Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Well not quite an aspect of human nature we appreciate or respect. That old saying about beggars not being choosers most likely does have some merit.

But then the nice thing about begging is if you get something for free. Yeah, that is he good part.

It is just a matter of how you approach it. You just have to appeal to the person's pride and that always is a very skillful task.

Doing it masterfully, will result in getting you all kinds of perks. Funny how people get so inclined to help if you make them think they are in charge.

Appeal to their ego and they will end up so excited. And the more they are just an ordinary person all the better.

Yep, this is the joy that comes from knowing the best way to impress. Take the poor downtrodden spirit and make him or her think they are a god.

Do it right and they will become your slave as a god. That is such a great experience, one you really can love.

I personally favor the helpless approach. Making it appear that I can survive without their help.

Oh yeah, it is absurd, but the right approach can be a work of art. One to be so proud of. At least to me.

Well then there are the ones who really are talented. With them they have such an ego that you don't have to appeal to it much.

But even they can be massage. You just have to make it appear that it is their idea. Do that and they will pretty much do whatever.

Ah I do love how human nature is so predictable. Not always exciting, but predictable. About the only sad part is that you need to do this at all.

I do prefer the times when I can simply con people. That has more of a feel of being like some kind of work.

Which makes it feel more of a blessing. Well at least from my view. Perhaps not to others.

But what the heck. As they say, it is a living. Maybe not always the kind we want, but if you get what you want great.

Just depends on the acting ability.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Might be a time for the old saying about how curiosity killed the cat. Now not being a cat lover I wouldn't complain anyway.

Yeah, I'm sure some would not like to hear that confession, but it is true. Sorry, fuzzy creatures are not my joy.

I guess I would find it such in some situations. Just none comes to mind at the moment. Mainly, because I haven't found myself in positions to enjoy such events.

Now perhaps if cats where different. I mean I'm sorry but litter boxes don't impress me at all.

Well enough on cats I guess. My main interest here was in discussing the issue of curiosity.

Yep, when it get to an extreme it is a problem. Because you can really feel it be a big issue.

People really are such a mess when it comes to wanting to know everything. And even if it is crap.

That's right. Just apart of human nature. We just get so consumed with wanting to find out every detail about everything.

And what I want to know is where did we prosper from this approach? Really, how come this is a good thing?

Personally, there are a lot of things I don't want to know. For example if aliens have secretly invaded and taken over the world, I don't want to know.

As long as they don't mess up my life, who cares. I would hope at least they would make things better.

I haven't notice that happening tough. Which is why I think aliens are probably a lot more human than we imagine.

Yep, they have no reason to take the time to say make us better off. They would just suck us dry like we would them.

Oh perhaps give us a chance to have a few crumbs before they decide to take more from us. I imagine taxes would go up also.

But then that is all part of the stupidity of life. We would be so thrilled to know the joy to know whatever.

Even if it wiped us out in the process, since we could die with a smile on our faces.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


No there is nothing more annoying than having somebody rip your heart out. You get all excited and decide to look forward to a promise.

Yep, so fun it is. And so very cruel. Well if you are the person getting the shaft. If you are the person doing the pain, great.

Now I don't mind so much when I have a chance to dole out this blessing on others. It does give me a joy.

But I sure don't love it happening to me. Nope that never works. Which is why I do my best to not fall victim to this.

It normally is more likely to happen when you are in the process of being in need. Yeah, that is the worst time.

And with the ones who truly love to make this their hobby even more so. For they have a predator's nostrils.

And they will be sure they don't let you see their real nature. Just dangle it out there where it can seem like they are a nice person.

Sort of a trap lying behind a smile. And if they use it right, no problem, they will move in for the kill.

Only you can be sure there will be no mercy. Yep, that doesn't fit into the concept here, just more blood.

Now for me the important part is recognizing such situations. Never allowing yourself to think you are safe.

Which is a nice way of saying watch out. That Mr. All Smiles coming your way could be a snake.

A few helpful suggestions in that regard. First be aware the more the person talks about being loving and caring it means the more they are planning something.

If they seem generous, watch your pocket book. If they speak of being a devoted family person be sure you know they will try to seduce your spouse.

Basically, whatever they say, the opposite is most likely the truth. And that does make things easier.

Just be careful. And then you won't have to end up a human lollipop. Those just end up getting consumed.

Beware and be happy.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Hard to go shopping these days without finding something not made in the United States. Seems like more and more stuff get made elsewhere.

There are all kinds of opinions on this subject. Some good and some not so good. However, I don't think this will change.

I suppose if we could figure a way to do things like have all our fast food make outside the US they would do that too. But I'm grateful that is not an option.

Not that I am an addict about the stuff. Just happy to know some things won't change. Sort of like with things such as politics.

We are going to keep that in our country. Far to difficult to have our politicians who lived in another country.

Oh maybe they can visit there, but not live there. Nope that is where we draw the line. Which is good for me.

Now it is pity we can ship out the stuff we don't like. For example I could live with them sending bible thumpers overseas.

I know that will bring the whiners about freedom of religion. I don't want to mess with that.

I just think it could be interesting if as a business they allowed more options in that area. Yeah, maybe we could make their day.

You know give them a chance to spread the gospel elsewhere. Now I bet they would enjoy that.

At least I would think it would help. But then you can imagine they wouldn't want to give up their income here.

I suppose they would be open to some compromise. Yeah, maybe we could even turn it into some kind of union deal.

Then they could charge union fees. Then they wouldn't need to collection offerings. Could even you know set up special rules.

