. Fail to understand that will end with disaster.

I ought to know. I've had lots of things that broke on me. Fortunately I am able to you know glue them back together.

Well most of the time. Maybe not all the time. But some. Enough to keep trying and that sure helps.

I really do find this very critical to assess. Be darn sure you don't get caught up accepting some crap that will never survive.

Just a helpful hint from you old Uncle Rash. Have the smarts to test things out and find the stuff that is going to last.

Same with people too. Some will be far more able to hang in there than others. Really is a big deal to know.

With people it can be tough though. They can lie. Somebody will always start out seeming to be a tiger and then suck.

And if you don't watch out they will end up fracturing you in the process. I've seen it happen.

Best way to avoid it is to be sure you are not fractured yourself. Know the cracks in your own life.

Then you can keep from letting them sneak into your own delicate areas. At least in theory.
That depends on how much you can keep them covered up.


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