Friday, February 29, 2008


A very important question to ask. Especially since there is nothing free in life. So unless you are talking a gift you know it will cost something.

Which is always a headache when it means you have to pay for it in some way. That part I definitely hate.

And let me tell you my big concern with this is when I have to deal with it as Mayor. Every thing costs, but what really is a big issue is how much of my money I suck off from the government is this going to require?

I sure am concerned with that element. But I can't exactly tell the others that. Nope they don't need me to do that.

However, I still need the price figured out just the same. And hopefully it will be enough for me to find a way to avoid the cost.

Which is part of my strategy. I always have plenty of speeches ready to give in case I need them to avoid an expense.

Now if we are talking about spending other people's money that is a different issue. I love that.

Then it is a matter of how much extra costs can I charge or add? I mean if I have a fiscal grape to squeeze then why not get every drop I can.

However I still use the same speech. Have to create the illusion I'm not a dollar vampire. Makes the process easier to accept.

But I do still focus on not letting anyone else know my strategy. That is not a good idea. It just makes things complicated.

So the best option is to just make people feel good when you suck their wallets dry. That always works the best.

And if I manage that in a good way, I feel it is a victory. I save my money and maybe even the city.

As for the tax payers well that is rather nebulous. Sooner or later some of them ends up paying.

But overall it is a wonderful system. At least for a person like me. As for others, well good luck.

You don't have to worry. I'm sure you will be left enough crumbs to survive, and that is better than not at all. Sounds good at least.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Ah, my favorite idea. Nothing more satisfying than browsing around a store that just opened for business.

Normally you see that special pride of ownership and all the wonderful virgin innocence of not being ripped off. That carries the scent of hope.

Now you go to the same place a month or two later and it is all different. Happy busy workers are no longer happy.

Place looks worn and there are marked down prices on everything. I love those moment. They carry the scent of desperation.

Like please somebody come and shoot me. Put me out of my misery. My toy dreams of success are broken.

Depending on how depressed they are you can really get some great bargains. Oh yeah, those are wonderful.

You can in some cases get the whole store dirt cheap. I love those moments. Owners are ready to bend over.

Now the best part is that after they go out of business I get to do the whole thing all over again. And the joy just keeps on happening.

Plus I do add those little extras such as being able to tack on extra taxes. Oh yeah that is so much fun.

Just makes like so entertaining at times. And I savor every moment. Yep it truly does make me happy.

Which is when I can wait to do it again. Love spreading around that joy. Never have enough.

And you know with that practice life is always a blessing. Man does that give me so many reasons to celebrate.

Meanwhile I do savor these special moments. You know when I can stroll down the street and see all the possible places I can rip off.

A way of grazing that truly does give me reason to be happy. Love spending time seeing all the future dreams I can add to a storage room.

Nice little mementoes to make life more worthwhile. Ah, that is a joy in itself. We do what we can to make it all better. Sometimes it even works. That is when I am the most happy.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Now this is not an oxymoron. Nope, nope, nope. This is about the times when you are aware of suffering, but not actually suffering yourself.

It is sort of a surrogate thing where you let somebody else take the punishment, you just savor the experience of seeing them suffer. Just sit back and appreciate it from a distance.

That way you can listen to the pain being expressed, let it sort of bother you, but then head off to dinner. Oh you do feel a twinge of guilt, but never enough to cause problems.

And the nice thing is you can claim you suffered too. I mean it did take up your time so it did count for something. Maybe not everything, but something.

Thus we enter into the carnival. That time when the world behave by our whims. Perhaps not our dreams, but our whims. Lust is more fun anyway.

So the important issue with this is guilt. Primarily to try and make the other person feel guilty and avoid it for yourself.

There are different methods that help with that process. Some work better than other. And I have tried them all.

Justification is nice as is rationalization. They both allow you to feel good about the idea you just ruined somebody's life.

Yeah, I know that kind of sucks. But what in life doesn't for the most part? See didn't that make it all sound okay?

Ah now I can that I have you thinking. And probably toying with the question as to if this would really be okay.

Go ahead give it a good think. Yeah, come on admit it this idea does have some appeal. See just thinking about it means you would consider it.

And don't you worry old Rash will never tell anyone about it. We can keep it our little secret.

Now doesn't that make it all seem just perfect? I bet you will not mind having a break from the misery.

And you know if you don't get the break, somebody else will. Yeah, why be a sucker all your life?

Now doesn't that appeal? Hope so. Because you know I would really hate to enjoy all this fun by myself. Unless I run out of scapegoats.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Oh my, this is not a fun thing. When you feel totally as if your checkbook is smoking from being over used.

Yeah, that is not the most satisfying experience. But unless you are independently wealthy it will probably happen to you in life.

And when it does you will most likely do as the rest of us do and lie about it. Denial is such a fun sport.

Well I treat it as a sport. Because you always win. And it doesn't even matter if you cheat since there are no rules.

So winning is very easy. Only you can't quite brag about it. Nope just won't get you boasting rights.

But that is why I find it a very satisfying option. And you can be sure I play that game as often as I can.

As for others, I'm sure they have their own version. It is just a great way of not dealing with the bigger issue.

That being how much things cost verses what we can afford. Most of us really don't make the amount to support our lifestyle.

Oh we could if we chose to live like trolls. Then it would be no problem. But since most of us don't prefer to life without some pleasure we indulge.

Course some will always you know take it to an extreme. That can go in so many different directions.

You know you can have those who spend time over spending as a means of outlet. Others will under spend as a matter of self control.