Not sure if striking was a good option. I figure that would not work with the Lord. But the could protest against say sin.

I could see that being different. Having picking lines in front of some bar. Could be fun. And well might be entertaining.

Well it is to dream I guess.

Friday, September 26, 2008


Well such a blessing this is. Those rare and precious moments when you are stuck. No choice left, but to follow a given option.

You know it is going to suck, you know it will be a crappy option, but it is the only one you have. So you live with it.

Now I have found my own means of coping. A nice alternative to be sure that I don't get too depressed over such things.

Basically, I share the misery. Because for me this is mainly something that happens at work.

All those disgusting chores forced on me as a mayor. Not quite a reason to get excited, but so much more blessed when I escape them.

How do I do that? I find some patsy to take my place. I'm not talking about them pretending to be a mayor.

I take the time to be sure they have the chance instead to feel they were being honored. This I do by giving them some special attention.

You know pile on the crap so they feel blessed. And if I work it right they will end up with a swelled head.

This is my goal. Hopefully it will last till after they find out they were suckered into some pathetic chore.

Which the big chore is to try and not let this end up in a way where they think it is a bad deal. I want them proud.

I want them to be able to honestly have a reason to think they are gods. Well sort of. More like heroes.

Yep, you can't do more than to leave the person imagining they are some honest-to-goodness hero. Toss in a cheap plaque or plastic trophy and even better.

But then you never can predict the person who doesn't have an ego. They are the ones you have to watch out for.

With them it is tricky. You have to be sure that you find out what appeals to them. The good news for the ones without an ego money often doesn't work either.

So instead you are always going to have the chance to get their help for some cheap alternative. Depending on what they love.

Most of the time it is food, candy works great. Cheap enough to be sure.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Now my take on this might be a tad different. I am not referring to the vacation resort options.

Those always are one of those deals where they are so thrilled to get you to spend a fortune in order to enjoy two weeks stay in place. A location that countless others will have also used.

And naturally they want you to think it is yours, but only for a short time. So you are in heaven by appointment only.

Now as fun as it might be to wander off and discuss that subject, I'm looking at this from a different point of view. One that involves sharing time.

Yep, that's right, I am discussing the most obvious need here. Find those wonderful souls who can spare a few hours.

Oh I'm not speaking in the usual sense. Not with employees. Those are easy enough to share the time, but you have to pay for it.

What I'm speaking of is the need for getting volunteers. That is for me a slave who is grateful to be used.

You can't get enough of them. They don't have to be paid in money. Oh you will need to give them some reward.

I find certificates work great. Yeah, they really do seem to satisfy. Something that you can put in a frame.

A few nice words and TA-DAH, you have frame happy for the person. Ah, it is to smile. A pure balm of greed's spice.

And the more I can get along those lines the better it is. Just a question of making sure you can inspire plenty of those options.

Now that can be difficult. For too many figure out in time that volunteers are not going to get a break.

They sort of decide they want money instead. And you can't blame them for that. Which is why I do have to run new programs for volunteers regularly.

It is a major hassle on occasions. But then well worth it when it comes down to time shares.

Yeah, such a dream.

Well for me at least when I get enough volunteers.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


There are so many situations where I think ownership is not always the best option. Such as if you are dealing with something expendable.

Just seems pointless to invest lots of funds in acquiring an item that will be exhausted in a short time. Hate that kind of depreciation.

And it does happen a lot. So many times we get wrapped up in the appeal of owning things.

As if it will truly enhance the value that is going to be wiped out anyway. Now there are occasions you have no choice.

You can hardly rent food or gas. I know I wouldn't be keen on the idea of buying some used foods.

But then you can't speak for everyone. And I'm not sure I would want too. Just not a good option.

Now my thinking on this is around the subject of pleasure. Yep, I love the idea of leasing fun.

You know be able to sit back and truly enjoy something, but not worry about its wear and tear. No concerns over its possible damage.

That can't be said of a lot of things. You can't sit down and do that with some other things.

There is just that sense of ownership that prevails. You want what you want when you want it.

So owner is the only viable option. Such as with a house. You can lease one, but most prefer that you own.

Which makes sense. However, with pleasure, now using an abusing is a plus. Well it is to me.

Course depends on the type of pleasure perhaps. I can imagine there are some types related to ownership where you want to buy.

But for me I will never pass on the joy of guilt free fun. Meaning you have to be concerned over the consequences.

Ah that is the way to go. I love it. And that is such a joy when it works. With me that is very often.
With others, well no my problem.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Well I suppose there ought to be a time when this is a good thing. A place where you can find bargains.

And you normally expect those at some mall. The usual predictable kind. Where you have a chance to buy crap at a decent price.

Now that will really give a person a reason to be excited if you could offer something different. Which is a good option.

I think for me I wish to explore the avenue of making politics more of a bargain. Perhaps some commission program.

I really love the idea of inspiring people in that regard. Yep, you never know when it would translate into something beneficial.

We could have people bid on getting elected. Offering the people a chance for something of a bargain.

Yeah, I really thing a competitive approach would work best. Oh yeah that was such a good idea.

Now who knows where this all could lead. Why maybe we could even strike a deal with our enemies?

Oh my, this has so many wonderful possibilities. And I imagine with the right promotion even better.

Maybe run some ads. Yeah, full size ones in the paper. With a nice discount feature. Fifty per cent off on a given position.

This could be wonderful for the budget. We could get all kinds of people offering to take jobs for a lesser fee.

