Monday, February 11, 2008


Funny how this only seems to apply to those with lead bullets. As if the other types aren't just as dangerous.

I'm speaking of the type that wound in different ways. Like if you are a employer and you use the threat of termination as gun. Heck you don't even need a license for that. And you don't got to jail for shooting somebody.

Nope you never have to worry about being accused for using that kind of gun. In fact if you do it right, you might even get a raise. Employers do appreciate if you succeed in a little intimidation and it makes them more profit.

But then they are not the only forms of guns that can be very helpful. Naturally the government has a very big arsenal at their disposal. Whoopie for me. But I digress. Oh the memories it inspires.

Alas that just doesn't quite inspire all the images I would wish to have mentioned. Some are more obvious than others.

Still they do serve a purpose. A very important one. Essentially, it comes down to control.

See if people were truly capable of behaving themselves we might not need any guns at all. Course that will never be ideal.

Well not practical at least. Oh it might be fun to imagine. However, the problem is that if you made everyone behave I would have to also.

And I do not wish to be in that position if I can avoid it. Just carries too many complications. Sort of like the silliness of treaties.

The concept is good in theory. I'll put down my weapon if you agree to do the same. And we both lie naturally, assuming the other person truly did toss away his gun.

The whole time being so darn careful to not toss ours away. No, no, that would never do. You just know that everyone is not going to be honest on that part.

So the whole treaty idea sort of suffers in the process. And you can be sure that is why gun control will always be a failure.

But that is okay. I applaud all the efforts some make to try this grand gesture towards peace. It is a wonderful effort regardless of the type of gun.

And that is okay. Because I will always support people trying to disarm others. That means less threats for me. Which just grants me more joy in terms of knowing how easy it is for me to maintain control in the process. It is to dream, for me at least.


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