Saturday, February 28, 2009


Yep, always nice when you can go back to some place and be happy about it. No bad memories.

Just some place with only good thoughts attacked to it. Yep, that is a place you have no reason to not stop by.

Only problem is when it is located some place to close an areas where you can’t stand to visit. So you avoid the fun because of the hate.

Which is really the pits when you end up missing the good part. So you try to find a detour.

Then some type of map to be sure you can enjoy the place. Only problem is that the maps are all owned by blind people.

They don’t know they are blind either. So the fact they make up the facts and details doesn’t seem to matter.

And the reality that you will only end up lost if you take their advice doesn’t seem to matter. You are desperate.

So you pack your brain into a box and tell yourself it is all good. Not for a moment believing it.

But it sounds so great and besides you are desperate. You need that paradise. And can’t be happy without it.

Now the best way to cope is to lie. Yep it really is the sane choice. And tell a friend so you won’t feel so bad.

All of this naturally is my way of speaking about the

Friday, February 27, 2009


Now see this is the aspect of life that needs to be understood. Yep, you just can’t diminish the need to know when not is not.

I think it really doesn’t get appreciate enough. We truly need some clarity on this point to keep people from being insane.

Which I naturally am prepared to offer. Just my effort to help my fellow man find some peace if possible.

I think that is a good option. Just a chance to bring some happiness to others. And ask nothing in return.

Oh an offering would be nice. Yeah some little form of appreciation for all my efforts. I don’t think that is too much to ask.

Just a few little tokens to help an old suffering civil servant have some joy in life. It is only fair.

But I know how some look upon such things and tend to misinterpret them. Then you know I will be glad to endure such options.

Now to accomplish this naturally I will work on helping others first. Let then have such a great chance for some smiles.

This is always a nice gesture. One that truly does bless. I like that term when I use it. Has such a great quality to it.

Makes me feel so religious. And that is always so joyful. Which will end in them being so happy.

Yep you can truly savor those moments. Just peddle a little chance to know a dream or two.

Now this can be tricky. You want to create hope in people’s minds, but not greed. That gets them into trouble.

So you want to just have them thinking about doing fun things. Even planning on them too.

But not to the point they become an obsession. Nope you don’t want that. Just some dreaming.

Then to let you sell them some brochures. Yeah that is the key part. Once that is done they can be happy.

Hope they appreciate the bill.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


This is pretty basic. Essentially it is a hopeless situation. One you can’t escape. Sorry, but no such luck.

Yeah you got to love it. Those moments that you face some total disaster and no chance of avoiding it.

So you can either panic or smile. Which is pretty much up to you. And the choice is a matter of options.

This can be so totally different for people. You can be sure not everyone will enjoy them either.

For me the issue is whether I want to be pissed or not. Yep, that is an important question. And I do give it lots of thought.

It is sort of past time for me. Wondering and speculating if this disaster is going to be as bad as I think.

Doing what I can to figure the best ways to minimize the crisis and think up the ways to see if I can let somebody else take the fall. Always a great hope.

I really am a big one for hope. Yes, you got to have that chance to imagine things will get better.

Now that really is a joy. The times when you can sit back and see tomorrow as ka rainbow or pot of gold.

However I do balance that with the times I have to keep from going crazy with fear. Oh yeah that is not good.

In any event I still enjoy the times I can just know it will improve. Which is so much fun if done right.

Now the big challenge is to try and not let anyone spoil your illusion. That is where I do take time to get the right answers.

I didn’t say I was thrilled by them. Then I just have to enjoy the times it all makes sense even if it doesn’t.

Yep it is all crazy. And life is certainly like this to be sure. Not great, but definitely not sane.

Well that I can tell. So why not make it worth being nuts about. Come one before the flood drowns us all, party!

Nice options for the fun person.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Ah there is no great joy than doing better than somebody you hate. You can feel so darn good about it.

Forget all that silliness about being a good winner. The kind who is gracious about winning.

Yeah, that just is no human nature. I don’t care what people claimed, we love to win and be able to shove it in another person’s face.

Oh that is such a way to claim life ought to be. But we all know better. Yep, love those moments of I’m better than you.

