Saturday, November 22, 2008


Now to me there is no problem with this. I mean I offer it with my services. Just a little diversion in terms of security.

Nothing difficult or dangerous. Sort of a form of insurance. Yep, that is important. Can’t downplay the blessings of such things.

You just never can forget the importance. People can be so difficult at times in that sense.

They just don’t cooperate. I try to encourage them, but it just doesn’t seem to work. So sometimes I have to inspire them.

Now I accomplish this in different ways. Object lessons are nice. Take time to be sure you get the message across.

Which is wise up. Take time to make sure you are smart enough to recognize what is important.

Course my inspiration is to always take time to like fix it so they see the light. Which is a big flashlight.

One that I am ready to hit them on the head with if they don’t stop being dumb. And well this is the way I have to handle it.

But that is okay. I will manage to communicate this joy in different ways. Just all part of my services.

That would be the thing I love to concentrate on. Just you know give people a reason to be happy.

Well, maybe they don’t start out that way. But hopefully later they would see the benefit. Just need some inspiration.

I do have to be careful how I explain that part. Can’t be careful enough in that regard. Just doesn’t work.

I think it is enough to say I am in favor of helping people. And that includes myself. For I am a people too.

Now this is where I differ from some. For education is naturally helpful. Perhaps it can be expensive though.

Oh not for me. But for the students. In the end though I think it was worth it. For they normally value protection so much more later.

Even with the wounds.


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