Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Ah the things we think about people after they are gone. Doesn’t matter where they go, just that they are gone.

And you sit back and recall something relevant about the person. It can be good or bad. Just that you remember them.

Which is a matter of something valuable. If the reason served a purpose of helping you in some pursuit.

For me, I lump people into categories. They are for me postcards. An image frozen in a moment.

Might be a good image or one that you hate, but you do keep it in your mental scrapbook. Something to look at occasionally.

Sort of like remembering going on vacation. Hopefully it was a good time. One you might even take again.

Providing you didn’t get ripped off. Or that information you had turned out to be wrong. As in the landscape was a dump.

Now the fun comes when you spend time with some thrill ride person. Yeah, you hate to see them disappear.

They can be so useful. When your need is for something in the recreation realm. See that is the issue I have to deal with.

I need those fun times. Then I also have to put up with business. And the general rule is you make sure you don’t confuse the two.

I mean if you want dull, pick out a person who has no imagination. And also if they are lacking a personality.

Oh yeah, you do need that type for certain kinds of work. Just business you understand. Which is important.

Might not be as exciting as the times you get those joys. The rides that make you smile and feel young again.

So I vote for that part more. I will put up with those terrific occasions and great post card people in order to cope with the boring ones.

In any case, I always keep those good cards set aside for later. Just never know when that one lady of thrills with come back.

It is to dream.


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