Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Oh my, this is not a fun thing. When you feel totally as if your checkbook is smoking from being over used.

Yeah, that is not the most satisfying experience. But unless you are independently wealthy it will probably happen to you in life.

And when it does you will most likely do as the rest of us do and lie about it. Denial is such a fun sport.

Well I treat it as a sport. Because you always win. And it doesn't even matter if you cheat since there are no rules.

So winning is very easy. Only you can't quite brag about it. Nope just won't get you boasting rights.

But that is why I find it a very satisfying option. And you can be sure I play that game as often as I can.

As for others, I'm sure they have their own version. It is just a great way of not dealing with the bigger issue.

That being how much things cost verses what we can afford. Most of us really don't make the amount to support our lifestyle.

Oh we could if we chose to live like trolls. Then it would be no problem. But since most of us don't prefer to life without some pleasure we indulge.

Course some will always you know take it to an extreme. That can go in so many different directions.

You know you can have those who spend time over spending as a means of outlet. Others will under spend as a matter of self control.

However, they both become something other than a good thing when the involved being other that honest. Now it might seem strange that I speak of honesty, but it does apply.

For you do need to know what it is so you know what to try and ignore. After all in this case do we really to think about how much life sucks?

Or do we truly want to think that hard? I doubt it. Which is why this option of smoldering wallets will always be a part of life.

Me, I just want to enjoy it. I want to savor the thrill of spending my joy in a way that really gives me a reason to smile.

And naturally whenever I can make it at somebody else's expense.


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