Saturday, November 08, 2008


Not sure why this is such a help. They give them as shots. Sports teams have them too. And even rockets too.

So they are a form of support. A real joy to be sure. Yet, I wish to point out we don’t all get that option.

Wish it was our choice. I wish I could make that an option al the time. But then that is the nature of life.

I don’t always enjoy that phrase. Nature would be great if our idea was to have say a chance to stroll in the park.

But why does it have to intrude into life? Okay you are not talking a nature lover here. Of that I will admit.

However I do find this to be a wonderful way of contemplating the options in terms of making life better. Which is sort of a boost.

And to that degree I want to put in my request to find some boosters to help with my problems. Yeah, I think as a Mayor I ought to be entitled.

Which could be so much fun if I could get some cooperation. Not enough to say be more important than everyone else, but enough to feel the boost.

I wouldn’t be against say having such a thrill to be sure. I can’t say when I will be more likely to see this happen though.

But still I would be thrilled to you know have a chance to say see this as something that leads to things such as cheerleaders. Yep, would be great in the council chambers.

Alas, not very likely I imagine. Still I can hope. And you can be sure if I can find a way to get it okay I will.

Yeah, let’s give the politic game a little boost. We can get all excited about life. Think it is wonderful.

Still I guess there are those that will say it isn’t a good option. They will complain about it being silly.

You just please those types. They are the same ones that will basically only gripe about life in general.

So them I discount anyway. Not worth worrying about. Well not to me. I’m going to go in quest of cheerleaders.

Yeah, I bet I will find them too. Start with the high schools no doubt.


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