However, they both become something other than a good thing when the involved being other that honest. Now it might seem strange that I speak of honesty, but it does apply.

For you do need to know what it is so you know what to try and ignore. After all in this case do we really to think about how much life sucks?

Or do we truly want to think that hard? I doubt it. Which is why this option of smoldering wallets will always be a part of life.

Me, I just want to enjoy it. I want to savor the thrill of spending my joy in a way that really gives me a reason to smile.

And naturally whenever I can make it at somebody else's expense.

Monday, February 25, 2008


A line made famous by this one comedian in his movies. Sort of sums up the need for some to spend time deciding what is good and acceptable.

Which pretty much is anything that we don't like, but are forced to tolerate just the same. So we accept that as reality, but doesn't mean we are thrilled about it.

So the then part is stated out of having no other choice. It is a resignation to what sucks and you wish wasn't true.

There are a lot of these situations that creep into life. Wish it was otherwise. I would certainly love to celebrate how that wasn't the case.

Now as a Mayor I have to tolerate this issue with my help and the voters. However, they expect me to do something about those problems.

I mean I do have certain abilities. But I can't do miracles. Well okay I do sort of claim I can.

Because that is what is expected. They want to believe in the impossible. So I manage to be sure to peddle it.

Well it is called dreaming. Not always sure when that brings quite the results they want, but they do try to accept it.

In theory you understand. Never one anyone wants to accept is a theory. Basically they want hope.

So I peddle hope. And I do it very well. Most never flinch to accept it as true. Only it is all illusion.

Which is half the fun. You can be sure I do enjoy when I can dole out a little pleasure to many.

Just enough to be sure they calm down. That is the important part. It doesn't really matter if it actually changes things.

But somehow the illusion is really the important thing. As long as I achieve that I am happy.

And it is enough magic for others at times too. They truly do seem so happy when they believe everything is going to be okay.

Somehow when the world falls apart, they handle it better too. Just enough to not panic. Which makes my life so much easier. And that is worth all the hurt looks when they ask what now? I lie about that too.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Well there is no joy better for me that baking the insides of someone. Yeah, you whip up a nice serving of stress that truly leaves a person feeling a mess.

Nothing more fun than that. You just love the times when this truly is a great joy. Mainly with people who panic a lot.

There sure are plenty of them around. And they really do make life very interesting at times.

Not all the time unfortunately. People just don't manage to maintain that knack for staying in crisis mode.

Sooner or later they will calm down. And that is not a good thing. Well not in terms of entertainment.

Nope that is never a joy and it is so much more fun when you can keep the fun going. Even if this doesn't happen when you want it to.

I have tried to savor those moments though. They just don't happen when I would like. I'm working on improving that reality though.

It is never easy though. Some people just get to creative and learning ways to stop panicking.

But the joy is when you find that rare individual who does manage to keep their joy going. By that I mean my joy.

It really is such a pleasure to see them able to continue the find standards of totally being afraid all the time. Really gives life such harmony.

For me that is because when they panic it takes the mind off times when I do the same. And when is that not a fun thing?

But alas you do have to tolerate those times of less than joy. When somebody changes. And they always do it when you least expect it.

There are you all set to see the joy of panic carved into life and they disappoint. Now is that fair?

Not to me. So I do love to find those who are least likely to not panic. The ones who will be more incline to give hours of such pleasure.

Can't always do that though. Sometimes you do find a famine in stress. Hard to imagine, but it does happens a lot at times. But the nice thing there is always hope. And that makes it all worth while.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Yes this is one of the special moments in life. When you can honestly enjoy that somebody took the time to ask a question.

They didn't preach or complain, just asked a question that made sense and didn't piss you off. Those are easy to come up with at times.

I got lots of geniuses out there who will ask stupid questions. And who needs that? Not me.

Unfortunately for me there are too many of my employees who are less than helpful in that regard. Oh they do ask questions, just not very good ones.

Most tend to be less than helpful. They can ask the kinds of questions that leave me wondering if they really have a brain.

Now that wouldn't be so bad if they somewhere along the lines developed an ability to stop asking stupid questions. Then there would be hope.

It just never works out that way. Wish it did, but it never happens that way. Just plots along at the same level of stupidity.

I wish there was some level of cure available. You know I nice occasion when you new the stupidity evaporated.

Now that would be a joy to be sure. Not that is happens very often. Most of help never does graduate from the same level of mental dullness.

Of course in part I appreciate that this is in part a problem because they have to deal with the public. Yes, that is a big factor.

For the public takes the whole issue of asking question to a level that really leave you wondering. And that never gets any better.

Really is amazing. The questions some come up with are truly unbelievable. Like we should be able to tell them the secrets of the universe.

This is something you expect from your city hall? Where is this written down as a wise thing?

Not from my point of view. But as a result of being exposed to all that insanity they do end up being infected.

And I try to do my best and not let it influence me. Let me tell you that is hard at times. I do manage, but only with a lot of effort. And that is the part you live with not because you like it, but to keep from screaming.

Friday, February 22, 2008


Profitable and prudent are not always the same thing. And when you are talking government spending it is even more absurd.

After all the government does operate on a profit, so why should it really be in charge of regulating businesses? And as a Mayor I am saying that.

Now I realize that I do have to take the position with this one that I would support an independent means to deal with this aspect. Do we really want to leave this in the hands of lawyers?

Not me. I want it organized by a committee of businessmen. Yeah, let's give them a shot at making this work.

