Sunday, November 30, 2008


I’ve heard some that say there is no such thing as an accident. Their concept is that what happens is always is on purpose.

The basis of this is in part because they feel that we are always either consciously or unconsciously control our behavior. And therefore even when we make a mistake it is on purpose.

It is the presume that man is basically in control. So when things fail it is because we wanted them that way.

A wonderful concept to be sure. And even better if it was true. But that isn’t the case. I so wish otherwise.

The one thing I do appreciate after watching human nature for years is that we all are too prone to screw up. And trust me I have worked very hard at times to make sure I didn’t make a mistake, but did anyway.

I tell you being a con man is such hard work. Lying is easy, but making it seem truth is down right challenging.

It can be so difficult to deal with this reality. To be able to take time to keep it all straight and not get upset.

Now for me that is about the issue of not pretending the world is sane. Don’t take the time to act as if things are organize.

So if you are willing to take that view even better. Then you can stop expecting the impossible.

Instead if you face the truth and be happy over the success that comes despite the accidents it is so much more fun. That way you don’t create systems that don’t work.

Which is really the most important part. If you keep that in focus you can actually turn it into a joy.

But that is okay. I know I can say this all day and it will still not stop some from thinking life can be controlled.

About the only thing you can actually control is what you say about it. The lies you come up with to explain the mistakes.

If you do it right, then you will be able to enjoy the process. If you screw it up then you will need to be even more creative.

Just a few words of wisdom from your uncle Rash.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Oh yeah this is so much fun. Things that can’t make up their mind in terms of consistency.

Now when I say things, it is what I mean. Yep, things are to me objects that really seem to be possessed.

I know that might seem silly to some. But not to me. I do not consider that to be unrealistic.

Nope if you had dealt with things like my copier and coffee maker then you would know why I say this. Yep, it is such a pain.

People can claim it is not true, but then I just call it appliance hell. Yep and I don’t know who the devil is, but I think it is the appliance salesman.

Or perhaps you know the people who make them. Just has that feel to it for me. Which is where I think it is a plot.

I just get this image of a bunch of manufacturers sitting around a table with big smiles as they plan how to piss us off.

Yeah, that sounds reasonable to me. A bunch of people who love sick practical jokes. I could handle that.

Now the big fun would be to break into their meetings. Yeah expose these jerks for who they really are.

Now that might be hard. But I can imagine it would be fun. And then get them to admit the do this on purpose.

See that is the part of the whole situation that is so truly possible. And I think the way they trick us is by things like warranties.

Yeah, they want you to believe a warranty helps prevent breakdowns. And that isn’t even close to true.

Instead they dangle those darn service contracts out there to be sure you have the illusion you are safe. The whole time you are being primed for being a sucker.

Oh yeah, that is a good deal. Which is never is. All they do is take your money and then you end up the same.

Stuff will break down and you will look like an idiot. Which is the way it always happens.

So you can say it is just coincidence, but not me. I’ll just make sure I don’t forget the next time it breaks down.

Friday, November 28, 2008


Got to love this. Having it all. And more than others. Just a chance to feel so darn proud.

If only it came in a way to be sure nobody would get pissed about it. Now that is a challenge.

While the urge might be to boast, it isn’t a wise choice. That tends to inspire resentments and that lead to plots.

And unless you are feeling extra strong or invincible this is not the option I would recommend. Just savor the most you get and do it privately.

However, there are a few rules of conduct that will give options. These will of a subtle, but acceptable form of what I call sharing.

The priority is to be sure you have put together you trophy case in a way that doesn’t have spotlight. And above all act like it is no big deal.

This is the critical part. You just have to make it appear as if it you don’t care. Make it seem like you are not treating it as gold.

Then it will not give the impress you are shoving it in anyone’s face. And that is always a good thing.

Now naturally this takes practice. So hard to keep this at a pace that is credible and worthwhile.

Do it right and you will gain friends and sympathy. Do it with class and they may even offer to help.

That’s is all a matter of skill you understand. Yep, that is where it counts. You have to be so darn careful.

So let me toss out a few suggestions then. First of all never underestimate the value of pictures.

Yes, photos in frames are always such a great option. And if you include a family member, especially a kid in them, prefect.

Then you can fake looking like a caring parent. Yep, that will always give you an extra look of being humble.

This is the real key. Make your self be a winner in impression, but not in attitude. Sell that type of modesty and you’ll be adore.

Then go home and laugh your head

Thursday, November 27, 2008


You can fix a lot of things with glue. But broken trust isn’t one of them. I have tried and it doesn’t work.

About the best you can manage is to create the illusion you didn’t violate the trust in the first place. Then you might have a chance.

Now that is a special kind of super glue. Very tricky to use. Can be so hard to apply in a way that ends up working.

And the problem is that you never can take the time to assume it will keep working later. No bragging allowed over the success.

That always ends up being found out. And a violated trust is never as bad as a person who is anger for being made out to be a fool.

Pride really makes it worse. They will not allow you to be trusted for any reason whatsoever.

Nope that never happens. So you need a little extra skillful effort here to make sure it will work out safely.

As a politician I really have to take time to be extra careful on this issue. I just have to make sure my glue never wears off.

Boy is it tempting to do otherwise. I mean I really do love celebrating my craft. But when it is an artwork of gullibility not something you can show off.

