Saturday, September 20, 2008


Ah nothing more fun and thrilling than that. A chance at breakfast to plan some crusade over coffee.

It just always is such a great fantasy. Ridding the world of your enemies in some glorious fashion.

Now the hard part is to not let the caffeine rot your brain. Yeah, never allow that vision that comes while sipping on coffee become your dream.

It won't work very well. Actually it is normally the other stuff that contributes. The Danish and eggs, pancakes and bacon.

They all sort of pollute the thinking. Which sort of clogs the reason. And then you imagine you can conquer the world.

Too much syrup will do that. Not a good thing. Nope, you sure can't expect victory from wolfing down too much maple.

Just really is not the good choice. And yet, I admit to being guilty of same. At the time it always seems like a good idea.

And stays that way right up to the point that you apply what you conceive. Normally the first clue you have a problem comes when you look at whoever you are asking to help.

They look at your like your an idiot. Then it is time to rethink the process. It is not a time to have lunch and think it over.

That is another calorie detour that goes nowhere. And you can be sure that is not going to improve the problem.

At least from my experience. Alas the other joy is avoiding the stupidity of imagining in your underwear some visit to a motel.

That leads to all kinds of stupid phone calls. And the dates I'm thinking of normally aren't awake at that time of morning.

So it is not a good option. You do have to appreciate the blunder of that choice. Hopefully, before you get hung up on by too many gals.

Learning the lessons the hard way do not make for making the coffee taste any better. And I sure don't find it a blessing.

So those are the times that your ambitions are drunk in ways that just don't end up being all that helpful. Ah the memories.

Try to forget them.


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