Now as a Mayor I will be glad to sit in and lend my political help to the cause. Perhaps I could even you know, be willing to say give them a few ideas of improving things.

Naturally, I would expect to be given some compensation for my assistance. Not a lot you understand.

Just some free benefits from their businesses might work. However you know I would be reasonable about it.

Nothing fancy or overly costly. Just a free car or house for starters. You never know when that would help out.

In return I would help to assist them in many different ways. Just a few to be sure they got the right results.

Oh we could be flexible on things like say the regulations. Wouldn't want to you know, press the issue. Just give it a little flexible meaning.

I mean we really do need to avoid that problem. Really does need to be the way we ignore facing bigger issues.

And I'm all for that. Yep, if I can find a way to help out the working man so he doesn't have to be stress over life that is good.

And if I can do that while getting paid, even better. So that is how I choose to approach this issue.

Which works so well for me. And hopefully this holds true for others also. I do my best with such options.

And once and a while I do hope they work out the way I dream. Not always, but enough to be felt in my bank accounts.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Nothing better than the joy of passing off the same stupid lie a second or third time and having it believed. Truly is such a blessing.

And you can be sure I don't brag about the sale. It just makes me so happy to have succeeded on that option.

Kind of like a master of my craft that feels so much joy at the chance to move beyond the simple. To delve into the complex delusions and mental contusions that makes life so worthwhile.

Hmmm, that really does zing. And that is a good thing. For nothing is better than to have some eloquent way of describing your verbal knife.

Which is naturally so much better if you can convince the person to use it on themselves. Makes it even more satisfying.

I am grateful though that I can peddle this little insanity, my way. Which comes from the joy of being so happy when I find how often people have amnesia.

This happens so often too. I'm truly grateful for the level of amnesia that people have when it comes to my political activities.

I truly feel great when every four years I can dust off some old speech and give it again and nobody will discover I said it before. This is hard to keep from snickering about at times.

I have to work very hard to avoid it when giving the speech. That truly does get to be a challenge.

But so far knowing my deception has worked truly give me cause for rejoicing. I just can't get overconfident.

Otherwise I end up with blundering at some point and then will say something stupid. Which totally destroys my charade.

And that is never good. For the one thing they people are most likely to discover my sham if I blow it.

Then they will remember. And you can be sure that is not a good thing. Because nothing will encourage the memory more than when a person does something stupid.

And that is where I walk a tightrope. It does get boring when you win all the time. That is enough to keep me focused.

And that is what I have a reason to play the game, but savor when I win my way.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Well one thing I do know is that never seldom really means never. And that is great when you are talking about things you don't want to be a never.

Like when somebody vows in a campaign promise to never let a given problem continue. Now why they have decided to pick out the very things I need to work on I have no idea.

Just seems to work out that way. And boy does that suck. You can be sure that I do not like people deciding to make a never out of one of my hobbies.

Course this only becomes a concern when they decide to actually keep that promise. Which requires them to get elected first.

I normally do what I can to short circuit those priorities. Which is not as hard as some might imagine.

That is because the never people seldom are able to control their idea of never. They always get carried away.

It starts out decent. They focus on something is a good idea for never. A process deserving of control.

But that becomes an addiction. Before you know it, they are trying to never all kinds of things.

And that never works. Well not in the long run. Just becomes another set of rules nobody bothers to remember.

Which is why they waste our time. A bunch of wonderful words that mean nothing in terms of permanence.

But I do enjoy the circus. And watching a bunch of never clowns be anal retentive and not be realistic can be so much fun.

Oh yeah I do love that part. Really makes me day. I just wish there was a chance to get more popcorn to watch them.

And I would enjoy if they also had you know one of those little cars where a dozen clowns came out. I would like that too.

But then it is fun to see them just the same. Which is really the main part. A chance to smile.

That is the only part their never, which really works. For they make sure it never gets boring or predictable. And that I truly do love. Because it is the part of life that leads to smiles.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Now we all need this. A chance to you know escape reality. And there is always a good time for this.

Which for me is all the time. Now the real chore with this is not letting anyone know you are doing it.

Because they won't understand. They will expect to join you if they find out. Yeah, that is the way some people are.

So unless you want somebody you don't want to spend time with ruining your escape the first rule is to lie about it. And you can be sure I do a lot of that.

The main part is not letting others know what you are doing. Meeting sure help on that part.

You just have to be sure they are meetings some place you can claim you can't be disturbed. As a mayor it works for me.

But then I realize not everyone has that option. So in their case I imagine you know something like chores are a good excuse.

Perhaps better explained as errands. Those are a wonderful. Really easy to excuse and not actually have anyone know where you are.

But the key is picking something that can't be checked. Having to go somewhere vague that nobody can question.

And there are plenty of those options if you are creative. Like going to the post office. You don't have to say which one.

In my case I do have the problem that involves being recognized. Which means I spend a far amount of time doing errands somewhere other than my city.

I can't say it is for things where I spent too much money. I mean the locals expect me to spend my money in town.

If I don't do that, then I am in big trouble. So the old con of visiting some doctor who is a specialist helps.

And you can be sure that I have lots of specialists I have to see. For strange illnesses that I can really explain.

But darn if I don't have to see them quite often. The tricky part was finding some good medical terms in a book that would sound like a scary disease. Only not in a way anybody asks questions. The fun was also getting that phony doctor's pad printed.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Anyone who says this is normally lying. Yeah, you read that right. I said they were liars.
Now that might seem unfair, but I see it as true.

