Thursday, November 27, 2008


You can fix a lot of things with glue. But broken trust isn’t one of them. I have tried and it doesn’t work.

About the best you can manage is to create the illusion you didn’t violate the trust in the first place. Then you might have a chance.

Now that is a special kind of super glue. Very tricky to use. Can be so hard to apply in a way that ends up working.

And the problem is that you never can take the time to assume it will keep working later. No bragging allowed over the success.

That always ends up being found out. And a violated trust is never as bad as a person who is anger for being made out to be a fool.

Pride really makes it worse. They will not allow you to be trusted for any reason whatsoever.

Nope that never happens. So you need a little extra skillful effort here to make sure it will work out safely.

As a politician I really have to take time to be extra careful on this issue. I just have to make sure my glue never wears off.

Boy is it tempting to do otherwise. I mean I really do love celebrating my craft. But when it is an artwork of gullibility not something you can show off.

Yep, when I get done they aren’t even suppose to notice the cracks. No way that will happen without a whole lot of effort.

Which is why the effort is never done until you know the glue as dried. Can’t stop to soon.

It might seem that is had sealed, but unless you are sure then you best keep waiting. Patience here is more than a virtue.

It may make the difference between survival and stupidity. And being a moron is not on my list of choices.

I have to admit that it works great when applied properly. Just makes me so happy when it happens.

And I can celebrate privately. By making sure I plan my new glue job. Yeah, got to have those dreams.

Which is the real joy in con adhesives.


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