Yep, when I get done they aren’t even suppose to notice the cracks. No way that will happen without a whole lot of effort.

Which is why the effort is never done until you know the glue as dried. Can’t stop to soon.

It might seem that is had sealed, but unless you are sure then you best keep waiting. Patience here is more than a virtue.

It may make the difference between survival and stupidity. And being a moron is not on my list of choices.

I have to admit that it works great when applied properly. Just makes me so happy when it happens.

And I can celebrate privately. By making sure I plan my new glue job. Yeah, got to have those dreams.

Which is the real joy in con adhesives.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Yep, yep, can’t be unhappy about this type of option. Might not be the kind you get all the time, but it does make you happy.

At least it does me. And for my world that is what counts. Now super duper is naturally a matter of definition.

For me this is bigger than normal. Some event or other activity that will make you smile. And in so many wonderful ways.

It is the buffet you come to that you didn’t expect. That little added benefit you always want.

Only problem is the inability to control it. I hate that part. The times you just can’t get people to see the perks of your choices.

Some do manage this better than others. I do pride myself at making it work whenever possible.

I just wish I could pass a law to make it simpler. Yeah, just make it so you could get so many crappy times and them some great ones.

Now if I could work that part out I would be thrilled. But it all gets confusing. See the problem is getting others to cooperate.

It can be difficult. Because there is a limited supply of super duper available. Hey, I don’t make the rules on that part.

However I do get rather annoyed over the times when it gets way too complicated. Yeah, people will end up griping.

The ones at least that decide they need to see this done fairly. That always messes stuff up.

Because fair means you have to consider who deserves this option. And that is the part that I don’t like.

It requires rules and regulations, somebody to interpret them and all the other stuff that makes it a headache. Just takes all the joy out of it for me.

So I have learned to be sure I practice this at levels whereby I don’t broadcast it. Nope that is not the best way to make it happen.

More than one mind involved always means arguments and confusion. And who needs that?

Not me. I just am happy to be sure they don’t bother to know so I can have fun. Unless it comes to giving them the bill.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Don’t you just love myths? Stuff people believe that is impossible. Or things they decide are true that are stupid?

I personally get so much fun out of this. Just listening to the things people worry about and are afraid of that they will mention.

And if I am lucky I will make sure that I also take time to help inspire eve more tales to further the cause. Can be so much fun.

Even though Mediocrity is a city where dull rules. I am amazed how creative people are in terms of myths.

We just abound in silliness. And people take it so serious. So I try to not disappoint in that regard.

You know take the time to be sure I add to the fun. Now lately we have had this special talk about a swamp monster.

Which is really crazy since there are no swamps near our city. We have some forest nearby.

So some have sort of added in the rest. Which naturally is other than something that gives it any credibility.

But they all have fun with it just the same. And that is the part that counts. So we take the time to respect the insanity.

I personally think that these rumors or stories came from the presence in our city of Bugly Ugly Savage. That is Mr. Mammongrabber’s enforcer.

He might be best described as an it. Would be very hard to define him as a he. Maybe if he had a neck it would help.

But so far we just do the best we can to humor all the folks who think there is some monster that doesn’t exist in a swamp that doesn’t exist either. Then when they see old Bugly Ugly stomping around even more so.

Well that is the fun part. We just do the best we can to humor them. And when they do get around to taking time to tell us all about it, fun

I just add a few details to make them all so happy. They then embellish the details till it becomes even better.

Fun for a Saturday night. Got to have some form of entertainment. Just not sure this one works for everyone.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Ah nothing is a better as a knife than this wonderful concept of intimidation blended with waiting. Nobody likes stress.

And if you dangle it out there where you can be sure the person gets fluster you have a winner. Yeah, that is so cool.

I didn’t say it happened all the time, just such a thrill when it does. And that is the part that I will always regard as a blessing.

Hey, you got to have those thrills. And there are so many times they just don’t happen in life.

So when you do this in the right situation it is a source of joy. A time to truly savor the process.

I call it a process because that is how I see it. A time when you can employ a system that works.

Now some might not care to see this as a system. But I do. A system for the understanding of human need.

That is the part that matters. At least from my view. So that is the thing I keep in focus. And that feels so good to say.

So I do take my time to cherish these special occasions. They are truly glorious. And makes life feel so special.

Mainly because I find it so peaceful and satisfying. Sort of validates the system. The one about favoritism.

Some might find that disappointing, but not me. I prefer to think of it as upholding the find traditions that made this country great.

I mean if we were stuck with the old idea of fairness then it would be worse. We would just not let things work right.

That is why I said this is important. It is a chance to celebrate the way things work in their natural condition.

Some might disagree, to which I say, tough. It just is not a thing that deserves to be lied about.

I’m not an advocate of honesty that much. But no point in pretending. I want the stab the other person in the back games to begin.

Do it with class, charge a fee and it will all be glorious.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


I don’t imagine many of us will complain about these. They do represent a nice aspect of life.

I think most of us would vote for that choice if we could. I suppose there is that strange person out there who would applaud bad times, but not most sane people.

And when it comes to elections I think this is the foundation of most promise. We want our cake!

My personal symbol for good times. Just got to have that icing. Which I think really is important.

Now the thing on that aspect I wish to point out that when it comes to dessert we want it all. See we really don’t need the cake.