Only some have this absurd notion that it is bad to be a happy winner. To gloat over you success.

And then you will get the jerks who will win and boast and tell you that it is bad if you do it. Which really sucks.

I get really tired of such silliness. Those double standards. Like if they win it was deserved, but if you do it sucks.

Now I personally love to find ways to make this look humble. It is all a game, but heck that is the fun part.

Just let yourself have all the fun from celebrating. Say screw it to the boos and all those who grumble.

But then you will have to deal with such types no matter who you are. And the way I do is to buy them off.

Really that is the part that works so well. Kind of an investment. Really is something that I treat as such.

And the best part is to be sure they all participate. I just give them a nice argument. I mean I am a mayor.

So my way of dealing is to be sure they are not left with a reason to complain. And money will do that.

And you do that by explaining if I win then I look great. If they win, no big deal. Toss in a few bucks and great.

Normally, the best way to approach it will be the one they will buy before appreciating they were conned. By then it is too late.

And I sill go the trophy, for a fee.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Oh my what a great word. Yep you have to love it. I know I do. Perhaps too much at times.

I can’t say for sure. But has that right feel to it. The kind where life makes sense. And I like it.

I won’t say it makes sense to everyone though. That would be great, but it isn’t the case so we fake it.

I really am big on faking things. Just is so much fun. And I can tell you I do enjoy when that happens.

Just more exciting than doing other things. Sort of helps make life all seem worthwhile. At least it does to me.

Perhaps not to others. I reckon that is the case that you just cope with in some ways. I do that good.

Well talking about it at least. Yep, always the kind of joy you can cherish. And if you do it right you have reason to celebrate.

Now I know that is a good thing. A time when you just can sit back and feel so good about showing off what you want.

See that is the benefit of exposure. You make it seem like it is real exposure when you are just showing off what you want.

This is the tricky part. Perhaps not the part you can call truth. But heck it is overrated anyway.

Now as for me, shoot I’m happy with the game. Adds a certain joy to dull living. And in my city that is a blessing.

Oh the ways like proceeds. All the fun you have that you can celebrate. And when you can show off the stuff even better.

Well some will at least. Others will not. I can’t say it will work the way some wish. They will always make that an issue.

But for me this is not the case. They will just be bored and I will fake it. And then the joy comes.

Just a little trick or to. Something to make it all seem better. It might not work, but what the heck it is fun.

Yep a joy to me.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Nothing better than having a chance to look forward to a thrilling evening of fun and frolic. Never been clear on the frolic part.

I have tried to get a handle on it. Really hard to truly define the frolic part adequately. Well for me it is.

I mean there really are no set rules on the subject. So you can go and get a ruling from some fun judge.

Which in a way is a good thing. Because I would prefer to set my own standards on such things.

In fact I don’t mind volunteering to do some kind of research. I would gladly make the sacrifice.

And gladly invest whatever time is needed to make it work. Get all the appropriate information.

Now I appreciate how this would be a concern for others. After all if you could help simplify the process cool.

Just think it would be so much easier for people who are busy. Take all the time out for this would be demanding.

With my situation I will be happy to sacrifice my free time for the sake of pursuing knowledge on this subject. Yep would be a worthwhile effort.

Perhaps I can even get a grant. Yeah that would be great. Course I will be able to fill out reports.

Now I have learned with the government the need for reports. So that would be another need.

So that is what we call serving the public good. Might not be some people’s idea of good, but I like it.

Now the one thing I will do is take time to search for some good assistants. Yeah that is the part I need to work on.

Can be a challenge. Because some times you just have to allow for the fact that good help is hard to find.

Which is fine. I don’t mind waiting. And then having a chance to take time to pick the right help.
Might take several nights in a motel.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Now some might emphasis the good on this part, but I see the stuff as the priority. And that is not a choice I make easily.

Most stuff to me is good. If you go looking in the right places. And that is easy to do if you know where to look.

Some will not be able to do this. They will be in such a hurry to find stuff they will not worry about where they look

Course the problem is not being experience. You get some urge and just have to have crap.

