Tuesday, September 09, 2008


There is nothing sweeter than feeling secure. And nothing more annoying than not feeling that way.

You just got to love when they give you some way for this to be a reality. The chances to have a little blessing that doesn't make you sweat.

And to do it in a place you know won't fall apart tomorrow. Really hate those situations. Yeah, when you think you are in a home and it turns out to be a trailer.

And you can be sure I do what I can to avoid them. Plus I do try to do my best to make sure others feel secure too.

How do I accomplish that? Oh easy, I offer visions. Little word dreams to give hope. And that really makes a difference.

See the problem is that a person can live in a cardboard box. But it doesn't have to feel like one.

The difference is in how you view it. And that is my job. I do what I can to inspire. Which is really very important.

It isn't easy either. Not when I have problems with the security myself. That is why I have to first convince myself of it.

But that I do manage. Well more that just spend the time convincing myself it is true. Not always easy.

Sometimes I just reach out to find somebody to tell me it is all going to be okay. Oh there are a few.

Perhaps not enough. But that is okay. I don't mind. I will love the few I do find. They are special.

Then once I have managed to get them to tell me it is all okay, then I can do the same for others. Well to a degree.

In any case, the fun is when everyone feels good. Doesn't matter if it really sucks. That isn't important.

So we move on and just have the joy of imagining. Yeah, all the possibilities make for a wonderful foundation.

And you can buy those. So we move ahead, by a few tales. Just let the joy be know. And once we get them to belief, perfect.

Then we can all feel a bit of security right up to the point the disaster comes.


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