But we want it. And even though it may be totally unnecessary, even bad for us, we don’t care.

And if we are going to go to all the trouble of having cake, knowing it isn’t good for us, we are going all the way. We want the icing too.

Thus is the nature of human behavior. We might got for a long time not having cake, but when it is time, we want it all.

Now I think the true is most people would not define their lives as thrilling. Not most of the time.

Which is the whole point of what I’m trying to say here. Why do we need to pretend on this cake thing.

I call it pretending. It is this need we have to act like we don’t want dessert, but the whole time we crave it.

This all accumulates into suppressed desires. We just spend the time acting like we don’t need it.

And that is where the politics comes in. For it where the icing comes from. Oh yeah that is one of the good things.

We just listen to that candidate telling us how he or she is going to bake us up something fantastic. Gets everyone all excited.

Course we don’t actually end up with the cake. Because he doesn’t really have any sugar. Just making us think he does.

Which is all the fun when you are a politician like me.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Now to me there is no problem with this. I mean I offer it with my services. Just a little diversion in terms of security.

Nothing difficult or dangerous. Sort of a form of insurance. Yep, that is important. Can’t downplay the blessings of such things.

You just never can forget the importance. People can be so difficult at times in that sense.

They just don’t cooperate. I try to encourage them, but it just doesn’t seem to work. So sometimes I have to inspire them.

Now I accomplish this in different ways. Object lessons are nice. Take time to be sure you get the message across.

Which is wise up. Take time to make sure you are smart enough to recognize what is important.

Course my inspiration is to always take time to like fix it so they see the light. Which is a big flashlight.

One that I am ready to hit them on the head with if they don’t stop being dumb. And well this is the way I have to handle it.

But that is okay. I will manage to communicate this joy in different ways. Just all part of my services.

That would be the thing I love to concentrate on. Just you know give people a reason to be happy.

Well, maybe they don’t start out that way. But hopefully later they would see the benefit. Just need some inspiration.

I do have to be careful how I explain that part. Can’t be careful enough in that regard. Just doesn’t work.

I think it is enough to say I am in favor of helping people. And that includes myself. For I am a people too.

Now this is where I differ from some. For education is naturally helpful. Perhaps it can be expensive though.

Oh not for me. But for the students. In the end though I think it was worth it. For they normally value protection so much more later.

Even with the wounds.

Friday, November 21, 2008


Ah, there are times this is truly golden. Yep, I can think of so many times that this can be celebrated as victory.

Those are when you leave your enemy completely speechless. You can have every reason to feel good on that part.

Now I didn’t say this is an easy thing to accomplish. I wish it was. But then you do have to truly rejoice when it happens.

See this is one of those situations where you just can enjoy it enough. No way to not take time to not make this a joy.

Now for this to truly work requires a certain degree of thought and planning. Do it right and in the end you can have the joy of success.

But if you don’t work it right, then you can end up the one in need of being silent. And that is something you do want to avoid.

Now from my view I guess there is a certain priority here. One needs to be able to focus on what is important.

The brain can really have problems with that part. You can move off to directions that truly don’t work.

And so the need is there to always be able to ask the hard questions. Which evolve around the question of what is important?

Now first of all what one has to appreciate is ego can’t be the issue. This can’t be about revenge.

I’m all in favor of payback. Yep, getting even is a good thing. Well so is taking advantage, but I put that in a different category.

It falls under art in my view. That is what I call it. But then you just can say for sure when this will be a blend of both.

Still the priority here is to not make it personal. In terms of letting the emotions make the choice.

Do that and you will be in big trouble. Because your brain will not function right. Now it might not function normally anyway.

But this is different. You just have to be sure your brain isn’t thinking stupid instead of smart.

That takes practice, hopefully without mistakes.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Okay, now for me this is a bargain. A chance to sit down and organize something so it makes sense.

Now the problem is that it doesn’t mean it makes sense to others. That can be the tricky part.

Still it is nice to spend the time reflection on the good side of such options. The times when control work.

Yep, I love it. You spend time as a prophet and then before you know it they good comes.

Success. Ah yeah, that is the key here. Just take the time to be sure it all works. Yep, you do need to do that part.

However, this is not the end of the world. Well providing you are hopelessly anal retentive.

Then you can have problems. Now for those wonderful folks who can’t live with this option, tough.

Yeah, that is the hard part, but life is like that so get used to it. Ah, now does it feel better?

No? Why not? Uh-huh. Yep, I thought so. See, now that isn’t quite the way it should work.

At this point I think the important part. And if doesn’t work then perhaps the next best thing is you take a pill.

I offer that to you as an offering. What kind, no problem. Now from this point I shall depart and venture to the unknown.

Which is the part where you have to keep guessing if I’m serious. And while you get all snarled up with concern I’ll keep writing.

That way you have some reason to be pissed. Yeah, just to have a fun time thinking you could have control.

Which I will be glad to help you preserve with the right kind of help. A bag of cash always works for me.

However, there is no way I expect that for nothing. So I promised to ease your stress. It might be by giving you something else to worry about, but it is a start.
My view naturally.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Yep, nobody likes this if it means falling on your face. Something else then no problem Just no made to look stupid.

This is not a good option. All it takes is the willingness to make it happen. And the best way to avoid making it happen to you is to make it happen to somebody else.