Heck they way I see it this would truly be a blessing. All the ways we could save costs and even have some fun.

Imagine how it might help with the court system? Judges who were picked that would work for minimum wage?

I tell you this is so great. I love the idea. Okay maybe a few risks. I mean discount judges might be pushing it a tad, but what they heck.

So a few innocent might go to jail. But we could let them hire a person to do the time. Now that would be cool.

Well I guess I will pitch this when time allows and people are too drunk to care.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Well this is supposed to be important in politics. People expect to have you tell the truth. Which is really kind of silly from my point of view.

I mean I have yet to meet anyone that honestly tells the truth most of the time. I know plenty who claim they do.

But they do love to pretend it is true. Which is good for a smile. However, not really much else.

And you can be sure that I don't plan on changing a time honored system. I do enjoy my political career and don't expect to give it up over the truth.

Now there are plenty who will say, we want the truth. It ranks right up there with important stuff like honesty.

And we also toss in a few goodies such as moral and ethics. It all becomes a nice package that represents what we wish was true.

But it is a package that has a nice bow on it so we won't peak inside. To that place where the real details can be found.

I have worked so hard to cultivate my image. To make it appear that when I say something it is true.

Which get real complicated when reality is not even close to our existence. This too becomes part of the word aspect.

People do have this insane notion that somewhere in the midst of life you can actually have both truth and fun too. What a silly idea.

However it is what people expect. They put it in the category of something that can not possible work in reality.

Why? Because that is how we are used to life working. We build everything around the driving need to belief our own lies.

So this whole game continues. We all have the fun of demanding the truth, but not wanting to really hear it.

Personally I have adjust my routine to accommodate this reality. It does take work, but I'm okay with it.

In the end I have learn to smile. Hey it is better than complaining. I have worked very hard on not letting it bother me.

But a little booze truly helps a lot too.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


The other day we had this need for flowers. It was one of those situations that calls for flowers as the appropriate response.

Those are good at times to be thoughtful. Personally, I'm not that keen on them. Mainly because they die.

I always feel cheated. That is because you pay all that money for something that doesn't last. Just die on you.

For me what I prefer is to give something that lasts. A thoughtful and tasteful give that will be forever remembered.

Course it depends on the person. There are different situations that require different forms of consideration.

For example is this involves a man, well then you want to offer something that will ether help him celebrate or offer comfort in time of loss. Being a man I naturally appreciate that problem.

And for me comfort and celebration do have a similar solution. I find a nice motel room with an appropriate comforter helpful.

Hey, remember it is the thought that counts. And I can't think of anything thoughtful than what gives a smile.

If it is a lady, ah, now that is different. I prefer to off comfort personally. It sure is a thoughtful offering from my view.

Well, I guess nobody has quite got a reason to be concerned over those options right now. Nope, I'm not expecting thanks for the effort.

Anyway, back to the flowers deal. Lucky me. This happen right during the time when the florist in town all were trying to get bragging rights in terms of clients.

Did we get some many of them calling to duke it out with price bids. I tell you for a peaceful business like selling flowers they sure got aggressive.

Well I am glad I don't have to do that very often. I really don't enjoy listening to some florist getting all arouse by roses or any other flower.

Didn't quite work for me. And I am glad I was able to steer them towards Lance Allworthy for future sales.

Now that would be such a thrill to see them freak out when they hear that darn harp music that always follows him.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Ah nothing more fun and thrilling than that. A chance at breakfast to plan some crusade over coffee.

It just always is such a great fantasy. Ridding the world of your enemies in some glorious fashion.

Now the hard part is to not let the caffeine rot your brain. Yeah, never allow that vision that comes while sipping on coffee become your dream.

It won't work very well. Actually it is normally the other stuff that contributes. The Danish and eggs, pancakes and bacon.

They all sort of pollute the thinking. Which sort of clogs the reason. And then you imagine you can conquer the world.

Too much syrup will do that. Not a good thing. Nope, you sure can't expect victory from wolfing down too much maple.

Just really is not the good choice. And yet, I admit to being guilty of same. At the time it always seems like a good idea.

And stays that way right up to the point that you apply what you conceive. Normally the first clue you have a problem comes when you look at whoever you are asking to help.

They look at your like your an idiot. Then it is time to rethink the process. It is not a time to have lunch and think it over.

That is another calorie detour that goes nowhere. And you can be sure that is not going to improve the problem.

At least from my experience. Alas the other joy is avoiding the stupidity of imagining in your underwear some visit to a motel.

That leads to all kinds of stupid phone calls. And the dates I'm thinking of normally aren't awake at that time of morning.

So it is not a good option. You do have to appreciate the blunder of that choice. Hopefully, before you get hung up on by too many gals.

Learning the lessons the hard way do not make for making the coffee taste any better. And I sure don't find it a blessing.

So those are the times that your ambitions are drunk in ways that just don't end up being all that helpful. Ah the memories.

Try to forget them.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Got to love the ability a person has to made something ugly look beautiful. This is such a wonderful talent.

And the real problem is making it so others see it too. Now that can really be difficult. Darn near impossible at times.

Okay now for me the greatest place this is important is with politics. Taking some really disgusting candidate and justning him into an Adonis is pure artistry.

I do admit that I suffer in my situation for a lack of such a talented person. Really makes me feel so deprived.

I have to rely upon the services of my number spin beautician, Hugo Muckraker. He is the only person around me that can take some disgusting blunder and revise it with his newspaper column.

