Monday, September 22, 2008


Well this is supposed to be important in politics. People expect to have you tell the truth. Which is really kind of silly from my point of view.

I mean I have yet to meet anyone that honestly tells the truth most of the time. I know plenty who claim they do.

But they do love to pretend it is true. Which is good for a smile. However, not really much else.

And you can be sure that I don't plan on changing a time honored system. I do enjoy my political career and don't expect to give it up over the truth.

Now there are plenty who will say, we want the truth. It ranks right up there with important stuff like honesty.

And we also toss in a few goodies such as moral and ethics. It all becomes a nice package that represents what we wish was true.

But it is a package that has a nice bow on it so we won't peak inside. To that place where the real details can be found.

I have worked so hard to cultivate my image. To make it appear that when I say something it is true.

Which get real complicated when reality is not even close to our existence. This too becomes part of the word aspect.

People do have this insane notion that somewhere in the midst of life you can actually have both truth and fun too. What a silly idea.

However it is what people expect. They put it in the category of something that can not possible work in reality.

Why? Because that is how we are used to life working. We build everything around the driving need to belief our own lies.

So this whole game continues. We all have the fun of demanding the truth, but not wanting to really hear it.

Personally I have adjust my routine to accommodate this reality. It does take work, but I'm okay with it.

In the end I have learn to smile. Hey it is better than complaining. I have worked very hard on not letting it bother me.

But a little booze truly helps a lot too.


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