Now this is another of those wonderful situations where the person is the issue. A time when you are suppose to pretend you care.

I did say pretend you understand. Not that you have to actually care. Just make it seem that way.

This is the problem with so many of these kinds of situations. You can’t be yourself. You have to act as if you are human.

Which means that you have a heart. Never understood why having a heart means only being good.

That is implying all villains are lacking a pulse. Which is hardly the reality. I mean they may be evil, but they still have feelings.

It is just an issue of deciding what all that means. And that requires a certain degree of definition.

I’m sorry, but I think the bad guys get a bad rap on this part. In any case this is where I have to take issue on things.

I mean I feel there needs to be more balance in this situation. Maybe not all the time, but sometimes.

So I have been thinking of ways to improve this situation. Now we all know that people will stumble.

And they will all have those moments that really do fall under the stupid category. The big challenge is to accept.

Now that is the part I personally have to work on. So I will plan to move ahead on this with my own version.

So I will move on with step A. Basically, I will make sure that I can come up with a winning strategy.

Which is the nature of my view of life. Come on accept this is a good thing. And that is the way it will be.

So there. Ah, I feel better even if nobody else will.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


This is my abiding rule with any con. No matter how much the person complains or tries to weasel out of the consequences, I don’t change.

Now I have seen those who do take time to relent on their deals. They get a soft spot, in their heads.

My view you understand. I’m sorry, but this is not the arena for those with a conscience. And there are plenty of them.

Now it can be tough to keep this in focus. And there are times when you just have to relax and not let it get to you.

My attitude is of course to regard this as necessary. To be sure you are communicating an important lesson.

See that is the part some don’t seem to grasp. The main goal is to help inspire others to learn to be more realistic.

Then you know perhaps the next time they will act more responsible. If so you have accomplished a good thing.

Which is how I chose to regard it. I mean why not? After all this is such a good thing with that kind of excuse.

But some would say it is greed. What can I say? They are allowed to have their view and I will keep mind.

In any case, for those devoted to concept that con jobs are necessary this is important. I see it as a way to control them.

In my care they will always end up being essential so I might as well craft the options. That way I can have some discretion in the way it works.

Why should that matter? Well if you have to have expect this in life why not let a true professional handle it.

There is nothing worse that some con that is done by an incompetent person. They will make it so much worse.

But if I get to do it, then it will be clean. It will get maximum effect and for the more efficient means possible.

Yep, I think that is a good approached. I will really always find this a good option. But then it just sounds so good that way.

Better than just to say greed was the inspiration.

Monday, November 17, 2008


In theory this is a wonderful illusion. An idea that really is terrific and has so many possibilities.

Course none of them are realistic. Unless by some chance you can suddenly replace the whole human race.

Yep, that is what I figure it would take. Having a bunch of aliens come in a redo all of mankind.

Now this would not be a problem to me. I mean there are so many in my opinion who would be better off if we did replace them.

Well my view you understand. Sure would make my life easier. Then I think l could see freedom as a reality.

Now to me I figure that this comes down to a matter of fear. Yep, people in that regard really can be such pains.

Being such jerks they often do things that cause you to worry. You just can’t trust them to act sane.

So that creates the difficulty. You are unable to feel free to let them be trusted in any way.

And that is why in my view freedom can’t happen. Not that I say it should be that way, just has to be.

I suppose there has to be room for hope. Yep, being a politician I do have to allow for that.

I will admit though that hope and reality at not the same. I can always wish for things to be different.

But that would take the kind of miracle I don’t have power to create. Nope, just not a likely thing to happen.

So without that kind of miracle I just have to go with what is likely to be the facts. This being that things won’t change.

Now as a politician that is a good thing. Because I can benefit from the current situations.

Basically I can peddle freedom as a campaign promise. Yep, can get all kinds of votes off that one.

And later everyone seems to understand when it doesn’t happen. Well so far.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Now when I used this term I am thinking of those who are other than helpful. The ones who are not someone you can depend upon.

So you have that circle of friends and the others. The people you watch out for and make sure you don’t let them away with anything.

Yep, not on your list of favorites. The nature of life when dealing with a world where there are more jerks that saviors.

I could expand on that naturally. But I won’t. I think one example is more than enough. So I will leave it at that.

Other than to simple say, we need fewer others in the world. How do we can we alter this in a good way?

That is the area where skill is needed. You just have to be able to know the right manner in which to approach it.

Now for me this is rather simple. I just find ways to make sure I keep the contact to a minimum.

And in the process you just make sure I don’t allow it to bother me that much. I take the time to keep these others busy.

Since these people are part of the type you don’t care about this becomes easy. And if that doesn’t get results there are options.

Mainly it is a matter of priorities. How much do you really want to keep these others from bothering you?

Oh yes, there are so many options. And all of them can be so much fun. Providing you see it as a game.

One where I will always win since I keep score. And then too I will make sure I am the only one who as the rules.

See, that really is the important part. You have to make sure nobody knows you are playing a game.

That is the time I savor the most. When I get to win and nobody else is aware they lost. Got to love those victories.

And as long as you always end up with the others being kept in that category then all works out great. Until the next game.

Then you start out a new breed of lies.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Ever notice how nobody is to blame for some mistakes? Oh yeah, the rule is the bigger the blunder the few will say I did it.

