Sunday, November 30, 2008


I’ve heard some that say there is no such thing as an accident. Their concept is that what happens is always is on purpose.

The basis of this is in part because they feel that we are always either consciously or unconsciously control our behavior. And therefore even when we make a mistake it is on purpose.

It is the presume that man is basically in control. So when things fail it is because we wanted them that way.

A wonderful concept to be sure. And even better if it was true. But that isn’t the case. I so wish otherwise.

The one thing I do appreciate after watching human nature for years is that we all are too prone to screw up. And trust me I have worked very hard at times to make sure I didn’t make a mistake, but did anyway.

I tell you being a con man is such hard work. Lying is easy, but making it seem truth is down right challenging.

It can be so difficult to deal with this reality. To be able to take time to keep it all straight and not get upset.

Now for me that is about the issue of not pretending the world is sane. Don’t take the time to act as if things are organize.

So if you are willing to take that view even better. Then you can stop expecting the impossible.

Instead if you face the truth and be happy over the success that comes despite the accidents it is so much more fun. That way you don’t create systems that don’t work.

Which is really the most important part. If you keep that in focus you can actually turn it into a joy.

But that is okay. I know I can say this all day and it will still not stop some from thinking life can be controlled.

About the only thing you can actually control is what you say about it. The lies you come up with to explain the mistakes.

If you do it right, then you will be able to enjoy the process. If you screw it up then you will need to be even more creative.

Just a few words of wisdom from your uncle Rash.


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