By the time he gets done I can end up looking like a hero. Ah, it is to be such a blessing. And most of the time it does help.

Only problem is that success depends on how many people know the real story. Too many and we are in trouble.

So then it makes it really difficult to achieve some beautiful creation. And I will admit we sure have had way too many that have caused a problem in that regard.

Now the only way to fix that problem is to make the witness look ugly. Oh yeah, that is very critical.

And plastic surgery on a person's reputation can be such a challenge. People tend to get upset when you lie about them.

So you have to work hard to be sure the lie seems true. That normally means faking a few facts.

Plus bending the truth in other ways. Also coming up with a few liars who will say what you want them to say.

Point is that it is all hard work. And so exhausting at times. Which is very bad in terms of time used.

Now I suppose it might be easier if I could not be so lazy. But then that is too much work.

I try not to dwell on how you know it might take more work to paint over a blunder than not making it in the first place. Too much effort.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Come on beg me! Yeah ask for it. Let me feel you truly craving it deep down so I know you can't live without it.

That's right, you can do it. I won't tell. It will just be our little secret. And naturally I will try to be understanding.

I am so very appreciative of such needs. I will do what I can to be sure that are made very comfortable and happy in the process.

Course I will require a certain degree of compensation. After all if I'm going to help you obtain your heart's desire then I feel it should be worth something.

As far as what? Well we can discuss the details later. Perhaps do some bartering and negotiating.

Now what all that involves will depend on what exactly we are talking about. Now that is the issue we can also discuss.

See I am very flexible in that regard. No fuss, no muss so to speak. Just a little realistic liberality.

I am naturally very in favor of as much freedom as you need. And I will be willing to negotiate that element.

But then it also will revolve around the simple joy of moving in a direction that will really give us both some joy. Which is the important part isn't it?

The thing I feel can be so essential to be understood. Now I hope I kept this vague enough so it can be interpreted in many different ways.

That way I can keep the door open to whatever. And that is truly very important when you are speaking of being helpful.

I think I have succeeded in keeping this as needed. To be able to banter around as an object lesson.

What is the object? You can decide. I'm just doing what I can to help spread a little cheer in life.

I think it is hard to find at times. And so anything I can do that will make it better great
All we need to do is decide how much is enough.

Of what? Ah, now that remains to be discussed. Isn't life wonderful? I think so. And who knows where all it will lead.

Hopefully to the bank.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Ah, yes the pure joy of ultimatums. Being able to point a gun that only you know is loaded with blanks and get what you want.

Nothing smiles inside more than the victory of a bluff. Yeah, you can't abandon the joy of such experiences.

Now some might think this is calloused. That is doesn't represent the reality of life. Well, I'm sorry, but it works great in my view.

I suppose you can make allowances for those who don't get it. Which pretty much describes way too many people.

But that is okay, I don't mind. Let them be ignorant. Just means more for me when the time comes.

And let me tell you that is one thing I certainly do plan on maintaining. I have quite grasp the significance of how watching out for you own behind is a bad thing.

If that means you have to do it at the price of being a tad me first then it is a good thing. Well to me.

But you know, some might disagree. Well life has plenty of those. And you know what, you would never make them happy anyway.

Nope that is a reality. Well from what I have view. You know there was a time when I did think of it in other terms.

Honestly, I wanted to help people. You might sneer at that comment, but it really is true. Only it was a while ago.

Somewhere along the path I found out it didn't really matter. That there were always going to be those out there that you couldn't please.

So what you are left with are the ones you have to try and deal with that are flexible. There are many who with the right kind of inspiration can end up being helpful.

Oh they might not seem that way at first, but once you apply the right motivation they always end up being helpful. Just requires being able to know when they are that way.

This can take practice to determine when a person falls into this category. But once you have it is great.

Then the ultimatum thing is a blessing. Oh they may complain at first, but once they end up doing whatever, they find out it isn't so bad.

Just a little joy to pass on in thought to keep you smiling.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


If you are easily upset I can see where this subject is not one you want to maybe read. And there are plenty out there that way.

Only problem is what makes them squeamish. It is different or different people. Such a truly regrettable aspect to life.

Now what I mind are the ones who you know pretend on this subject. They make sure they act like something offends when it doesn't.

Like those pious types who act like anything erotic will make them faint. Well I'm sorry, but if they have kids I don't think those were an accident.

They were doing something other than praying in the dark. Oh yeah, no sense of them acting otherwise.

I just get tired of their double standard. Now for me, I never pretend. Heck, I will steal you blind, lie about it and then sneak off to play footsie with you lady.

Yeah, I'm that kind of guy. So none of that makes me squeamish. It gets me excited and I think it does for others too.

Still I do try to play the game. Let these people act as if they are all so wonderfully restrained.

And naturally I give them the right to their fantasy. Nope, I have no reason to pretend in that regard.

Just try to respect their hypocrisy, which to me is really disgusting. But there is no cure for that problem.

Nope you just keep plotting along and hope that somewhere along the way it will all make sense. Hasn't work so far, but there is always tomorrow.

Now what the trick here is for us to be sure we take time to turn it into fun. I mean if we are pretending anyway then let's do it right.

Come on let's have a laugh and turn it into a game. I love doing that all the time. Make life have a few smiles.

Can't complain about that part. Well you can, but it never makes things better. Unless you have a chance to do it in a way that somebody will like.

Anyway, I'm ready for the next session. It will be over the rainbow somewhere. That is this bar where I go.

