Saturday, February 23, 2008


Yes this is one of the special moments in life. When you can honestly enjoy that somebody took the time to ask a question.

They didn't preach or complain, just asked a question that made sense and didn't piss you off. Those are easy to come up with at times.

I got lots of geniuses out there who will ask stupid questions. And who needs that? Not me.

Unfortunately for me there are too many of my employees who are less than helpful in that regard. Oh they do ask questions, just not very good ones.

Most tend to be less than helpful. They can ask the kinds of questions that leave me wondering if they really have a brain.

Now that wouldn't be so bad if they somewhere along the lines developed an ability to stop asking stupid questions. Then there would be hope.

It just never works out that way. Wish it did, but it never happens that way. Just plots along at the same level of stupidity.

I wish there was some level of cure available. You know I nice occasion when you new the stupidity evaporated.

Now that would be a joy to be sure. Not that is happens very often. Most of help never does graduate from the same level of mental dullness.

Of course in part I appreciate that this is in part a problem because they have to deal with the public. Yes, that is a big factor.

For the public takes the whole issue of asking question to a level that really leave you wondering. And that never gets any better.

Really is amazing. The questions some come up with are truly unbelievable. Like we should be able to tell them the secrets of the universe.

This is something you expect from your city hall? Where is this written down as a wise thing?

Not from my point of view. But as a result of being exposed to all that insanity they do end up being infected.

And I try to do my best and not let it influence me. Let me tell you that is hard at times. I do manage, but only with a lot of effort. And that is the part you live with not because you like it, but to keep from screaming.


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