Thursday, September 11, 2008


There is nothing more frustrating to me than this time, which ruins your serenity. You are kicking back and enjoy life and crap happens.

Yep right in the middle of all that joy some storm comes. Pity when it is a person. Seen to many of them.

Really not quite a type of thrill I would vote for. And it sure is not the thrills I go in hunt of such options.

Now the big problem is that normally when this happens in some situation it always is result of some person. A hand tossing out the wrench to totally ruin some smooth function.

So my view is to be sure I never allow myself to sit down and feel at peace in some moment unless I know I've got all the morons are accounted for. Got to truly crave such options.

Yep, as long as you have your screwball radar on you can pretty much look forward to avoiding surprises. Well the kind you don't want.

A good surprise is like a really cute young gal showing up at whatever watering hole I'm at how decides to make my night. Well you asked.

Okay you didn't ask, but thought it was worth sharing just the same. Kind of nice image I think.

Another joy would be seeing the person you hate the most being arrested by the police and then you get to comfort the wife. Um, a really blessing in my book.

Oh well then there is the other issue. Another joy that must be told. The little graces of extravagance.

That's when you order some item and it is a standard cheap version. Then before you know it you get a free upgrade.

This is where you need the added joy of making sure some clown doesn't destroy the upgrade. It happens.

Man does that suck. And that is why I really work so hard to avoid the rift moments. Yeah, you got to love doing that.

But you know there is such a pleasure when you can. To be sure you don't fall into a pile of goo while having your nose in the air.

Words for thought meant to be sure you don't smell them instead.


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