Only the crap never is something they are willing to give lots of thought. Just give it to me.

Yep, they will roll around to the discount bargains store. Good become a matter of how cheap it is.

And you can be sure they will think they are rich with crap and that is what counts. Just load up that cart.

Come on pig out on crap have it by the pound. Roll in it and have a great time with your artificial sense of bounty.

Maybe it will even keep working once you get it home. Even after you take it out of the wrapper.

Then you can take time to let it all be such a fantasy. One you can enjoy for the few minutes it lasts.

Then after it all breaks you will have learned nothing. Yeah the next time you will go for the same crude again.

Which naturally the bargain people want. They will be there waiting with more of the same stuff.

And in the end you will only have spent the money for no good reason. And let the whole thing repeat.

Which is such a pain since you end up coming to me to gripe about taxes. And like my problem is to make your crap work.

But that is isn’t. Not at all. I am a mayor and not a fix it man. But that is the part I won’t like.

So keep it to yourself.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Can’t be unhappy over these options if it applies to somebody else. Because you know it is a matter of either being stabbed through the heart or ripped apart.

Not really exciting choices at times. At least that is not the kind of option that makes me smile.

Unless it is my option. Yeah give me the chance to dispense such joy when I can to anyone I can help.

And that to me is how I choose to view this. A chance to see if I can render this service to others.

Yep, that is so thoughtful from my view. Really do see it that way. And if I work it right then the world gets to enjoy the time.

Well only in a way that I like to think truly makes people feel things. See that is truly so important.

Because you know you have done something to help people see the world in a different way. Perhaps even better.

Oh maybe they won’t agree. Well not right away. They have to get over that anger. Yeah that can be hard.

Pain will do that to some. I didn’t say it wouldn’t have a downside. Just that one needs to appreciate its upside.

What is the upside? Simple. They get to learn. And who doesn’t need that? Education doesn’t come free.

Nope you have to pay the cost. And really one can not diminish the value of such knowledge.

But then it is hard to say when this will ever get the attention and appreciation it deserves. Well not to me.

So I am on a campaign to improve this. Mainly through enlightenment. This takes time and lots of effort.

A chance to be sure you don’t give up on the whole process. And take this to a point that brings good results.

Which ends up such a blessing when you work it right. Yep, I love the rewards. Those chances to be so happy.

And more so when the other person stops crying.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Now this is an easy concept. Nothing wrong with it. Just wish it was remotely reality. Yeah that would be great.

It does get difficult at times. Nobody wants to be average. And so we all want to find a way to say we are unique.

Just listen to some people and they will give you all the ways they are other than average. Even if it isn’t special.

Now the fun ones are the individuals who can enjoy talking about their dark side with a sense of humor. They can celebrate being a screw up.

This is a nice change. What I normally endure are the ordinary who want to be treated as if they are a genius.

Which really gets boring after a while. Just so frustrating. Mainly because you have to put up with all their hobbies.

See that is the compensation they talk about. Make this one of there ways to show they got taste.

Which might work if it didn’t involve stuff like butterfly collecting or worse, lint balls. That doesn’t work for me.

And I sure don’t want to see a bunch of pictures of people dressed in shorts who shouldn’t be wearing them that are on vacation. At least show the place too.

And then there are the other great options. Such as learning a foreign language. A nice option.

But do you have to tell me about it? And in some words I can’t understand. Like that helps.

Nope, sorry not impressed in any way. Just more asking you to find some other way of impressing.

In any event I wish once and a while I would meet a person with some really impressive options. Like owning an escort service.

Well that would be fun. And not likely to happen. At least not in a way they would share.

But that is the part I do like. Imagining. Yeah you can’t be that option. Never hurts to wish.

All you need is somehow to grant them.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Now has anyone you known claimed they were fine? Yeah like that is a realty for anyone.

Unless you massage it with enough lies. And that does happen too. But the hope is that somebody takes time to find some sanity.

Which doesn’t ever seem to be much of a priority. Oh we talk about it. You know those resolutions to do better.

Like the one’s made to get fit you make while passing the gym on the way to the fast food restaurant. Ahem, like that.

