Thursday, November 20, 2008


Okay, now for me this is a bargain. A chance to sit down and organize something so it makes sense.

Now the problem is that it doesn’t mean it makes sense to others. That can be the tricky part.

Still it is nice to spend the time reflection on the good side of such options. The times when control work.

Yep, I love it. You spend time as a prophet and then before you know it they good comes.

Success. Ah yeah, that is the key here. Just take the time to be sure it all works. Yep, you do need to do that part.

However, this is not the end of the world. Well providing you are hopelessly anal retentive.

Then you can have problems. Now for those wonderful folks who can’t live with this option, tough.

Yeah, that is the hard part, but life is like that so get used to it. Ah, now does it feel better?

No? Why not? Uh-huh. Yep, I thought so. See, now that isn’t quite the way it should work.

At this point I think the important part. And if doesn’t work then perhaps the next best thing is you take a pill.

I offer that to you as an offering. What kind, no problem. Now from this point I shall depart and venture to the unknown.

Which is the part where you have to keep guessing if I’m serious. And while you get all snarled up with concern I’ll keep writing.

That way you have some reason to be pissed. Yeah, just to have a fun time thinking you could have control.

Which I will be glad to help you preserve with the right kind of help. A bag of cash always works for me.

However, there is no way I expect that for nothing. So I promised to ease your stress. It might be by giving you something else to worry about, but it is a start.
My view naturally.


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