Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Well this always sounds so terrifying. As if the world is going to end. Which it isn’t any time soon that I can tell.

Which I am grateful to know. Just have to be willing to take the time to figure out what is a real major issue.

Now if it concerns survival, very much so. However, if it only concerns somebody else, well forget it.

Come on tell me more people don’t feel that way? Really, we watch the news and find out somebody is in big trouble.

Do we rush out to try and help them? Heck no. Oh we might talk about it, but do we do it? Nope.

I’m not complaining you understand. I mean I support that view. It is part of human nature.

And then you have to make allowances for the aspect of behavior that figures we need to actually change things. Yeah, that sucks.

I mean I don’t mind talking about problems, but all that work and change is exhausting. So it is hardly worth it.

Well not to me. I like the current system. As long as somebody else has the major issues.

Yep, that the fun zone. A place to root for others, but not change a thing. I call it entertainment.

You have to truly love that part. Just to sit back and root for somebody. Hoping they get a break and yet not really caring I they do.

Just acting on the idea. That is the part, which I think truly matters. And we all are doing a great job of making it seem okay.

I think we should pass out rewards for such things. You can sure enjoy it when you can feel good about it.

Now in truth you might be indifferent and calloused. But doesn’t mean you have to admit it.

Nope, that is the part we need to work on. Come on why let disasters ruin your day if they happen to somebody else?

Seems like a far thing to ask to me. I’ll let you answer it for yourself.


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