Anyway while some are like pretending to not say they have problems. And then there are the others who have nothing, but problems.

But it is nice when you can sit back and say you feel fine. Not good you understand, but to wiped out either.

In any case you just sit back and act cool. Inside you are nuts. Totally ready to go off the wall.

But the difficulty is in making sure you can fake it while not looking like you fake it. To have that nice mask.

And be sure you use it in such a way that it is easy to take off. Or at least let people see underneath it.

That way you can sit back and get attention. Yep that is the best part. To appear needy even if you really aren’t.

Makes the whole thing worthwhile. Well it does for me. Because that way I have time to milk it for sympathy.

Sure got to love that option. Only have to do it with class. Yeah, that is when you have time to sit back and act the suffering soul.

Do it the right way and you can get anything you want. People will be so happy if you work it right.

Some will and some won’t. It does take practice. And if you don’t succeed the nice thing is you can try again.

Just do it with somebody else. Yep, that is the part hat really counts. Do that in the right way and it is perfect.

Well hopefully.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I love when people say this. They like to make crap sound like gold. It is all nonsense, but some buy it anyway.

Which isn’t that surprising. I mean we all want to believe life can get better. At least that there is a chance.

Most of the time it just is a matter of how the breaks fall. So if you are lucky to either manipulate them or change them to fit your needs great.

I’m always in favor of having advantages. Yep that is a blessing. And I do so enjoy working out the details.

Course there is the problem that some get in the way. You always have those who insist on causing problems.

And think it is a good option. Which is never quite the type of option that brings good results.

Mainly the difficultly here is with the point of view. People tend to be less than realistic. They can be so annoying.

Oh you can be sure that I do my best to try and avoid allowing this to drive me nuts. Really I can’t help wanting to not deal with the philosophical over garbage.

I’m sorry, but if I’m being rear ended I am not going to treat the pain as a good thing. I will not be thrilled either.

But the way to get around this is to be sure that I don’t let this situation drive me wacky. Really that can happen so easy.

There is just this need on some people’s parts to be nuts. They will find some way to explain how being a loser is a good thing.

Or how getting screwed on somebody is fine. And then make it all sounds wonderful as if you should say thank you.

I’m sorry, but not going to do that. No way I will be happy over being cheated on some deal.

Just not going to be my idea of a good time. And you can be sure will not end up with my being happy.

So I will look for ways to avoid this. Which is easy. I just take the time to find some sucker to get the shaft.

Yeah that is the for the better I love.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


And is there anyone who doesn’t enjoy being special? Or the chance to get something special.

Special to me is that place you visit, but can’t live. And it is great when you have a chance to enjoy it.

Providing it isn’t like a prison. Then it can suck. And let me tell you I would not view that as a good option.

But then at least that isn’t the way it normally works. Thank goodness for that part. I am grateful it is the odd times.

So where I move on this is to try and add to the options of what truly qualifies as special. Yeah that would be a good idea.

But the part I do work on is helping my fellow man appreciate how they are special. Let them discover all the unique ways they are different.

Yep, love that part. Only the problem is to be sure they get a clear picture of what special is all about.

So you need to let them se the down side too. Otherwise it just doesn’t work. I mean really is way too lopsided.

So you have to spend time helping them find out what is special on the downside. And that really helps.

Now maybe they don’t see it at the time. Oh they may even resent it to some degree. Yeah that isn’t good.

Sure is the time of lesson that they benefit from in the long run. And for that you do get a few smiles.

True they might not see it that way right then. And they may even want to take time to really enjoy seeing those parts.

Well that is what I tell myself. Perhaps they don’t agree though. Because at the time they are too embarrassed.

Now that is the part you have to let them learn by. Get a chance to over come that anger to they are so pissed.

Then later you maybe let them find out the good part of being special. Which is where I try to hope they will understand.

Just takes time. And enough bribes.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Well this is good in terms of things like body size. Bad when talking about minds. Really miserable when speaking of the funds in the pocket book.

Now little can be fixed. You can take the time to increase the size of some things. Not everything unfortunately.

So I have taken the time keep these things in proper perspective. This is hard to always keep in focus.