Why? Because most of the time things always have problems. It is just a matter of the type and how bad they are going to be.

Yep, I learned that the hard way. Oh I used to savor the time of thinking things could be perfect.

Those were back in the days when I was more than a little stupid. And I don't even mind admitting it.

Nothing wrong with admitting it. It is more of a problem when you don't. Now that is when things suck.

And let me tell you I sure have met so many who can't. They got this hang up of thinking admitting you are imperfect is some kind of sin.

Well the thing is for me, I don't mind it at all. What I do mind is picking up the tab for my blunder.

Now that really is the important part. When you make a mistake and let somebody else pay for it, that is a good deal.

Then it only makes things worse. Because you end up having not only the pain of feeling like a jerk, but also the added price of consequences.

And who needs that? I sure don't. Which is why I take time to always be sure that I invest adequate time in located adequate numbers of patsies.

Yep, you can never have enough of them. The kind of wonderful giving souls you can toss on an altar when needed.

But they can be hard to find. Some will actually appear smart and sharp enough to avoid being seduced. However, normally they prove otherwise eventually.

And that is the tricky part. I have to figure that part out before I need to shaft them. Which is not that easy.

You can't simply go to somebody and give them an aptitude test for gullibility. You can try naturally.

But that never is quite the task I hope it will be. Still, I do have my strategy. And if I work it right then I get out of being stupid without a price. Which is fair. I just try not to think of the ones the get stuck with the bill. No reason to depress myself.

Sunday, February 17, 2008



Ah, this is just a joy. The lust of getting something good. Just those cherished times that one can sit back and look forward to a break.

Might be extra joy too if it always turned out to be a bargain. But then too often it can be less than a good option.

Because the problem is with the concept of a bargain. You see normally it really is something you lower in price because nobody wants it other wise.

Yeah that can be such a pain at times. I know it is to me. And what can one say. It sucks when it is something you only buy because it is on sale.

But that is the philosophy that dominates. A perfect way to get rid of crap by appealing to people's selfishness.

Now I only wish there was a good way to make this work with politics. I mean in a good way.

We already get plenty of politicians that are good at being other than a bargain. So letting them get elected for less effort is not going to improve much.

It might help in terms of our expectations. Yeah we would expect less so we could be happy that it was costing less too.

Still you have to wonder about the viability of that option. Being a politician I do sort of find it less than a good option.

But then I have a good side too. I mean you have the option if we let more clowns get elected I might look better.

Yeah, I could find that a plus. Maybe even inspire more people to have a reason to trust me.

Plus I could charge more. Or give the impression I was giving them a break on the cost when in fact I was actually stealing more.

The possibilities really do make me smile. I love when I can savor that kind of option. And even more so if it means I can look great in the process.

You got to enjoy that option. More smiles and more popularity without more work on my part.

Really is a great option and I like the idea completely. Just not sure how I can sell it with a straight face. Ah, I'll imagine all the people I see are naked. Well the young ladies at least.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Not this is so terrible. A condition that truly deserved attention. One where we can take time to ponder our options and bring and end to such insanity.

And thus I will ever savor the joy of making sure such individuals are brought to justice. Oh yeah, I truly would love to see this option exercised.

I mean why should I have to tolerate this kind of competition? I have enough problems trying to steal things for myself.

I do not want some rookie sneaking in there and trying to hog my action. That is not an alternative in my mind.

The problem is getting people to see the reason that my view is not a double standard. It can be difficult.

People can be so finicky when it comes to stealing. They tend to lump all such antics into one category.

But you can be sure they are not the same. Nope, definitely there are differences. And I have to admit it is hard to get others to appreciate this fact.

However, I haven't give up on that approach. I do make every effort to see that I set up two set of rules.

The one that is applied to everyone else and then the one I apply to me. Now you might say this is not far.

I never said it was. I just said that is how I handle it. And I see no reason to stop doing just that.

Now some might regard it as a bad way of handling it. But then I have a solution to that too.

You just need a certain amount of accepted that there are priorities that need to be respected. At least I respect them.

Not saying others will. Nope, not going to pretend on that part. Would be kind of silly. For they will just act like it was all my fault.

Course it is all my fault. But that doesn't mean I have to admit it. Why would I want to do that?

Nope it is easier to just make this whole thing work according to an unspoken reality. And that is one where the world sucks and I do my part to make sure nobody learned I have a vacuum.

Friday, February 15, 2008


Why is this only a good thing for charity? I think we could spread around the options to other areas? I mean donations ought to be for need right?

And why should that not be spread to all areas rather than limiting it to just a few? Wouldn't that be fair?

Seems like it would be to me. Now the problem is getting others to agree. Oh we understand things like taxes, but it doesn't mean we like them.

Nope, you can be sure that will not be on our list of favorite charities. In fact, personally I don't even have one.

I sort of prefer to treat life as a matter of survival. We can escape the curse of demand on our time and resources.

But then it doesn't mean we are going to celebrate this fact. We will probably do our best to try and not even participate on that level if we can.

This is obtained through greed. Yes, as hard as it might be for some to accept this fact, greed does inspire.

I'm just being realistic here. There is no value from my point of view in pretending about that part.

But then pretending does work to help us enjoy the whole process so much easier. Yep, I feel better when I think this process is a good thing.

However, you see it all is a matter of making the right choices. And frankly, most of the time I don't think we are very good at making right choices.

Instead we try to make it seem that we are naturally charitable. Only we really aren't by nature.

However, it does look good on the humanitarian portfolio. That is the one we stack on top of the ledger with income record we don't want to show the government.

