Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Now this is not an oxymoron. Nope, nope, nope. This is about the times when you are aware of suffering, but not actually suffering yourself.

It is sort of a surrogate thing where you let somebody else take the punishment, you just savor the experience of seeing them suffer. Just sit back and appreciate it from a distance.

That way you can listen to the pain being expressed, let it sort of bother you, but then head off to dinner. Oh you do feel a twinge of guilt, but never enough to cause problems.

And the nice thing is you can claim you suffered too. I mean it did take up your time so it did count for something. Maybe not everything, but something.

Thus we enter into the carnival. That time when the world behave by our whims. Perhaps not our dreams, but our whims. Lust is more fun anyway.

So the important issue with this is guilt. Primarily to try and make the other person feel guilty and avoid it for yourself.

There are different methods that help with that process. Some work better than other. And I have tried them all.

Justification is nice as is rationalization. They both allow you to feel good about the idea you just ruined somebody's life.

Yeah, I know that kind of sucks. But what in life doesn't for the most part? See didn't that make it all sound okay?

Ah now I can that I have you thinking. And probably toying with the question as to if this would really be okay.

Go ahead give it a good think. Yeah, come on admit it this idea does have some appeal. See just thinking about it means you would consider it.

And don't you worry old Rash will never tell anyone about it. We can keep it our little secret.

Now doesn't that make it all seem just perfect? I bet you will not mind having a break from the misery.

And you know if you don't get the break, somebody else will. Yeah, why be a sucker all your life?

Now doesn't that appeal? Hope so. Because you know I would really hate to enjoy all this fun by myself. Unless I run out of scapegoats.


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