Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Don’t you just love myths? Stuff people believe that is impossible. Or things they decide are true that are stupid?

I personally get so much fun out of this. Just listening to the things people worry about and are afraid of that they will mention.

And if I am lucky I will make sure that I also take time to help inspire eve more tales to further the cause. Can be so much fun.

Even though Mediocrity is a city where dull rules. I am amazed how creative people are in terms of myths.

We just abound in silliness. And people take it so serious. So I try to not disappoint in that regard.

You know take the time to be sure I add to the fun. Now lately we have had this special talk about a swamp monster.

Which is really crazy since there are no swamps near our city. We have some forest nearby.

So some have sort of added in the rest. Which naturally is other than something that gives it any credibility.

But they all have fun with it just the same. And that is the part that counts. So we take the time to respect the insanity.

I personally think that these rumors or stories came from the presence in our city of Bugly Ugly Savage. That is Mr. Mammongrabber’s enforcer.

He might be best described as an it. Would be very hard to define him as a he. Maybe if he had a neck it would help.

But so far we just do the best we can to humor all the folks who think there is some monster that doesn’t exist in a swamp that doesn’t exist either. Then when they see old Bugly Ugly stomping around even more so.

Well that is the fun part. We just do the best we can to humor them. And when they do get around to taking time to tell us all about it, fun

I just add a few details to make them all so happy. They then embellish the details till it becomes even better.

Fun for a Saturday night. Got to have some form of entertainment. Just not sure this one works for everyone.


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