Sunday, February 10, 2008


Always good to plan ahead. To be able to look at the future and feel it will be great. But then it is very hard to necessarily have the plans become reality.

Oh we can do all we want to make them work. Set up a strategy allowing for every detail. Only to find out in the end, we forgot something.

And boy does that sting. One moment you are feeling invincible and like a genius, the next a clown.

Now as we move from denial to a pit stop in facts, it comes time for a little dialogue in philosophical resignation. You know, how this for good.

Course we don't necessarily believe it, but it sure sounds great. A reason to celebrate the victory that almost was.

Which can be such a blessing during the times we are feeling extra stupid. For we need that extra lie to feel better about ourselves.

Wish that didn't have to be the case. It would be wonderful if we had a way to write tomorrow and it behaved as we wanted.

However, that only happens in sitcoms. Terrific notion though. I could find it more than a little tolerable to give such an effort if it worked.

And believe me I would make every effort to make it truth if it were possible. But since the tooth fairy is not going to come and make all our wishes come true, we will have to resort to inventing them.

Now that is naturally a very wonderful option. Makes life so much more touching and satisfying when you have a chance to pretend and really believe it.

Does it improve life? Well for me it does. That is because I'm such a good liar. Very proud of my accomplishments.

But then I can't always manage to boast. Have trouble making others appreciate my achievements without sneering.

People are funny about such things I'm afraid. Just not open to the experience. But then I would rather savor the joy.

It is all a big game anyway. Just like life. You make it all work out for the best. Then you can enjoy knowing it doesn't matter who winds.

Because no matter who plays you keep score. And that is always better than admitting life has no winners.


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