Sunday, September 14, 2008


Oh yeah, there is a lot of this out there. People totally impossible to work with who don't care about your problems.

Not that you expect everyone to care. But it is nice when you get those little moments of cooperation.

Of course this is not a joy when you have a crisis. Such people never are an asset in such situations.

They are far more inclined to be a pain in the butt. The kind if you have your choice you will be sure you run over with a truck.

Or perhaps leave stranded for dead somewhere. Yeah, I know that sounds mean, but it really is doing them a favor.

I have found as a rule that negative people normally are the biggest obstacles. Hate to you know put them in a box, but at least it isn't a coffin.

Well not yet. Later maybe. Yeah, you can be sure they will have a reservation there as all of us do.

Which I only wish for them means a lot sooner. I know that sounds crappy, but then so are these people.

Now the other category of difficult people is the greedy predators. Lot of them out there too.

So you have to be different in dealing with them. Because they do expect things. They will be sure you are treated to special demands.

And even if you do what they want, they will expect more. It is a different kind of difficult.

Not quite the kind that brings happiness. And they are normally clever so that rules out giving them an arsenic sandwich. Ah, it is to dream

Yep, got to hold onto those hopes. Might be the only ray of sunshine to brighten a miserable day.

And it is my hope that in the process I do find a few ways to improve this situation. Make sure all the donkey brains are put out to pasture so to speak.

Somewhere appropriate as in other than where I am. Yep, I can love that option. Eventually.

And maybe in my life time.


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