Some people will do otherwise in terms of facing what is a priority. So sometimes it will be the nature of life with the right choices.

Essentially one needs to move into that arena of examining what is really in need of being enlarged. This is where you need to have the right interpretation.

Which requires the end of pride. Well in the sense that you think only in terms of making your ego larger.

Sure isn’t always easy though. Some will make it worse. They will not take the time to truly appreciate what matters.

Oh I run into this kind of problem all the time. Mainly with people who have difficulty coming to terms with this fact.

So they take time to make up excuses to mask over the issue of their selfishness. And it all comes out to look silly.

Which is the reason I have to help them understand. This is never easy. For they always will avoid the facts.

Yep, you can hear the most amazing stuff from some people. Not very much truth, but pretty amazing just the same.

The list will go on forever if you let it. But then you can depend it being true. Instead it will be absurd.

Does this not make one happy. It will more than likely upset some. They will be more apt to look at it with the attitude of it being unfair.

So it all comes out to be a bit of insanity. Yeah, not the kind of thing that one truly enjoys.

But it is all part of the necessity. The essential nature of life where you leave you brains at the undertakers.

Well hopefully not forever.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


This to me is life in general. It never does make any sense. And the goal is to keep it that way.

This can be hard for some. Yep, they can really struggle with that option. Personally I like it that way.

Yep, really has such nice quality in life. It means we can have fun. Sit back and enjoy it don’t stress.

That really is the important part. You just have to take time to cultivate all the fun stuff. Which is when it all becomes joy.

See that is the hard part. Those times you just go okay, had enough for now, tired of the abuse, going nuts.

See I really think we underestimate that quality. Because really it is a benefit. Breaks up the monotony.

Then we can celebrate our uniqueness. Have a chance to go beyond the where others get bored.

And then not die a slow death in the places where we all live. Come on tell me there is sanity in being dull?

Yeah, come on kids let’s keep being kids. We can do it. Really clowns can be fun. They are more fun than bankers.

Only we just have to like give up those times of being stupid. Basically when we squander our smiles

There is too much of that going on. And so I do my best to fix that problem. To do that you need to be extreme.

This is the joy we all have. Providing we get smart about it. Yeah that is the part that counts.

Course the counting is a matter of definition. Yep, you will never lose the joy if you take time to be a circus groupie.

Just a shame that more don’t appreciate how this is a good thing. Can’t ever avoid the joy.

And it all comes down to the idea that you just have to stop being stupid and get smart. Take time to have it all.

With a beer and ice cream sundae.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Yep, hear this too often. Might not if I didn’t act unfair so much. But that is not the point.

Okay it is the point to some. But the reason is because they don’t take the time to really check out the details.

Nope that is not part of the way things work. Well that is part I have to adjust with most people.

Because to so many this is the concert. Yep, that is the part that doesn’t happen naturally. Well not the way some want.

See there is this basic flaw in our thinking. Now how do you create leadership that isn’t treated with some perks.

And where do those come from? Really you know that is something you have to expect so celebrate it.

Only you know it won’t be happening in other ways. I mean you can give out all the perks to everyone.

So there. Just accept that is the way it has to be. Now some will take time to accept it others won’t.

Now for me I treat this as a matter of correction. Not in the elimination of the perks, but adjusting them.

By helping people to take time to get the right attitude. There wouldn’t be all that griping if people didn’t spend so much time pretending.

Yeah they just think they are better. Only deprived of the chance from their view and that is seldom accurate.

So you have to really take this in a different direction. Mainly because if we want to get it right we just make it more than less.

Yes that is right, lets give to those that have. Robin Hood in reverse! Might sound crazy, but really works.

I don’t imagine anyone will bother to take me up on that suggestion. But I’m sure it would help.

Only problem is getting people to accept a different concept of fair. Now that is what we need to do the most.

And I will offer to be the first to take more to prove it.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Talk about a priority. Oh yeah now that is one thing that I could say is easy to sell. Dangle that option out there and people will go crazy.

Yeah all you need is to convincing on the subject. Make it sound like you are an expert. Then they will be so easy to convince.