Yep, I really think that is how it works. Sort of like a little larceny is so easier to endorse if we off set it with a little good.

So then how many times does guilt truly inspire some form of donation? Or have I asked one of those questions we don't want to answer.

Which is exactly why I want a chance to be able to expand the concept of donations to be able to include my personal charities. I won't mention what they are, but I can guarantee you it will be well invested. Impressed, well don't worry, I am.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


This is not a nice place to visit even though we all live there. Might be nice if we could bent the rules more.

But that is one of those little joys in life that we all embrace about as thrilling as taking time to go to the dentist. Well in terms of something we do, but don't necessarily enjoy.

Ah, let me tell you I don't spend any time in the real world if I don't have to. I savor the art of denial.

Really is a very skillful event if you let it be that way. Some will never do that though. What can I say, they are boring.

But that is okay. For when you get through being bored over it you can run off in the land of lollipops and ice cream where mannequins talk and nobody cares.

In other words where most of us live. A nice place, by the way. Such a joy to occupy. As long as you don't have to deal with the trolls.

Why is it I get cursed having to live surrounded by morons and trolls? You get more than your share where I live.

Might be true everywhere, but I feel I am an extra bounty of them. Hardly a source of bragging.

And I wish there was some kind of trade off. Like little surprises to make the whole thing worth while.

I could live with that option. Only surprises we get are the ones that come from unexpected repairs or some crisis.

Not exactly a reason for smiles. But that is okay. I do my best to try and make it all tolerable.

Really does sound good to put it that way. I won't say it matters though. I mean not in terms of improving things.

Just gives me more reason to hide. And that I manage very well. So well I don't even tell were I am hiding to anyone.

Yeah, that is a joy to be sure. But then it is better to hide and not moan over it than to pretend being in the middle of insanity is a good thing.

Lots manage that in their minds. Not in real life though. Just in their minds. It is a different form of hiding you understand. And one for which I will applaud or take a bribe to pretend I don't know about.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Now if this is a good type of extreme, then it is wonderful. A nice little aspect of life that gives you pause to smile.

If it is some detour of life enforced on you by a tyrant then forget it. That only promises misery. Not for me.

Unless I get to be the tyrant. Then it is great. And you can be sure I will be happy to celebrate that part.

Only others sort of look down upon that aspect without really being able to savor it. They are not happy with it at all if it applies to somebody else, the jerks.

Yeah, they are probably saying the same thing about me. Like that is any surprise. And when they do it, I don't mind, because it is all the rag on them practice we all have a good time doing and not admitting.

But then the main focus here is extremes. Such a precious thought. Other than dull. Good or bad is better than dull.

Guess I have to be flexible on the bad part though. Not quite the door I just want to leave open.

Nope, never a good thing. But then I will admit the screaming part can be fun. Well if it is from pleasure.

Oh the other hand if it is a bad extreme that is happening to another person who is screaming, now that is a nice touch. I don't mind enjoying that option.

Still one does have to keep this in perspective. Which means basically that extremes are good as long as we love the results.

Otherwise forget it. Really just doesn't seem to improve things. I'm personally still waiting for the time to come when this is a good thing all the time.

I'm working on it from my end. Always seeking great options for extremes. Sometimes they are easier to find that others.

All in all a joy to behold when it works. A really treasure when the screams are from joy. But really a pain in the butt when they are not.

I do prefer the good screams from great forms of extremes and we all need them in soe degree. Just finding them for the right reasons is the challenge.

And maybe along the way we all have a good time. Or go crazy, which is an extreme that isn't all bad either.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Ah, this is a great process. Just the joy of telling someone a vow that will gain their trust and then you later act like you never heard of them when they ask for your help.

The pattern is always the same. And I love it. I know that does sound all that noble, but what can I say? It is a living.

I guess that my view is affected for the most part by the idea of all the crap I have to put up with in order to be a Mayor. It is very hard to wade through the insanity of dealing with all the nuts and not get frustrated.

So after a while you are tempted to say, screw it. Which is where I often find myself. I didn't say I enjoy it just that try to cope.

That is a wonderful word, cope. It really says so much. But necessarily in a good way. Like settling in life even though you didn't want to.

Yeah, that can really suck. And you just know that is not going to improve any time soon.

Mainly because people thrive on the system. They enjoy the routine. And even if it doesn't work that well, they still want to call it okay.

So naturally they turn to elected people like me to perpetuate the fantasy. No where in their thinking do they bother to actually consider things such a feasible.

That would just never do. Why add the issue of reason and truth to any problem? I know it doesn't seem to be an issue on this part.

In any case I do love the times when I can make this happen to my favor. I would hardly do that for somebody else.

In any case, the struggle is to try and balance the person's expectations with the truth. And do so in a way that nobody freaks out.

I love the juggle routine. It really requires some skill. All I can muster at times. And you can be sure that I will not want to make this work in a way that I get a headache.

So if I have to wave a wand with my lips, I will do it. Maybe not quite as often as I would like, but I try.

In any event the joy comes from the times when it all works. And naturally my interpretation varies big time from everyone else.

Which is fine. Because that would not be the joy I would expect otherwise. Isn't that just marvelous? Okay, don't answer that.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Funny how this only seems to apply to those with lead bullets. As if the other types aren't just as dangerous.

I'm speaking of the type that wound in different ways. Like if you are a employer and you use the threat of termination as gun. Heck you don't even need a license for that. And you don't got to jail for shooting somebody.

