Friday, February 01, 2008


Nothing better that feasting. Or being able to sit back and pick clean some carcass of a victim.

Now the most important part is the hunting. You don't need a license, but you do need to go and search for your prey. That can be so exhausting.

Yep, not the fun part of the whole deal. So much more fun to be a jackal than a lion. Less roaring and that makes it all the easier to lie about.

Oh yeah, there is nothing better than being able to snack on something that was stalked and know you didn't break a sweat in its capture. So much less messy.

And that counts when you don't want anyone to know you are hunting. Really is so essential to maintain the illusion you are not a hunter.

That way you can avoid the problem of possible victims getting away. And if you offer the right kind of bait, even better.

This is all part of the lazy butt predator strategy. Who wants to get exhausted before snacking?

Just not going to work. At least not for me. I really do prefer that I avoid that option. Much more fun to be able to sit back and not stress over being hungry.

I love that old saying, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." I think it is utterly silly.

See the important issue is to be sure that no one honestly suspects your true nature. That is so critical if you need to keep your options open.

But that is not all that difficult. Just a matter of the right kind of acting. You have to be prepare to feign compassion.

Some have a harder time with it than others. Because the still think you ought to have ethics.

Silly people. They are so funky over what is practical and reasonable. Just not focused on how to keep from starving.

See the fundamental issue to me is avoid denying that you love to hunt. That is the first problem.

You have to be able focus on the things that are honest. Like stuffing your face. Now that is the one thing everyone needs to do. Which is what counts to me. And the score will always be a winner as long as I use a chalkboard for the tally.


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