The key with this is to find all the standard ways people understand the term calm. Yep, that is the important part.

So you dig out the candles and soft music. Speak of peace serenity, getting away from it all.

But it all is just a chat. A way to make them think you can truly solve their problems. And make it so they will be so grateful.

Right up to the point it that it becomes something you end up not doing. See I have learned that calm is a temporary condition.

Which is the fun part. Because as long as people think permanent they are more prone to be willing to accept your sales pitch.

Now why do I do this? Simply because people really need help. They need the blessings of hope.

So I give it to them. And it truly does give them so much happiness. Oh true you know it is one of those deals that just isn’t perfect.

But it is better than no hope. So I do love to peddle the dream. And even if it is only a fantasy it is nice.

However you do have to move ahead. Which is the practical side. There is a need for that too.

So the sooner you get them mentally adjusted the better. Only that will not work in some cases.

Now for me this is a matter of education. The sweet and thoughtful need to make it all bring some happiness.

Still there is the time of accountability. Those occasion that you take a person from their illusions to reality.

If you work it right then it can become such a joy. Because the person gets the calm of seeing the truth.

Which is to grab calm when you can find it.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


This is less than a gusher and more than a drop. Yep, enough to get your attention, but not enough to satisfy.

So you get stuck. A taste so you are sure that it will really give you a need. Only not enough to really help.

This happens more I think as a tease. People wanting to give you some agony. Raise your hopes, but not help.

So the means to deal with this is to try and convince the person you enjoyed things. Just leave them so convinced you love it.

Then you can actually make them think this is a blessing and not some con job. You got to persuade them it is great.

Not this does require plenty of acting. You have look the part. Can’t appear insincere at all.

Otherwise they’ll know their game worked. And then you will get stuck with more dribbles.

That will not improve the situation. Not that it will be a reason to celebrate to be sure. Just more frustration.

So this is where we avoid the conflict. Just use a little verbal finesse to make person sure you are grateful.

This will be a challenge. You have to not let your fear control you. That is the fear that you will get caught.

Which really is such a powerful motivator. Because you know it will know if you don’t work it out things they will really suck.

Now to avoid this you can’t panic. Okay they gave you a dribble. It might taste perfect, but then you got to fight letting them know that.

I call it acting. Don’t drool and don’t flinch. Don’t even give a clue you are hurting. This can be tough.

Yep, that will just be so darn hard if you really love that flavor. Then you could cave from the appetite.

It is called restraint. And let me tell you that is not easy to do. And so much harder to achieve if there is no way to hold it.

So just grin and lie up a storm till you figure out a solution.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Now some might be inclined to fail to appreciate the difference between a little bit and a a tad. Well that is my definition you understand.

I keep them separate. For a variety of reasons I feel a little bit applies to something you are trying to add.

Whereas a tad is not always for things you have. It can be an addition. Same concept, but with different purposes.

Now that for me is a big deal. A little bit is easy to come by. You can normally get it somewhere you already got the first part.

But with a tad you often have to be more creative. Yep, take time to you know spread your thoughts in ways that matter.

Just sort of like fishing for bait. Yep, that is what I said. A groping process, little by little you do it.

And if you are lucky it will work out as you want. Or perhaps maybe not when you want it to.

Now for some this will be no problem. That is because they don’t give this subject enough thought.

But I do because I’m a plotted. And a collector. I love collecting things others don’t think is important.

But you see some will never regard it that way. They treat the tads as unimportant. Oh they don’t want to give them up, but they don’t worry about them.

It all ends up being one of those “mine” things. You know, I don’t need this, but I will keep in if you want it.

Yep you know that sucks. And you just will always appreciate this as it will always be other than human nature.

Such is the hunt. The inevitable quest for more. A tad more. From somebody who can spare it, but doesn’t want to.

They will piss you off. Since they will be so full of excuses. Yep that is a joy. However, once it is done you will be so happy.

Just the simple nature of success. And in ways that will always touch. At least their pile of tad.
Yep, got to love it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Now I come to the other joy of my thoughts. That little extra we can so cherish as being like a gravy.

