Monday, February 04, 2008


Oh yes, such a glorious time we can regard if we actually have a chance to know this is true. But being very grateful does require something good to happen.

Not a sort of good or false good, but a real honest to goodness type of good. One you can count on.

Only problem is being sure you know when to really be grateful. And let me tell you there are sure plenty of fake times.

Man do I hate those. You sit there thinking at last you met somebody who is decent and honest and you will get a break.

Then something happens and it all gets messed up. Which really sucks since you end up feeling like a jerk.

Which truly makes things suck. Because when it is all said and done you have to look at that person and try to figure out how to not look like an idiot.

That is the part that is hard. You don't want to appear ungrateful, but at the same time you don't want some clown to abuse you again either.

It does happen if you are taken in by a false do gooder. Yeah the type that look so sincere, but really suck.

And they really do get to you. Have such ability to truly sucker you in to accepting all will be well.

Only it never is. Just ends up sucking. And then you get pissed. Which only makes you enjoy the whole deal even less.

So it is better to get to the reality and face when they are phonies. That makes all the difference.

But sometimes that is such a challenge. For we all love the idea of getting something for nothing.

And that just never ends up quite as we hope. Oh we sure wish it would. Yeah, that would be pure heaven if people didn't lie.

But then why should real life not suck in that regard? And let me tell you, that is not the way it works.

I can still dream. I'm greedy enough to hope. And I will keep looking for the gift no matter what. As long as it is possible to keep lying to myself long enough to believe it will happen.


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