Saturday, September 13, 2008


The bottom line on this one is that you know somebody is going to be a loser in the long run. Yep, you can be sure in the end it will not be a time of rejoicing for everyone.

And the basic rule is that the person with the power does the working out of thing. That means they win.

Sorry about the issue of fairness. It is all a dream, a nice fantasy that really doesn't happen in such situations.

Well not from what I can tell. Instead you generally end up with this all being a case of speeches.

Fairness by the tongue that never fairness of fact. A wonderful ritual that looks great, but doesn't mean a thing.

And I love it. I really cherish this fabulous way of massaging the truth. To make it all see fair when it isn't.

Instead it is just a matter of what sounds best. What appeals in ways that makes you have hope.

Naturally if there is paper involved, even better. Yeah, if you can dangle a piece of paper under somebody's nose that always inspires some kind of trust.

Because of the fact that you have such a great time of making it all seem so real. Funny how a piece of paper does that.

Sort of like with contracts. Then can be completely worthless. Have no value at all, but still we cling to them as if they are gold.

It is conditioning. The joy of deception. And I truly do have such joy in helping to permeate the myth.

To let the myth. A great chance to make people think all is well. To give the illusion of fairness.

Naturally, it will all get swallowed when the time comes. And that is when it really counts.

During the times that it is found out later. Those occasions when it all becomes a hammer that hits you over the head.

But I save that hammer for the perfect time. Then it feels even better when the person suddenly gets a big headache.
Got to love it.


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