Nobody seems to love that part. Being made to appear as an idiot doesn’t quite work for most people.

And I understand that part. But it might nice if once somebody said it was me. To turn all those nobody moments into credit.

Perhaps if there were more rewards for truth. You know to praise those with the guts to admit being wrong.

However the down side is not being able to find the perk for such courage. Like pleading guilty for a crime.

They don’t let you off the hook for admitting you did something wrong. It can all be confusing.

So we need a more creative way of dealing with this. To turn all the nobody moments into somebody seconds.

Perhaps a good bout of amnesty would help. Yeah, I think it would be a move in the right direction.

Maybe not the total solution, but a start. Depending on the nature of the wrong that took place.

Now I can imagine this could get complicated. Somebody would have to come up with rules.

I can see the use of a committee. Even have a contest for offering trophies. Yeah, people love them.

But then what would you put on it? Grand champion for screw ups? Hmmm, well just a thought.

I guess we can work out the details somehow. A few minor issue to resolve. But could be so much fun to make this a nice game.

Then you can truly be happy to see all the progress we make in this area. Yep, I would be proud to call it life.

But then I would hope as the creator of this I would be given some amnesty of my own. Yeah, I like being a nobody at times too.

Only not really planning on admitting it.

Friday, November 14, 2008


I love all the times when people love to pretend they didn’t hear what you said. Asking you to say it a second time.

Hoping they didn’t hear what you really said. And the more fantastic the comment the more they will ask.

I always wondered what it must be like for some prophets. Yeah, they always have some incredible things to say and nobody wants to hear it.

So you either pretend they didn’t say it or ask for a second comment. Doesn’t exactly help with the process though.

Now when I say prophets, I’m not talking about the bible type. They may be well known, but not my reference here.

Nor am I talking about things such as the psychic types. They are fun to hear from, but not always accurate.

What I’m referring to here is the problem of the person sitting around acting normal and then totally says something insightful. And they are right.

Now the irony here is how often the person is ignored. Yeah, they are generally some person who you don’t even remember.

The problem is with the fact of how things work in general. I’ve learned how often the smart and astute are not necessarily politicians.

So they don’t do well at getting ahead by sucking up to people. Often ending up in jobs that are less than challenging.

So they are bored a lot. And frustrated by the stupidity they see. And naturally any effort the make to get things to work right doesn’t get any respect.

After a while they just shut up. Just stop caring. And then the problem is that you can only find out their gifts in a conversation.

My only clue to their existence is when you see them at work. They most of the time do a good job.

Might not stand out, but if you chat a bit they will always impress. Providing you can get pass their need to not say much.

I find this helpful. Manly because such people never notice when you take credit for their brillance.

Yeah, it sucks, but so does life at times.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Ah, such a terrific greeting. So very warm and friendly. Makes you feel so relaxed and happy.

At least when you first hear it. Providing the person doesn’t turn out to be some charmer. A person who just is trying to con you.

I ought to know, I’m good at it. Not perfect, but I do survive. And that is part of the great joy.

See it is easy to trust a friend that a stranger. So you just have to keep it in focus. Make sure the person really sees you as helpful.

Now that is one part you can’t forget. For if you do there will be problems. And I mean big ones.

Because a good lie has no benefit if the person thinks you are lying. Then you can forget the plus.

However, work it right and then anything is possible. Oh yeah, that can really be a big joy.

And let me tell you when it is successful, you feel so darn happy. Just having made a good friend will be such a thrill.

Course you can’t allow yourself to become too attached. I mean you will be stabbing the person in the back.

So no reason to get to know them too well. That only leads to complications. And nobody needs that.

That is the other part of this. You just have to be practical. Take the approach that this serves a purpose.

Now it might be all bogus and something you made up. But it sure sounds better than to say you are a creep.

So if you work it right, then it is all wonderful. The person goes away deciding you did them a favor.

Heck, they may even thank you. Now that is really a master’s touch. Got to love that when it happens.

Just doesn’t happen that often. Well more often when you are on a hot streak. Which can be hard to always fine.

Just look for the dim bulbs.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Ah the things we think about people after they are gone. Doesn’t matter where they go, just that they are gone.

And you sit back and recall something relevant about the person. It can be good or bad. Just that you remember them.

Which is a matter of something valuable. If the reason served a purpose of helping you in some pursuit.

For me, I lump people into categories. They are for me postcards. An image frozen in a moment.

Might be a good image or one that you hate, but you do keep it in your mental scrapbook. Something to look at occasionally.

Sort of like remembering going on vacation. Hopefully it was a good time. One you might even take again.

Providing you didn’t get ripped off. Or that information you had turned out to be wrong. As in the landscape was a dump.

Now the fun comes when you spend time with some thrill ride person. Yeah, you hate to see them disappear.

They can be so useful. When your need is for something in the recreation realm. See that is the issue I have to deal with.

I need those fun times. Then I also have to put up with business. And the general rule is you make sure you don’t confuse the two.

I mean if you want dull, pick out a person who has no imagination. And also if they are lacking a personality.

Oh yeah, you do need that type for certain kinds of work. Just business you understand. Which is important.

Might not be as exciting as the times you get those joys. The rides that make you smile and feel young again.

So I vote for that part more. I will put up with those terrific occasions and great post card people in order to cope with the boring ones.