Yep, it makes life so special. The joy that you can call the icing on life’s cake. And even maybe the cream for your coffee.

All those little sayings that you use to describe ways you get to ease the stupidity. Only we don’t it that.

Instead we try to find ways to make it all have some kind of sense. No logic seems to function.

So smile and call it wonderful. Yep if you can do that you will be happy. Have a real chance to smile.

But then smiling is easy anyway. Once you make sure you take time to see it is all silliness.

Yep that is the part that really is important. Well it is the aspect of what matters with the right situation.

Basically when you take time to sum up what is really critical to survival. Then figure some way to find the dash.

Now some might make this out to be other than a big issue. However really the problem is one needs to focus on such minor things.

Because they are the kinds of things that make you a tad nuts when it doesn’t happen. You know like when you need coffee.

And that is the time when you need that dash of cream. Oh yeah now that is the part that really is wonderful.

All you want is that dash to make things perfect. Not asking for the world, but enough to make it seem worthwhile.

Really you just wan that part. With it life seems perfect. If it is missing it can totally piss you off.

So that is where you just take on the joy of finding the cream. It will really mess you up until you find it.

And once you do, life seems perfect again. I think that is why this is the one weakness I cater to.

And that is when I help so many pay through the nose for a little.

Monday, February 09, 2009


Ah, now you can always enjoy a tad. Yep, the kind that will be just enough to try and make it happen on a scale you can enjoy.

This will make you other than concerned over life. Well I mean that in a way, which is supposed to be good.

Which is a good thing. Providing it all makes sense. And that would be great if it always stayed that way.

But sometimes this doesn’t come up as we would like. And that is what I will try to look at and find as opportunity.

This doesn’t always happen when I want. Wish it did. Too many things in life just don’t work as one wishes.

So I try to focus on how to maximize this as a process. Yep, I treat it as profit. Now what I do is take this to a point of treating it as good.

See the one benefit of this is with the fact you know we are talking small items and not big ones. So they get less complaints.

Now what I try to do is be sure that I keep this as a little detail. For they do add up over the time.

Which is the part that I try to focus with the idea that you know over a period of time this can be a lot of items. Then when it all becomes a matter of math even better.

In any case the idea here is that you take time to truly appreciate the benefits. See a little bit is great.

When it becomes lots of little bits. And that is what I am so inclined to enjoy. Just making an effort to see you get those little bits.

Now a lot of time they are overlooked. You can be sure most won’t care. They are in too much of a hurry for the big stuff.

So they will let their greed control their minds. They are looking for the big score. And then it is enough.

But then I don’t mind. Because I will be the one with the big pile of goodies when the time comes.

While the others will be scratching their heads and going huh? Meaning all the will think about is that big prize.

Meanwhile I get the good stuff.

Sunday, February 08, 2009


Well this is neither forward or reverse. It is the place where you are stalled. Stuck and no chance of improvement.

Nope I do not consider this as a blessing. More of a pain in the butt. And you know it will not improve.

Now there are few who can look upon this moment and take pride. They can lie about it, but will not take it to a moment of boasting.

See life basically has this problem. You just now you are going to get stuck at times. You can try to avoid it, but it will happen.

So the important option here is to lie about it. To be able to make sure you don’t have to admit you have no control at times.

Now that is part of what I do. I build the illusions that matter. The ones that you can take pride in.

Peddling these illusions is hard work. You really do need to be sure that nobody thinks you are faking it.

Yeah this is important. Because otherwise people get upset. Just makes the whole illusions spoiled.

Now for myself I mosey on and take everyone with me. I stroll those places where it smells great.

And that is because I have taken the time to use the right kind of air freshener. Yeah, the type that definitely seduces.

See I have learned nobody like reality. Well that is where I work on making it different. Yep, I always will.

Now I didn’t say I made it better. To just give the impression I will is what counts. And that is the main point.

Everyone wants magic. We all want perfection. And we all know it is impossible. But then we still crave that myth.

So I give it to them. I do what I can to create all the fantasy anyone could want. Make it sound so possible.

Which is the part they never care about that. They just want more lies. So I give it to them.
And we all lived happily ever after in a post card world.