Nope you never have to worry about being accused for using that kind of gun. In fact if you do it right, you might even get a raise. Employers do appreciate if you succeed in a little intimidation and it makes them more profit.

But then they are not the only forms of guns that can be very helpful. Naturally the government has a very big arsenal at their disposal. Whoopie for me. But I digress. Oh the memories it inspires.

Alas that just doesn't quite inspire all the images I would wish to have mentioned. Some are more obvious than others.

Still they do serve a purpose. A very important one. Essentially, it comes down to control.

See if people were truly capable of behaving themselves we might not need any guns at all. Course that will never be ideal.

Well not practical at least. Oh it might be fun to imagine. However, the problem is that if you made everyone behave I would have to also.

And I do not wish to be in that position if I can avoid it. Just carries too many complications. Sort of like the silliness of treaties.

The concept is good in theory. I'll put down my weapon if you agree to do the same. And we both lie naturally, assuming the other person truly did toss away his gun.

The whole time being so darn careful to not toss ours away. No, no, that would never do. You just know that everyone is not going to be honest on that part.

So the whole treaty idea sort of suffers in the process. And you can be sure that is why gun control will always be a failure.

But that is okay. I applaud all the efforts some make to try this grand gesture towards peace. It is a wonderful effort regardless of the type of gun.

And that is okay. Because I will always support people trying to disarm others. That means less threats for me. Which just grants me more joy in terms of knowing how easy it is for me to maintain control in the process. It is to dream, for me at least.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Always good to plan ahead. To be able to look at the future and feel it will be great. But then it is very hard to necessarily have the plans become reality.

Oh we can do all we want to make them work. Set up a strategy allowing for every detail. Only to find out in the end, we forgot something.

And boy does that sting. One moment you are feeling invincible and like a genius, the next a clown.

Now as we move from denial to a pit stop in facts, it comes time for a little dialogue in philosophical resignation. You know, how this for good.

Course we don't necessarily believe it, but it sure sounds great. A reason to celebrate the victory that almost was.

Which can be such a blessing during the times we are feeling extra stupid. For we need that extra lie to feel better about ourselves.

Wish that didn't have to be the case. It would be wonderful if we had a way to write tomorrow and it behaved as we wanted.

However, that only happens in sitcoms. Terrific notion though. I could find it more than a little tolerable to give such an effort if it worked.

And believe me I would make every effort to make it truth if it were possible. But since the tooth fairy is not going to come and make all our wishes come true, we will have to resort to inventing them.

Now that is naturally a very wonderful option. Makes life so much more touching and satisfying when you have a chance to pretend and really believe it.

Does it improve life? Well for me it does. That is because I'm such a good liar. Very proud of my accomplishments.

But then I can't always manage to boast. Have trouble making others appreciate my achievements without sneering.

People are funny about such things I'm afraid. Just not open to the experience. But then I would rather savor the joy.

It is all a big game anyway. Just like life. You make it all work out for the best. Then you can enjoy knowing it doesn't matter who winds.

Because no matter who plays you keep score. And that is always better than admitting life has no winners.

Saturday, February 09, 2008


Is this a blessing or what? Anytime a person can forgot something you hate it is a good thing.

At least in my position it works that way. Yep, I truly love those special moments of purest denial.

Just makes life so perfect. Nothing makes it more pleasurable when you have one less mess to deal with.

I'm a big advocate of that kind of reality. Keep all the chances open to not have to mess with problems.

And it is really amazing how easy it is to get people adjusted to this type of behavior is no that difficult. All it requires is the right amount of time.

Yep, most people can be addicted to procrastination so very easy. I just enjoy when I see a disciplined person crumble with the right amount of pressure.

The most important part is to be sure you bury them in work. Stress is the biggest incentive to inspiring people to want to quit.

Now once they have gotten used to quitting no problem. They will keep doing the same thing without any help.

Course you do need to be sure you don't let them apply that mindset to everything. Otherwise they will never get anything do.

We are talking stalling here, not be basically lazy. That is not a good thing. Well unless I get to be the lazy one. Then it is okay.

But for my employees, no way. I can't afford that kind of competition. So I just want them to learn to be able to know when to blow off a customer.

It is a very important lesson. They really will respond well if you give them enough practice.

Which is always so easy to accomplish. Just requires a lot of deception that makes them think they are doing the right thing.

In any case I will cherish when I can find the time to see the crumble determination in some employees eyes. Gives me such joy.

And let me tell you that is a joy that you can't ignore. A real chance to see somebody grow in their bureaucratic maturity. Saying no is such a talent when you are lying and don't let the other person know about it.

Friday, February 08, 2008


I really don't find these exciting. I'm not very crazy about that kind of pressure. If I had my choice you can be sure I would never savor one second of deadlines.

Well that might work for some. You know with many businesses you have people running around making promises for production of whatever.

So they have no choice. They make certain choices for the sake of income and are stuck with the consequences.

But for me, being a Mayor it is different. I have avoid such options if I can. I will do anything to not get stuck in such a quagmire.

For the problem is that everything gets bogged in the reality of small city government. Actually, it works that way with government in general

That is the reality that not everyone wishes to accept. Which naturally results in it not being regarded as true.

This always results in making things worse. For even though people know the government never does things that fast.

Such can be a big pain if you need fast. And most people want fast, especially when it comes to the government.

That is the whole deal behind red tape. It is the thing that holds together the whole process.

Now that really is the fun part. I love when you have to go through the tedious process of explaining that too people.

