Monday, February 25, 2008


A line made famous by this one comedian in his movies. Sort of sums up the need for some to spend time deciding what is good and acceptable.

Which pretty much is anything that we don't like, but are forced to tolerate just the same. So we accept that as reality, but doesn't mean we are thrilled about it.

So the then part is stated out of having no other choice. It is a resignation to what sucks and you wish wasn't true.

There are a lot of these situations that creep into life. Wish it was otherwise. I would certainly love to celebrate how that wasn't the case.

Now as a Mayor I have to tolerate this issue with my help and the voters. However, they expect me to do something about those problems.

I mean I do have certain abilities. But I can't do miracles. Well okay I do sort of claim I can.

Because that is what is expected. They want to believe in the impossible. So I manage to be sure to peddle it.

Well it is called dreaming. Not always sure when that brings quite the results they want, but they do try to accept it.

In theory you understand. Never one anyone wants to accept is a theory. Basically they want hope.

So I peddle hope. And I do it very well. Most never flinch to accept it as true. Only it is all illusion.

Which is half the fun. You can be sure I do enjoy when I can dole out a little pleasure to many.

Just enough to be sure they calm down. That is the important part. It doesn't really matter if it actually changes things.

But somehow the illusion is really the important thing. As long as I achieve that I am happy.

And it is enough magic for others at times too. They truly do seem so happy when they believe everything is going to be okay.

Somehow when the world falls apart, they handle it better too. Just enough to not panic. Which makes my life so much easier. And that is worth all the hurt looks when they ask what now? I lie about that too.


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