It isn't Oz, but better than reality.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Such a wonderful sentiment to be sure. The fabulous occasions of wonderful occasion when you have a reason to laugh.

Wish they were more realistic. By that I mean times when life truly did follow a jester's path.

Yeah, those times. What a joy it would be. The occasions when you don't stress the world exists to stab you in the back.

They are kind of hard to always imagine. You know a place that doesn't piss you off. Yeah, those times.

Now complicating it can be the people who decide they don't like smiles. Let alone giggles.

Oh yeah the plotters. There are plenty of them too. Far to many. Wish they didn't even exists.

But that is okay. I have my own method of dealing with same. Yep, you can be sure I take the time to examine these options.

It can be taxing to be sure. Those efforts people make to take away your dreams. Really does suck.

Now speaking for myself I know that I need to always go in quest of ways to make this less of a headache. Which can be such a challenge.

Nevertheless, I have allowed myself options to improve this problem. And the best method it to not talk about it.

Yeah, don't broadcast the fact you know where some smiles and giggles might be found. Big mistake.

Unless you are dealing with somebody who knows where to enjoy them too. Then no problem.

Just make sure they aren't making it up. Yep, that you have to be on guard against. The fun fakers.

There are plenty of them out there. They make you think they are into having fun, but it is all fake.

And if you let yourself be suckered by them you will truly be very miserable. Which is not a good option.

Oh well, I have learned to not let such things dominate my fun. Just don't brag about it.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Oh yeah, there is a lot of this out there. People totally impossible to work with who don't care about your problems.

Not that you expect everyone to care. But it is nice when you get those little moments of cooperation.

Of course this is not a joy when you have a crisis. Such people never are an asset in such situations.

They are far more inclined to be a pain in the butt. The kind if you have your choice you will be sure you run over with a truck.

Or perhaps leave stranded for dead somewhere. Yeah, I know that sounds mean, but it really is doing them a favor.

I have found as a rule that negative people normally are the biggest obstacles. Hate to you know put them in a box, but at least it isn't a coffin.

Well not yet. Later maybe. Yeah, you can be sure they will have a reservation there as all of us do.

Which I only wish for them means a lot sooner. I know that sounds crappy, but then so are these people.

Now the other category of difficult people is the greedy predators. Lot of them out there too.

So you have to be different in dealing with them. Because they do expect things. They will be sure you are treated to special demands.

And even if you do what they want, they will expect more. It is a different kind of difficult.

Not quite the kind that brings happiness. And they are normally clever so that rules out giving them an arsenic sandwich. Ah, it is to dream

Yep, got to hold onto those hopes. Might be the only ray of sunshine to brighten a miserable day.

And it is my hope that in the process I do find a few ways to improve this situation. Make sure all the donkey brains are put out to pasture so to speak.

Somewhere appropriate as in other than where I am. Yep, I can love that option. Eventually.

And maybe in my life time.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


The bottom line on this one is that you know somebody is going to be a loser in the long run. Yep, you can be sure in the end it will not be a time of rejoicing for everyone.

And the basic rule is that the person with the power does the working out of thing. That means they win.

Sorry about the issue of fairness. It is all a dream, a nice fantasy that really doesn't happen in such situations.

Well not from what I can tell. Instead you generally end up with this all being a case of speeches.

Fairness by the tongue that never fairness of fact. A wonderful ritual that looks great, but doesn't mean a thing.

And I love it. I really cherish this fabulous way of massaging the truth. To make it all see fair when it isn't.

Instead it is just a matter of what sounds best. What appeals in ways that makes you have hope.

Naturally if there is paper involved, even better. Yeah, if you can dangle a piece of paper under somebody's nose that always inspires some kind of trust.

Because of the fact that you have such a great time of making it all seem so real. Funny how a piece of paper does that.

Sort of like with contracts. Then can be completely worthless. Have no value at all, but still we cling to them as if they are gold.

It is conditioning. The joy of deception. And I truly do have such joy in helping to permeate the myth.

To let the myth. A great chance to make people think all is well. To give the illusion of fairness.

Naturally, it will all get swallowed when the time comes. And that is when it really counts.

During the times that it is found out later. Those occasions when it all becomes a hammer that hits you over the head.

But I save that hammer for the perfect time. Then it feels even better when the person suddenly gets a big headache.
Got to love it.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Now my take on this is about guilty or not guilty. Are you functional or not? Do you really serve the job accordingly or just make it seem that way?

There are all kinds of test like that in life. Some do better than others. I do like judging them too.

Because naturally for me the fun is the chance to make it all work according to the way I want. Basically holding the person's future in my hands and making sure I get a bribe to see who wins.

Actually I don't even guarantee the winner. It is more a case of simply making sure I give the illusion that I care.

That way they still have hope. Which will inspire them to work even harder. And the whole time I get credit for their labor.

So I et the perks of having all that labor done, a few bribes too and in the end I get to keep only the ones who appeal. There might not a job waiting for all, but I will make it fun.

That is the main part that is rather boring. Those you have to let down later. All that sadness and tears.

Hey, if I didn't act that way they might think I was faking it. And that would ruin all the fun.

See for me I have come to accept this is all a game. We have to hold these stupid trial periods.

Make it all seem fair and equitable. But it never is. Instead it is a case of window dressing.

Always done to create the illusion that we care. We don't and nobody is going to admit it. So we might as well have fun with it.

I know I plan on it. Well to the degree I can fake it. Which is pretty much all the time. And that is the part I do love.