In any case, I always keep those good cards set aside for later. Just never know when that one lady of thrills with come back.

It is to dream.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Not the option you want if you are looking for facts or truth. These are ideas that only work in the mind.

Which is fine, except that nobody admits it. They prefer to get you to believe it is truth. And really do a good job at times.

Only problem is that sometimes you can’t be sure. Because you always have that one person you think it nuts, but isn’t.

So you do have to be careful. I mean there will be that one person you will encounter that truly can help.

That is the problem with genius. Too many who are brilliant are a tad off. So you have to check them out.

By that I mean you need to be able to determine if they are rambling or insightful. Which comes by checking out their track record.

Now if the person has a long history of being wrong then odds are they will be wrong in this situation. And that you have to accept.

However, you still have to check it out. Because the problem is that if you don’t allow for bias it only gets worse.

I mean some of the real prophets are hated. They can truly offend with the facts. So that is something also to check out.

Again the flip side is involved with those who think they are prophets. Yeah the ones that really do predicting, but never are right.

This is not something they will admit. Because that would take away from their fun and attention.

Which is fine. As long as I don’t pay a price for their fantasy. Not my idea of a good time.

There are times that I wish there were more concrete ways to solve this problem. My own view is that a good way to deal with it is by burning them at the stake.

Only when they are wrong you understand. I think one or two would get the point across very nicely.

But then you know you can afford to make mistakes. I mean not a good idea. If they are some prophet of God it would get messy.

Not a time to find out you were wrong if some thunderbolt came your way.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Ah well what can you say about this? Just a necessary part of life. And it is very important.

Course I do have to say that part. Not that it is necessarily true. But it sure sounds great and makes me proud to say it.

Now the problem is with the speech part. The teaching is important. But it normally only happens with some kind of communication.

Which is naturally very essential if you wish to have life be realistic. Not that we need it for sure.

This is where I depart from others. I don’t feel the need to always make reality work. I am happy to let it be denial.

Which is the lesson I try to share as much as possible. Yeah that is such a good option. Just not convince we admit it.

Now some naturally are more inclined to accept this than others. They will get right into the flow of things.

Those are the ones that I know are most teachable. They really show the most potential for survival.

See that is what is the most important lesson. Being able to cope. So many never do. They just will lie about it in other ways.

Which all seems silly to me. I think the more fun you can make this the better it is. And that is the part I truly try to teach.

As a politician I use my speeches then to try and inspire some joy in that regard. If I keep them silly and full of bogus facts they get a better response.

At least I think it is the best option. Gives people a chance to appreciate how much it is pure crap.

And then they will figure out that perhaps they can find an education without a need for it to be dependent on some other teachings. Then they really have learned.

I do celebrate such efforts at enlightenment. Really makes me so darn proud. And I love to see such growth in people.

Just have to try and not make them so bitter. That is the hard part. But we do the best we can.
Which is the part I am working on. Just no to hard.

Sunday, November 09, 2008


Ah how the joy prevails when you see someone self destruct. You can even have more fun I you get to light the fuse.

Unfortunately that doesn’t happen enough times. So you end up in the process of being other than able to root for an enemy’s demise.

Still one does savor that option. Providing you can obtain it somehow. And a lot never do.

Now the problem is you can boast about it. Nope, people frown on such things. They don’t ever look upon it as acceptable behavior.

Which is fine. Because you know that will always be one of those truths you live with. Maybe not like, but live with it.

Now for me naturally, I have my own bomb specialist. I take time to research the kind of dynamite that is buried I each person’s life.

And you might be surprised how often it is there. And how often the person really doesn’t think so.

But then I will do my best to try and take advantage if the situation requires. And there are plenty of times it does.

Now perhaps that is what I have to deal with. A basic acceptance that explosions have to take place.

But the need here is to decide when to set them off. And even when you do it is a matter of focusing in on the right timing.

Now this is an issue of experience. You don’t want to set off a time bomb that will explode at wrong time.

Much more important that it explode when it will cause the greatest damage. Then you can be assured of its success.

I any case this is a matter of practice. And I sure have had plenty of that. Maybe not as much as I would like.

However, that will happen in time. Yeah, I can be sure that will be no problem. Just an issue of when.

Personally, I have a special computer file as reference. Yep, really does help. Even keep pictures.

Of my success naturally.

Saturday, November 08, 2008


Not sure why this is such a help. They give them as shots. Sports teams have them too. And even rockets too.

So they are a form of support. A real joy to be sure. Yet, I wish to point out we don’t all get that option.

Wish it was our choice. I wish I could make that an option al the time. But then that is the nature of life.

I don’t always enjoy that phrase. Nature would be great if our idea was to have say a chance to stroll in the park.

But why does it have to intrude into life? Okay you are not talking a nature lover here. Of that I will admit.

However I do find this to be a wonderful way of contemplating the options in terms of making life better. Which is sort of a boost.

And to that degree I want to put in my request to find some boosters to help with my problems. Yeah, I think as a Mayor I ought to be entitled.

Which could be so much fun if I could get some cooperation. Not enough to say be more important than everyone else, but enough to feel the boost.

I wouldn’t be against say having such a thrill to be sure. I can’t say when I will be more likely to see this happen though.

But still I would be thrilled to you know have a chance to say see this as something that leads to things such as cheerleaders. Yep, would be great in the council chambers.

