Sunday, November 23, 2008


I don’t imagine many of us will complain about these. They do represent a nice aspect of life.

I think most of us would vote for that choice if we could. I suppose there is that strange person out there who would applaud bad times, but not most sane people.

And when it comes to elections I think this is the foundation of most promise. We want our cake!

My personal symbol for good times. Just got to have that icing. Which I think really is important.

Now the thing on that aspect I wish to point out that when it comes to dessert we want it all. See we really don’t need the cake.

But we want it. And even though it may be totally unnecessary, even bad for us, we don’t care.

And if we are going to go to all the trouble of having cake, knowing it isn’t good for us, we are going all the way. We want the icing too.

Thus is the nature of human behavior. We might got for a long time not having cake, but when it is time, we want it all.

Now I think the true is most people would not define their lives as thrilling. Not most of the time.

Which is the whole point of what I’m trying to say here. Why do we need to pretend on this cake thing.

I call it pretending. It is this need we have to act like we don’t want dessert, but the whole time we crave it.

This all accumulates into suppressed desires. We just spend the time acting like we don’t need it.

And that is where the politics comes in. For it where the icing comes from. Oh yeah that is one of the good things.

We just listen to that candidate telling us how he or she is going to bake us up something fantastic. Gets everyone all excited.

Course we don’t actually end up with the cake. Because he doesn’t really have any sugar. Just making us think he does.

Which is all the fun when you are a politician like me.


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