Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Yeah, why is it too many clowns in life have no clue to reality? I would really like to know. Just a good thing to understand.

There are way to often cases of people who think they understand life, but honestly don't. They are simply victims of letting reality be dictated by some form such as movies or the media.

Of course I wish it all was true. Yeah, I would be thrilled if all that crap those sold in infomercials worked as promised.

And I would savor if one time at least what I bought actually did what I thought it would do and in a way promised. Alas a nice dream.

Which naturally would be so much nicer if more people who looked at it and got rear ended had the ability to accept such facts. However, I know that isn't going to happen.

That is not the way human nature behaves. Nope, not the bright spot in mankind's history. More like a parade of the stupid.

And naturally none of this in any way bothers to impact how you deal with such ignorance. They expect you to take the time to mess with their view.

Like me being stupid is going to somehow improve the problem. Instead you find how much people are to be pitied.

Well pitied in the sense they need help. And I have devoted myself to just such efforts. As much as possible.

How? Easy. I make it my priority to do what I can to help guide such poor souls to the truth.

Give them an object lesson that will enable them to rise from their mental lair of need and find the joy of truth. Being that they are vulnerable in their stupidity.

I always find object lessons accomplish this best. And nothing works better than to have the person suffer a loss. Oh yeah that will really make them learn.

It is a tough job and very thankless, but necessary task. So I do for the sake of my fellow man do my part to teach.

Along the way I manage to gleam a few funds for myself to help with my labors. And I do accept such blessings for the joy I know it creates in terms of making others grow in their lives.

Yep that makes it all worthwhile. And the extra money doesn't hurt either.


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