Alas, not very likely I imagine. Still I can hope. And you can be sure if I can find a way to get it okay I will.

Yeah, let’s give the politic game a little boost. We can get all excited about life. Think it is wonderful.

Still I guess there are those that will say it isn’t a good option. They will complain about it being silly.

You just please those types. They are the same ones that will basically only gripe about life in general.

So them I discount anyway. Not worth worrying about. Well not to me. I’m going to go in quest of cheerleaders.

Yeah, I bet I will find them too. Start with the high schools no doubt.

Friday, November 07, 2008


Ah, you have the right key and then turn it correctly and there you go. Off to the races. A great place to be.

Well perhaps. Depending on the race. Some are not that cool. A race to the poorhouse is not a thrill.

Nor would be a race to jail. Unless you were taking somebody else there. Then it would be a fun trip.

In any case we do move on here to a more important aspect. It is very important that whatever car you are using that you have a right to use it.

The important thing you understand is not to get behind the wheel of somebody else’s car and thing you key will fit. Because it won’t.

Yet, this happens all the time. Honestly, it is so stupid. I can not the way some do that.

Basically, I am not talking cars you understand. I’m talking about things more vast and meaningful.

Essentially that I am prepared to truly understand this whole process. Which is where I fathom the consequences.

You can do that you know where you are sitting in a car that you have never driven. So you have no clue as to how they really work.

Now all of that might seem like something obvious, but not as far as I can tell. Honestly, it sucks.

I see it as a matter of understanding. Yep, you need to be sure you can figure out all the details correctly.

I might seem vague on this a bit, but I’m hoping to discuss this without the need to confess anything incriminating. Always safer that way.

So let me just be sure I outline the first rule. Always check your rear view mirror. That isn’t in the car.

It is watching to make sure there are no witnesses. At least none that you can’t bribe. No reason to risk that problem.

But then you never know, if you love to show off that might be different. Providing the person isn’t a cop.

Funny how that can ruin the day. But it is part of life. Just not the best part.

Thursday, November 06, 2008


This is a wonderful sentiment. You know the idea you did great at something. Make a person feel so proud.

From the point of view in terms of inspiration the emphasis is on the pride part. Making a person feel about what he or she did.

For me this is not really about whether the person actually did a good job. It is about making them think they did.

At least that is my view. What I’m striving for here is the idea that I want people to be able to improve.

Now if you rip out their hearts that isn’t as likely to happen. You are not very likely to get their respect or appreciation.

Some seem to think that criticism will inspire people to improve. But I haven’t found that to be the case.

And honestly lying doesn’t always work either. You need to have a better approach. Because most people know if they did well.

Now the best way to improve the problem is with a bribe. Appeal to people’s basic sense of greed.

Yep, that might sound silly, but after all how many people work for free? They work to make a buck.

So we are talking the same principle. Just on a broader scale. And that is simple to follow. Well if you apply it right.

Which is what I feel I do. My approach gets results. Now I’m also a realists too. Meaning I don’t just get into the mindset that I can’t work at this a little.

I just need to keep it in balance. Mainly be sure all the people I deal with know they can get more rewards for trying more.

The tricky part is knowing how much the person can really improve. Now that can be hard to access at times.

Does take practice to get it to work right. And I do manage it. Yep, I really do. Not without a few mistakes.

But then I know those folks will benefit from the lessons they learned. Yep, that is the important part.

At least it feels good to say.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Does anybody truly enjoy dealing with an alarm clock? I thin the very name sucks. It implies a forced situation.

Basically, this comes down to an issue of knowing you have to do what you don’t want to do. So you figure a way to survive.

Now the problem is that your body may wake up, but it doesn’t say your mind will cooperate. Not a joy to be sure.

There are alternatives naturally. Not always one ‘s that are practical unfortunately. Such things as hiring somebody to get up for you.

Nice option if you can find it. And regrettably not the alternative you can truly exercise at times.

This is one of those things on my legislative option lists. You know if I had the chance to make it a law I would.

The type where you could allow for funding to make this a benefit to the people. We could create a federal assistance program for those in need.

The ones that just can’t handle getting up early, but have to get up just the same. So you just take time to let them sleep in.

Yeah, I could find this a real appealing offer. Not a perfect one, just appealing. Only problem is getting tax payers to agree to the cost.

Some really don’t care to find such expenses worthwhile. They would look at it and complain about the taxes.

So I guess we need an alternative. Some kind of tax that will inspire those to enjoy it. Maybe like on breakfast cereal.

An oatmeal tax perhaps. Oat exercise fees. Yeah, I like the sound of it. But then what can I say?

That is one of those inspirations I get over the course of time, but not everyone agrees. Otherwise I wouldn’t have to just talk about it

But that is okay. This is another of those someday items. I do dare to dream and believe it is possible.

Just have to figure out all the details. Which is not quite something that I have the facts on yet.

But that is okay I’ve gotten laws passed for dumber reasons.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Well this always sounds so terrifying. As if the world is going to end. Which it isn’t any time soon that I can tell.

Which I am grateful to know. Just have to be willing to take the time to figure out what is a real major issue.

Now if it concerns survival, very much so. However, if it only concerns somebody else, well forget it.

Come on tell me more people don’t feel that way? Really, we watch the news and find out somebody is in big trouble.