Sadly too many are not into the joy of facing such realities. They really bite at such options.

I do of course try to smile through it all. And be gracious. That amounts to lying with a big smile.

Which never really improves things, but I have fun with it. As for those deadlines, well those we deal with in our own special way.

Mainly in plant them in a committee. One that doesn't exist, so no problem on the deadline.

I love when I can make that a priority. Better than some options. Like actually doing something. Which never gives me a reason to smile since it always translates into more work and who wants that?

Thursday, February 07, 2008


Ah, the wonderful joy of planning by committee. You sure can't be upset over the effort. Just the results.

Oh yeah that is the problem that won't go away. Always such a bugger. Because people are less that noble.

But then we have to allow for the fact that people are jerks. And any time you get stuck having to you know try and get some agreement in the process, forget it.

For none will manage that any more than necessary. It takes diplomacy, tact and plenty of bribes.

Yep, that is so necessity. You just have to embrace that being such good option. And you know I will always cherish that option if I can.

But you can't be sure if you expect sanity, then you have to be careful not to expect too much. A lot of finger pointing will happen.

And that can be entertaining at time. But not all the time. Especially if you are talking about a committee dealing with some social concern.

Oh man does that inspire the complaints. Citizens will actually expect results. That is so troublesome

Which is where I enjoy the committees devoted to fact finding. Because you can be sure they will never find any.

That works to my favor in most cases. For I can be sure to let it seem like we are solving a problem.

Only none really gets solved. However, people do feel good about it. So that is always a plus.

In any event I do savor the joy of this pretense. It is always a great opportunity for us to give the illusion somebody cares.

Never works out that way though. But the nice thing people thing it will make a difference.

And that is what really counts. I really enjoy having that image of being caring. It is such a great feeling to be popular.

All I have to do is make sure nobody ever finds out the truth. Now that really is the thing, which counts. Just being able to know you were remember fondly. Even if it is all baloney.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Well you have to admire the face of somebody who is confused. That is my view of wayward.

It isn't a bad condition, just a regret in terms of not being sure of the direction you should take. Now to me this happens most when people are not paying attention to the facts.

Honestly we face this far to often in life. You know because we get easily confused about what we are supposed to know.

This happens because we end up listening to the wrong people too often. My view you understand. Not sure others would necessarily agree though.

The problem is we trust to the wrong sources for advice. People we assume know what they are talking about, but really don't.

Which is a common problem depending on who are you spending time focused on deciding deserves your attention. That can be made worse if the person is not what you would call all that credible.

And let me tell you this is not a good option in many cases. For the reality is that we have to be able to ferret out fact from fiction.

Not that this easy with some people. Popular allows some to get an ear or two even if they don't honestly make sense.

That is what leads to wayward. A place where one can get off the track of intentions. A journey we meant to make that never happens as intended.

All because we took the person's advice and didn't follow the journey that makes sense. We let some clown sell us a map to the stars home that we decide is a good direction. But when we get there we don't find any stars.

Such is the peril of bad advice. Really is so sad when we get in that predicament. And it happens to all of us at times.

Wish it didn't. I know I do my best to help out the situation. Yep, that is my favorite option if I can accomplish it.

But then it means I have to help steer people in a more uplifting path. Which is not something that is always easy to accomplish.

And even more so if they people don't like the scenery it makes it worse. So you have to lie.

For there own good. At least it sounds good.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Yeah, why is it too many clowns in life have no clue to reality? I would really like to know. Just a good thing to understand.

There are way to often cases of people who think they understand life, but honestly don't. They are simply victims of letting reality be dictated by some form such as movies or the media.

Of course I wish it all was true. Yeah, I would be thrilled if all that crap those sold in infomercials worked as promised.

And I would savor if one time at least what I bought actually did what I thought it would do and in a way promised. Alas a nice dream.

Which naturally would be so much nicer if more people who looked at it and got rear ended had the ability to accept such facts. However, I know that isn't going to happen.

That is not the way human nature behaves. Nope, not the bright spot in mankind's history. More like a parade of the stupid.

And naturally none of this in any way bothers to impact how you deal with such ignorance. They expect you to take the time to mess with their view.

Like me being stupid is going to somehow improve the problem. Instead you find how much people are to be pitied.

Well pitied in the sense they need help. And I have devoted myself to just such efforts. As much as possible.

How? Easy. I make it my priority to do what I can to help guide such poor souls to the truth.

Give them an object lesson that will enable them to rise from their mental lair of need and find the joy of truth. Being that they are vulnerable in their stupidity.

I always find object lessons accomplish this best. And nothing works better than to have the person suffer a loss. Oh yeah that will really make them learn.

It is a tough job and very thankless, but necessary task. So I do for the sake of my fellow man do my part to teach.

Along the way I manage to gleam a few funds for myself to help with my labors. And I do accept such blessings for the joy I know it creates in terms of making others grow in their lives.

Yep that makes it all worthwhile. And the extra money doesn't hurt either.

Monday, February 04, 2008


Oh yes, such a glorious time we can regard if we actually have a chance to know this is true. But being very grateful does require something good to happen.

Not a sort of good or false good, but a real honest to goodness type of good. One you can count on.

Only problem is being sure you know when to really be grateful. And let me tell you there are sure plenty of fake times.

Man do I hate those. You sit there thinking at last you met somebody who is decent and honest and you will get a break.

Then something happens and it all gets messed up. Which really sucks since you end up feeling like a jerk.

Which truly makes things suck. Because when it is all said and done you have to look at that person and try to figure out how to not look like an idiot.