However, I will admit that this doesn't always work to my favor. There are occasions when it is a down side to life.

The times when you have to deal with somebody not able to smile when it is all done. They can't be persuaded it is all just for fun.

Oh well live and learn as they say.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


There is nothing more frustrating to me than this time, which ruins your serenity. You are kicking back and enjoy life and crap happens.

Yep right in the middle of all that joy some storm comes. Pity when it is a person. Seen to many of them.

Really not quite a type of thrill I would vote for. And it sure is not the thrills I go in hunt of such options.

Now the big problem is that normally when this happens in some situation it always is result of some person. A hand tossing out the wrench to totally ruin some smooth function.

So my view is to be sure I never allow myself to sit down and feel at peace in some moment unless I know I've got all the morons are accounted for. Got to truly crave such options.

Yep, as long as you have your screwball radar on you can pretty much look forward to avoiding surprises. Well the kind you don't want.

A good surprise is like a really cute young gal showing up at whatever watering hole I'm at how decides to make my night. Well you asked.

Okay you didn't ask, but thought it was worth sharing just the same. Kind of nice image I think.

Another joy would be seeing the person you hate the most being arrested by the police and then you get to comfort the wife. Um, a really blessing in my book.

Oh well then there is the other issue. Another joy that must be told. The little graces of extravagance.

That's when you order some item and it is a standard cheap version. Then before you know it you get a free upgrade.

This is where you need the added joy of making sure some clown doesn't destroy the upgrade. It happens.

Man does that suck. And that is why I really work so hard to avoid the rift moments. Yeah, you got to love doing that.

But you know there is such a pleasure when you can. To be sure you don't fall into a pile of goo while having your nose in the air.

Words for thought meant to be sure you don't smell them instead.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Ah, the sweet joy of inspiration. Those wonderful moments when somebody tells you something or conveys some aspect of hope.

And it results in you being completely motivated to do something you might otherwise refuse to do. Ah, you can't buy that kind of help.

It can be difficult to be sure to find this type of option. Yep, you really can cherish these rarest of moments.

Naturally if you are extra good you can create them yourself. Yep, that truly does give a person a reason to smile.

Now the big problem is making it real. It has to be a real experience. Not some contrive or bogus situation.

Those never result in lasting inspiration. And if it doesn't have any endurance people tend to get very upset.

So there is a difficult balance needed here. A need to be sure you have a legitimate offer and it also be realistic.

Now for somebody like me, the big concern is cost. I want all the perks I get from all that extra labor.

I just don't want to pay for it more than necessary. Still I know it has to be the truth. So that means saying it in a way that sounds perfect.

Which is a talent to be sure. A very necessary gift, which is one cultivated through ages of practice.

Yep you can't go to school for that kind of instruction. This is sophisticated baloney that smells like roses.

It even tastes great when you swallow it. And if I'm lucky you never know it was fake. Nope that s not a problem.

All I can say, is that time truly does make a difference with this. One time or two when the motivation does yield happiness.

But then you just have to keep it in the right frame of mind. You have to actually believe it yourself.

Otherwise it doesn't count, because sooner or later you will end up caving in and proving you were faking it. Yep, that is not a good option.

Well I think I was vague enough to keep from revealing any secret. Whew!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


There is nothing sweeter than feeling secure. And nothing more annoying than not feeling that way.

You just got to love when they give you some way for this to be a reality. The chances to have a little blessing that doesn't make you sweat.

And to do it in a place you know won't fall apart tomorrow. Really hate those situations. Yeah, when you think you are in a home and it turns out to be a trailer.

And you can be sure I do what I can to avoid them. Plus I do try to do my best to make sure others feel secure too.

How do I accomplish that? Oh easy, I offer visions. Little word dreams to give hope. And that really makes a difference.

See the problem is that a person can live in a cardboard box. But it doesn't have to feel like one.

The difference is in how you view it. And that is my job. I do what I can to inspire. Which is really very important.

It isn't easy either. Not when I have problems with the security myself. That is why I have to first convince myself of it.

But that I do manage. Well more that just spend the time convincing myself it is true. Not always easy.

Sometimes I just reach out to find somebody to tell me it is all going to be okay. Oh there are a few.

Perhaps not enough. But that is okay. I don't mind. I will love the few I do find. They are special.

Then once I have managed to get them to tell me it is all okay, then I can do the same for others. Well to a degree.

In any case, the fun is when everyone feels good. Doesn't matter if it really sucks. That isn't important.

So we move on and just have the joy of imagining. Yeah, all the possibilities make for a wonderful foundation.

And you can buy those. So we move ahead, by a few tales. Just let the joy be know. And once we get them to belief, perfect.

Then we can all feel a bit of security right up to the point the disaster comes.

Monday, September 08, 2008


Oh yeah, got to love those moments. The times when life really makes no sense at all. I'm telling you these are not time so joy.

It is as if stupidity was in charge. Some demon who is a complete moron took over because all the angels were on a coffee break.

Course I'm no expert on such things, but I am sort of assuming that stupidity would most likely come for hell's turf instead of heaven. Not quite a note of happiness though.

But then I suppose that this isn't always the result of any supernatural problem either. I mean from what I've seen man is pretty good at doing stupid things.

Which you would assume might encourage us to do otherwise. However, I haven't noticed that to be the case.

Instead it seems to work more on a basis of pure insanity. Although I doubt insanity is ever really pure.

Still I do have to admit that this does lead to a lot of head scratching. After all there are so many times when reality does get stretched.