Do we rush out to try and help them? Heck no. Oh we might talk about it, but do we do it? Nope.

I’m not complaining you understand. I mean I support that view. It is part of human nature.

And then you have to make allowances for the aspect of behavior that figures we need to actually change things. Yeah, that sucks.

I mean I don’t mind talking about problems, but all that work and change is exhausting. So it is hardly worth it.

Well not to me. I like the current system. As long as somebody else has the major issues.

Yep, that the fun zone. A place to root for others, but not change a thing. I call it entertainment.

You have to truly love that part. Just to sit back and root for somebody. Hoping they get a break and yet not really caring I they do.

Just acting on the idea. That is the part, which I think truly matters. And we all are doing a great job of making it seem okay.

I think we should pass out rewards for such things. You can sure enjoy it when you can feel good about it.

Now in truth you might be indifferent and calloused. But doesn’t mean you have to admit it.

Nope, that is the part we need to work on. Come on why let disasters ruin your day if they happen to somebody else?

Seems like a far thing to ask to me. I’ll let you answer it for yourself.

Monday, November 03, 2008


Well for a guy like me these are gold. A pure chance to make a sucker out of people and feel good about it.

People are so vulnerable when you have a contract. If something is in writing they are happy.

It might be totally worthless, but they don’t mind. As long as it is in print, then everything is fine.

Sure helps me that is for sure. I love it. Such a great chance to you know make them feel secure.

And if you work it right then you have succeeded in ripping them off. You have love that option.

Course this is where I shine. Using all the legal language and fine print to make them think it is official.

The whole time it is just formal BS. Another tasty morsel for the gullible. And I do love it so.

Now I won’t say it doesn’t ever have a single shred of truth. Because there are times even I want it to be real.

Mainly on that rare occasion when I’m dealing with a person that I might care about. It is rare, but it happens.

So for those situations I really do my best to make sure I try and understand the contract myself. This can be tough.

I’m not sure anyone really can grasp their meaning. But the lawyers who draft them seem to charge enough for them.

That is why I have more than one copy. Oh yeah, I make sure I don’t get suckered into making a mistake of paying for them twice.

Really is too much on the issue of profit. So you have to have a balance here. Not easy to come by at times.

But I am glad when it happens. Which is generally when I have the time to deny everything.

Now that is a wonderful time. I can say, “ah, well I think you missed this detail.” And I will be so happy.
They will want to kill, but that’s life.

Sunday, November 02, 2008


How hard is this to figure out? A plus sign is a good option. A chance to know you will get a profit from something.

This is even more important when talking about people. Have to check them as investments.

Oh yeah, it is very important to keep that focused and also make it a priority. For a bad investment is never going to lead to a plus sign.

You can be certain of that part. Now ironically perhaps the people who often seem to have the least worth produce the best profit.

That is because you can get them to do more. And thus you can be sure you will benefit from the process more.

Sometimes that is not always easy to determine. I mean it really is a gamble. Because a person can truly start out looking like they have potential and surprise you.

So that is why it is important to always take the time to truly see how the person behaves enough occasions to show their true nature. And hopefully is says I’m bankable.

Well that is the part that counts. When you get it all said and done it is the market value that matters.

Might sounds terrible and way to harsh, but it is important to remember. And if you forget it really can be costly.

Which is all part of the great lesson one needs to learn in such situations to be a person banker. That is what this is about.

Oh I can imagine some don’t agree. But that is why they end up in trouble. And that is why I have a big bank account.

Now the reality is that you need to keep this in the proper perspective. People are like crops, they only last so long.

And you need to harvest them when you can to get maximum results. Just make sure it is all the worthwhile part.

Then you can squeeze and get all the juice they have to offer. Yep, that is the part that is so wonderful.

Can’t complain at all. I just wish I didn’t have to make it sound like it was a bad thing to some.

But heck, that is just part of the nature of this kind of business.

Saturday, November 01, 2008


Ah yeah, you have to enjoy when the old debt sheet shows a zero. No costs due at all. Now that’s living.

I didn’t say I had experienced it. I have preached about it. Just never been there myself. But have pretended a few times.

I suppose you know that it would be terrific if we could eliminate all debt. But think of all the fun we would get rid of in the process.

I mean how would be so successful at making slaves of workers without debt? And all those people in need of crap would be deprived without credit.

You just have to appreciate this is one way to help out fighting against misery. Come on now that is what is important.

Think back to the way it was when people didn’t have debt. They lived without stuff. Course there was less stuff too.

Which also was part of it. You didn’t have the demand so you didn’t have the goods. So it was a lot more dull.

Now I ask you would you really be happy after working all day to come home to some book as your only entertainment? I don’t think so.

And would Christmas be a decent holiday without all the presents? Just would not be the same.

Yep, we need the gluttony. It is what makes life so interesting. A really change from dull.

Can’t find anyway to substitute for that. Just no way to come up with all those smiles we crave without some options.

Unless you know we end up with a miracle. A way to suddenly have a genie in our pocket.

If anyone has that option I would accept the choice. Haven’t found that to be the case though.

So we mortgage the magic. And that is a great option. I know it is for me. Now some won’t agree.

Now for me, I will always keep that plastic moving. Going to have it as a reason to find those treasures I like.

And that is the part that makes it all worth while.