Friday, February 08, 2008


I really don't find these exciting. I'm not very crazy about that kind of pressure. If I had my choice you can be sure I would never savor one second of deadlines.

Well that might work for some. You know with many businesses you have people running around making promises for production of whatever.

So they have no choice. They make certain choices for the sake of income and are stuck with the consequences.

But for me, being a Mayor it is different. I have avoid such options if I can. I will do anything to not get stuck in such a quagmire.

For the problem is that everything gets bogged in the reality of small city government. Actually, it works that way with government in general

That is the reality that not everyone wishes to accept. Which naturally results in it not being regarded as true.

This always results in making things worse. For even though people know the government never does things that fast.

Such can be a big pain if you need fast. And most people want fast, especially when it comes to the government.

That is the whole deal behind red tape. It is the thing that holds together the whole process.

Now that really is the fun part. I love when you have to go through the tedious process of explaining that too people.

Sadly too many are not into the joy of facing such realities. They really bite at such options.

I do of course try to smile through it all. And be gracious. That amounts to lying with a big smile.

Which never really improves things, but I have fun with it. As for those deadlines, well those we deal with in our own special way.

Mainly in plant them in a committee. One that doesn't exist, so no problem on the deadline.

I love when I can make that a priority. Better than some options. Like actually doing something. Which never gives me a reason to smile since it always translates into more work and who wants that?


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