So far out of shape that it never seems it will survive. And that really is such a pain. I do love for things to make sense.

They just never quite manage to stay that way. Oh we do achieve them for a while. Perhaps a long while, still sooner or later they get messed up.

Speaking for myself, I can say that I have adopted a philosophy of tolerance on the subject. Didn't always, but do now.

By that I mean I have taken the time to accept that stupidity will have a part in the real world. No matter are plans, it is there.

Regardless of our intentions it is there. Do I take pride in it? Nope. Do I wish it would always be the case, no.

Still I have to embrace for the reality. Which means no screaming and getting upset. No, sitting down and brooding over it.

Instead it means moving ahead and savoring the day. Basically living in denial as much as possible.

Yeah, that really does work for me. I think it is the place I've come to cherish as really the place where sanity does exist.

Better to lie that not face the need for this. At least it is my view.

Sunday, September 07, 2008


Yep, yep, who will complain about this? Well, too many that is who. I tell you that is amazing to me.

Now where is it written that life is going to be fair? Is this some kind of rule that I missed out noticing?

The problem is it only gets mentioned by the ones that don't want you to have a good life. They never apply it to themselves.

Which you have to admit is not a fair standard. Not in my book. Nope, I don't bother with such views.

I just try to set my own standard in that regard. Oh I will listen to all the people talk about waste and greed.

Ever notice they are mainly the ones that don't admit to their own weakness in that area? Yeah that is what I have observed.

Which is naturally the standard where they only want you to change. Never them. They want you to be conservative, but not on there end.

I do appreciate how you know people view all politicians as greedy. And also self serving.

But at the same time, we do need to survive. And that means we need an income. Maybe some thing we get too much, but is us being poor going to help?

I don't think that will solve any problems. We are after all the examples of how the system works.

So what better way to inspire hope that to allow us a chance to show the system does offer its blessings? Only makes sense to me.

I'm sure there are plenty out there who would say this is not a good choice, but honestly we do need that option. My view you understand.

Which is the one I do live by. And so very often it is a blessing. Yep, I love spreading around the joy.

And naturally there is no problem making this be realistic and successful. Just have to have a little variety in the process.

Just you know make it all in my control. I will pass around the resources as needed.
And makes sure it is done in a fair way.

Which I'm sure everyone would trust right?

Saturday, September 06, 2008


Now I really wish this was about fun. This is more about the times when life is not so much fun.

You just say this to try and inspire some reason so smile anyway. Yeah, I really do cherish those times.

It is when the brain sort of goes wacky and decides griping doesn't work. So you figure the option of just making it all crazy is a good thing.

Silly becomes the order of the day. Take on the frowns with a jesters touch. Yep, that really is the important part.

I truly do love those times. Maybe I will find some extra creative way to make it all seem wonderful.

Now to me we all need these moments. Those times when life can truly be okay to be other than serious.

I do think serious comes up too much. People seem to crave it so much more. Which is sad.

After all if we only hear the bad things how can we find the joy? How can we reach out with hope?

Er, maybe I don't need to let myself take time to you know dwell on how that sounds too preachy. That can be scary.

Yep, that is the part I don't want. I'm not trying to drum up donations here. I have enough options in terms of taxes.

So instead I just keep tossing this out for other reason. The happier people are the more they are likely to you know cooperate.

And the thing is when they are happy the want more crap. So it builds and appetite. Yeah, that is very important.

Got to let them develop that need for more. And in a way that comes down to them seeking my help.

It might not be perfection, but it does balance out when I try to make it work. Yep, never will find the ideal solution perhaps, but sometimes it works.

In any case, when I build that kind of passion in people I see it as a success. And for that I am happy.

Providing the end up needing my supply for their fixes.

Friday, September 05, 2008


Well I got to admit that this for me is such an uplifting phrase. Said to anyone it does inspire.

Providing the belief it is true. And that can be difficult with some people. You get a person with some big issue in their mind that makes them convince that isn't true and forget it.

However, if you find the right person, then it is great. A wonderful option to savor. Well just makes them all so happy.

To a point. Providing at some point it really happens. And that is not always the way thing unfold.

Now nothing will in any way get the person less inspired to believe you if they find out that what you said was not true. If they fall on their face, forget it.

Nope not going to make them happy. They will most likely not even accept what you say the next time.

And so you have to be able to move on. At least try to get them to accept the need for a change.

Yep, that is the important part. To maintain the illusion. They need to be able to see this accordingly.

That sure isn't easy at times. Not with some people. You can spend time with them and dance around the truth, but if it don't happen, then forget it.

It will not work. But at least for a while it can make a difference. Sometimes at least. Not always.

So the key here is smile. Come on make them feel great. Yeah, and if you work it right they will not even complain.

Nope, they will come away and feel good enough so maybe they won't be upset when things don't work out. It is all a sales job.

And we all can use that kind of joy. At least at times. We can so savor these find moments.

Now with me this is all simple. I want to do it for the sake of making sure that it all works out to my favor.

See if I can get a person persuaded in ways they weren't before then I can get them to do so much more. Which is such a plus.

Thursday, September 04, 2008


Oh yeah I love this part. When you find some situation where there is an auction. A means to benefit from a crisis.

Yep, you can just visualize the opportunity to profit. This is like an unexpected Christmas.

And the fun is that I will just know this always is a great chance to have some gain. Well for me.

See this is the part of life that really give you all kinds of reasons for a smile. Those little breaks that you never expect.

