Thursday, September 25, 2008


Now my take on this might be a tad different. I am not referring to the vacation resort options.

Those always are one of those deals where they are so thrilled to get you to spend a fortune in order to enjoy two weeks stay in place. A location that countless others will have also used.

And naturally they want you to think it is yours, but only for a short time. So you are in heaven by appointment only.

Now as fun as it might be to wander off and discuss that subject, I'm looking at this from a different point of view. One that involves sharing time.

Yep, that's right, I am discussing the most obvious need here. Find those wonderful souls who can spare a few hours.

Oh I'm not speaking in the usual sense. Not with employees. Those are easy enough to share the time, but you have to pay for it.

What I'm speaking of is the need for getting volunteers. That is for me a slave who is grateful to be used.

You can't get enough of them. They don't have to be paid in money. Oh you will need to give them some reward.

I find certificates work great. Yeah, they really do seem to satisfy. Something that you can put in a frame.

A few nice words and TA-DAH, you have frame happy for the person. Ah, it is to smile. A pure balm of greed's spice.

And the more I can get along those lines the better it is. Just a question of making sure you can inspire plenty of those options.

Now that can be difficult. For too many figure out in time that volunteers are not going to get a break.

They sort of decide they want money instead. And you can't blame them for that. Which is why I do have to run new programs for volunteers regularly.

It is a major hassle on occasions. But then well worth it when it comes down to time shares.

Yeah, such a dream.

Well for me at least when I get enough volunteers.


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