Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Nothing makes me happier than being able to enter some victory in my private diary. Can't be those memories.

Actually, I do keep more than one. There is the real one that only I see. It is kept where I can't even find it at times.

So that means I also keep what I call my memoirs. Now they are a work of fiction, only I don't admit that fact.

Nope, why ruin the fun of being a hero? You got to appreciate how important image is. Yes, very much so.

And being a Mayor, even more so. After all, I'm suppose to have all those noble qualities.

And I do on paper. Maybe no where else, but I think it is important to have some decide fame to go along with my leadership skills.

Perhaps it might be nice if I did possess some of them. And I have worked on it. Well to a degree.

Sort of in passing. You know a time when you sit back and be honest with yourself. Well pretend to be at least.

Now how this works, is I do it in a bar. And always in the company of somebody who will believe whatever I say.

Oh I might have to pay them for the nods, but that is okay. A few extra beers is fine. Or even some appetizers.

How wonderful to always have such options. And I truly do savor them so much. Well when they are available.

Which is whenever I am in the mood to pick up the tab. Normally that is when I have had some attack of guilt.

Drowning it is always such a pleasure. And if I am lucky the ones I invite will toss in a few compliments for free.

Can't buy that kind of help very easy. But they always make for such great rewrites in my memoirs.

Yep, you just can't put aside too much value on the joy of such blessings. They come may way so often.

Even in a good time if I get drunk enough.


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