Well providing you can count the times when it all turns to your favor. Not the case when you see the fates turn against you.

Yeah, there is a nature to all of this. Those times when you end up being the one on auction.

See this is often how it works. You help out on the one end from some luck. Then they turn against you in another situation.

So the more times you profit, the more times you end up risking being on the down side too. Such is the nature of life.

Now the rule is then, be sure you save the booty from the good times to help out in the bad time. Not all of it, but enough.

And the fun part is being sure you calculate it out so you don't end up being busted during the down times. Yeah, that is a big deal to work around.

So the other fun part is that you take the time to assess each situation. Always calculate what you gain. Make sure you take time to count your assets.

Then calculate it in terms of profit and savings. With some left over for a party. Actually two parties if you can manage it.

You need to have one as a celebration. And a second when the tough times come. That really is what is important.

It gives hope and that is what counts. So go ahead when they put your neck on the auction block and relax.

Have the big piece of cake and not let the idea of being gutted bother you. Nope just hold your head up and enjoy.

After all the next time you may be the one holding the auction.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Ah the real joy in life. When you have that vision in your head that makes life seem like a blessing.

Nothing truly gives me greater joy than when I can sit back and have a reason to feel good about something. Yep, that is a true joy.

Naturally, my joy is derived from whatever inspires grief in somebody else. That might seem rather cruel and insensitive, but it is for me practical.

Essentially this is a matter of being realistic. Misery doesn't exactly pass people by in life.

Sooner or later it will strike the everyone. Including those you hate. Yep, when you are fortune you find out.

Now the best part is when you know it isn't your doing. So nobody can sit back and accused you of causing problem.

Yep, I love those moments. A chance to know the boomerang of fate finally hit the face of the jerk you hate.

Now the real fun is from keeping record of the event. To sit back and savor the event with such joy.

Because it is a form of entertainment. Well to me it is. Now I will of course not admit this to the public.

Not that stupid. Nope this would not be a good choice. I would prefer to make this a choice from necessity.

Mainly in terms of the affirmation it gives about life. The basic foundation that you can't a heaven that lasts forever.

Not in this life. Now I know plenty who would prefer to ignore this fact. They would be happy to regard it as real and forever.

So they spend their time pretending. And this is better? Not to me. I would like it to be, but it isn't.

What is true is that we find ourselves in fortune's play land. Yeah, yeah, such a great illusion.

And most people prefer to stay there. A place so full of the wonderful opportunity to think we can find perfection.

That is the fun of it all, when the smiles I get come from knowing somebody's bubble was burst. It is to laugh.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Nothing makes me happier than being able to enter some victory in my private diary. Can't be those memories.

Actually, I do keep more than one. There is the real one that only I see. It is kept where I can't even find it at times.

So that means I also keep what I call my memoirs. Now they are a work of fiction, only I don't admit that fact.

Nope, why ruin the fun of being a hero? You got to appreciate how important image is. Yes, very much so.

And being a Mayor, even more so. After all, I'm suppose to have all those noble qualities.

And I do on paper. Maybe no where else, but I think it is important to have some decide fame to go along with my leadership skills.

Perhaps it might be nice if I did possess some of them. And I have worked on it. Well to a degree.

Sort of in passing. You know a time when you sit back and be honest with yourself. Well pretend to be at least.

Now how this works, is I do it in a bar. And always in the company of somebody who will believe whatever I say.

Oh I might have to pay them for the nods, but that is okay. A few extra beers is fine. Or even some appetizers.

How wonderful to always have such options. And I truly do savor them so much. Well when they are available.

Which is whenever I am in the mood to pick up the tab. Normally that is when I have had some attack of guilt.

Drowning it is always such a pleasure. And if I am lucky the ones I invite will toss in a few compliments for free.

Can't buy that kind of help very easy. But they always make for such great rewrites in my memoirs.

Yep, you just can't put aside too much value on the joy of such blessings. They come may way so often.

Even in a good time if I get drunk enough.

Monday, September 01, 2008


This is a very important quality to possess. Well for oneself it is important. Not necessarily a trait I enjoy finding in my enemies.

Not exactly a thing you want to hear about in people who are some threat to your existence. No, no, no, no, no.

The thing about having a will to win it means the person is in some way obsessed. They have pride and really want to succeed.

So it means they will really try and not given up. This translates into trouble if you talking about somebody you hate.

Because you are going to have to work extra hard to discourage them. And if the situation requires you figure to appease them in some way.

Now that really pisses me off. You know to be aware some jerk is planning your demise and you have to be nice to them.

Such a disgusting notion from my view. But that is why I do my best to figure ways of sabotaging their morale.

And actually the best way to accomplish this is by having someone else you hate turn their lust and greed on that person. That way you get rid of two jerks for the price of one effort.

Pity those times don't come up when you like. Nope that really sucks. I wish there was a way to do it more often.

Instead I get stuck with feeling the strain of always knowing when some good option is lurking out there the sharks will come. Can't be excited over that idea.

Now my other option to this situation is to bring in as an ally somebody who is just as greedy and cutthroat as I am. Yeah, then offer them a bribe for their help.

Kind of a commission for every enemy head they severe. Yeah, that is a blessing. And if they succeed, now that is a joy.

Course you can't exactly be happy when they are sill around after they help you. That will breed a taste for cutting your throat too.

That is the time you need another greedy rat to take care of them. Thank goodness there is no shortage of them around.

Just making sure you have enough rat poison is the important part. So you can relax when they are all wiped out and grab all the cheese for yourself.