Sunday, November 02, 2008


How hard is this to figure out? A plus sign is a good option. A chance to know you will get a profit from something.

This is even more important when talking about people. Have to check them as investments.

Oh yeah, it is very important to keep that focused and also make it a priority. For a bad investment is never going to lead to a plus sign.

You can be certain of that part. Now ironically perhaps the people who often seem to have the least worth produce the best profit.

That is because you can get them to do more. And thus you can be sure you will benefit from the process more.

Sometimes that is not always easy to determine. I mean it really is a gamble. Because a person can truly start out looking like they have potential and surprise you.

So that is why it is important to always take the time to truly see how the person behaves enough occasions to show their true nature. And hopefully is says I’m bankable.

Well that is the part that counts. When you get it all said and done it is the market value that matters.

Might sounds terrible and way to harsh, but it is important to remember. And if you forget it really can be costly.

Which is all part of the great lesson one needs to learn in such situations to be a person banker. That is what this is about.

Oh I can imagine some don’t agree. But that is why they end up in trouble. And that is why I have a big bank account.

Now the reality is that you need to keep this in the proper perspective. People are like crops, they only last so long.

And you need to harvest them when you can to get maximum results. Just make sure it is all the worthwhile part.

Then you can squeeze and get all the juice they have to offer. Yep, that is the part that is so wonderful.

Can’t complain at all. I just wish I didn’t have to make it sound like it was a bad thing to some.

But heck, that is just part of the nature of this kind of business.


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