That is the part that is hard. You don't want to appear ungrateful, but at the same time you don't want some clown to abuse you again either.

It does happen if you are taken in by a false do gooder. Yeah the type that look so sincere, but really suck.

And they really do get to you. Have such ability to truly sucker you in to accepting all will be well.

Only it never is. Just ends up sucking. And then you get pissed. Which only makes you enjoy the whole deal even less.

So it is better to get to the reality and face when they are phonies. That makes all the difference.

But sometimes that is such a challenge. For we all love the idea of getting something for nothing.

And that just never ends up quite as we hope. Oh we sure wish it would. Yeah, that would be pure heaven if people didn't lie.

But then why should real life not suck in that regard? And let me tell you, that is not the way it works.

I can still dream. I'm greedy enough to hope. And I will keep looking for the gift no matter what. As long as it is possible to keep lying to myself long enough to believe it will happen.

Sunday, February 03, 2008


Now for me this is the kind of pot used in poker. As in chips or money. It is when you have taken a gamble and it paid off.

So you have a right to feel proud. Only you can quite get somebody else to appreciate it. For they only see that it doesn't appear like a big pay off.

Which naturally to me is a big plus. For it means they don't recognize the benefit. All they have is a small minded view.

So that you don't have to worry about them being able to see the long term benefits. Which keeps them from moving ahead.

Because they don't have the ability to enjoy small victories. See that works in my favor. For they will never see any pot as a blessing.

And it really is the way it works. They just don't value what is important. As for me, well I do savor those little gambles.

That is because I see them as a foretaste of something better coming. I did give up on trying to enhance such thinking long ago.

Small minds never have eyes to dream. You may quote me if you wish. I won't even expect any credit.

And I'm so glad when it happen that way. For they will not risk. All the more for me then.

Am I being selfish? Of course. Always willing to be able to do. I love those who talk about thinking outside the box.

Normally from what I've seen such people don't really ever think outside of anything. They are too busy stressing.

So I love when they mention it like are you impressed yet or what? The answer is no, not at all.

Course I never tell them that. It would be a waste of time. Nobody with an inability to dream is going to see anyway.

So you just have to pity them. I know I do. Not enough to share though. Why should I suffer because of them?

And so I let them gamble at their level, which is never and I gamble at mine, which is a lot.
And we both live happily ever after, only I don't have to lie about it as much.

Saturday, February 02, 2008


Now you would think this would be understood. It is rather hard to do much feasting when you are in a famine.

So what am I getting at then? This is sort of a metaphor type of things. I'm not much for literary terms, but in this case it seemed to fit.

Which is because it applies so well to some people's idea of approach to having fun. Now you can go, ah-so.

See you can feast in a famine if you are doing something crazy such as one who enjoys being miserable. Now that can really make a person thrilled.

And it is the one thing that does annoy me. I'm sorry. but you can not do that from my view.

Unless your goal is to not enjoy life. Which doesn't not work for me. Because I want to live.

Yeah, what kind of life is it when you get nothing in return? Come on tell me that is a good thing?

Not to me. As far as I'm concern it sucks. Why kind of moron really thinks life can be enjoyed by being miserable?

That will never be my idea of a good time. Oh you can do it if you want. Be my guess. Knock yourself out.

I will prefer to just sit back and be happy while you are miserable. Hey, you can knock yourself out savoring all the famine times you want.

As for myself, I plan on partying. And the nice thing is knowing how it will always be such a joy.

That is because of the fact that some people will never enjoy life it is means they have to learn to find a way to do something without whining. Yeah, that I can do without.

Which is the best way to consider it. Just feeling sad for these poor misguiding souls. Yep, just you know letting them wallow in their silliness.

Meanwhile, pass the joy and all the fun. For I intend to party. And keep it up till I am in a coma.

That is of course the fun part. Well for me. I truly do savor those seconds of joy. Which I intend to try and improve with time. Hopefully in my life time too. At least before tormorow.

Friday, February 01, 2008


Nothing better that feasting. Or being able to sit back and pick clean some carcass of a victim.

Now the most important part is the hunting. You don't need a license, but you do need to go and search for your prey. That can be so exhausting.

Yep, not the fun part of the whole deal. So much more fun to be a jackal than a lion. Less roaring and that makes it all the easier to lie about.

Oh yeah, there is nothing better than being able to snack on something that was stalked and know you didn't break a sweat in its capture. So much less messy.

And that counts when you don't want anyone to know you are hunting. Really is so essential to maintain the illusion you are not a hunter.

That way you can avoid the problem of possible victims getting away. And if you offer the right kind of bait, even better.

This is all part of the lazy butt predator strategy. Who wants to get exhausted before snacking?

Just not going to work. At least not for me. I really do prefer that I avoid that option. Much more fun to be able to sit back and not stress over being hungry.

I love that old saying, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." I think it is utterly silly.

See the important issue is to be sure that no one honestly suspects your true nature. That is so critical if you need to keep your options open.

But that is not all that difficult. Just a matter of the right kind of acting. You have to be prepare to feign compassion.

Some have a harder time with it than others. Because the still think you ought to have ethics.

Silly people. They are so funky over what is practical and reasonable. Just not focused on how to keep from starving.

See the fundamental issue to me is avoid denying that you love to hunt. That is the first problem.

You have to be able focus on the things that are honest. Like stuffing your face. Now that is the one thing everyone needs to do. Which is what counts to me. And the score will always be a winner as long as I use a chalkboard for the tally.