Saturday, February 07, 2009


Now looking for something to eat is nice. And if it is for something to devour even better.

Only sometimes we do need those moments of foraging for the stuff of greed. Now come on don’t lie about it.

When you buy something you don’t need or with lots of luxuries that are unnecessary then you are being greedy. And I say take a bow.

Come on enjoy. You are doing what comes naturally. Nothing to complain about. No reason to lie.

Just accept it as your nature. I think you will enjoy it more in the long run if you do. Fewer reasons to be upset.

But then you never know if this will be something you can explain. Some items are easier than others.

Like buying a luxury car. It can be an investment. Or you can you know talk about it as such.

Argue that this is because you need to explain how this expensive toy is really a money saver since it doesn’t wear out as fast. Used that one myself.

Now that is the main goal here. You need to take the time to come up with the right excuse.

This is the key to successful greed. And that is the part I so enjoy. Just that touch of special creativity.

That way you can spend time practicing. Yep make it all seem so wonderful and blessed. At least in words.

Really isn’t a bad thing. Well at least to me that is an option I like. Taking time to let it all work.

With the right kind of approach. Yep, I like when this works. You can sit back and celebrate.

And that is the joy it should be. A chance to move on to better things. Places that you can enjoy being the greedy person you deserve to be.

Then move ahead with pride. Because you fake it and it worked. Which is the blessing that it should be.

Just be sure you convince others first. Well pretend at least.

Friday, February 06, 2009


Now if this is some kind of situation where a hot person of the opposite sex is checking you out. That is a blessing.

But if it is say Big Brother looking at you with that you did something wrong gaze, then not heaven to be sure. So you try to hide from those eyes.

Course that never works. We all know he has xray vision. Might not be superman, but sure can see way too much.

Well that is all opinion. After all we do appreciate that Big Brother really is able to hide. Nope that never is quite the joy we want to think about.

But trying to be impervious to such things is impossible. So come on we all need to make it fun.

So I say, what if we are being watched? And they will know your every secret and all the stuff you lie about.

Then I think we need to celebrate this fact. After all what is a more wonderful joy that performing?

Plus you can enjoy knowing that you can impress. I mean these people are naturally in a position to show off.

Yep, that is something we can treat as a fun option. You have this captive audience. They can’t go anywhere.

So you might as well sit back and make a game of it. Yep, that is when you can rejoice. Make it all good.

And that is the way you can turn it into a thrill. Time to let the imagination go wild. Yeah make it bizarre.

Move around and dance, talk to the walls and act totally nuts. Have conversations with the air.

Now that is bound to catch their attention. But the problem is that they can’t admit it to anyone.

Because then they would have to admit they saw you. Yep, that is not working for them. It would totally eliminate their secrecy.

So you can act up and be strange and all they can do is watch. Which is wonderful for you and that is nice.

Should that give a smile great.

Thursday, February 05, 2009


Aww, now this is pure joy. The chance to search out those who you can trick and use. The ones who you can count on to be expendable.

Can be difficult at times to find these people. They just lurk out there where you might not think to check.

So you have to get creative. And that takes time. Way to much in some cases. Because you have to work at it.

Now my means of dealing with this is to bait the trap. Not that complicated. Really just an issue of practice.

One of my favorite options is to take time to hold some raffle. Those can work miracles at times.

Just lures so many out to think they can get something for nothing. And you always make sure you have some winner.

The important part is to create the illusion that it really is going to be a fair drawing. Now that is the key.

Once you get them convinced that they can have hope then they will become addicted. And that is what matters most.

So we mosey along and are grateful for the small things. All the ways this works and we don’t have to lie about it.

Now that is where I have practice my tales all the time. Yep, when I can do that and get some person as a sale, I’ve won.

Oh I never mind though. You just take the joy of the times when it doesn’t suck. When the game plan works.

Hmm, sounds too much like a football game. There is scoring involved. That is a big part of it.

Just perhaps not the type that some consider as helpful, but I like it. Yep that is an issue of opinion.

But then you have to be sure you can take this to a level without guilt. And that is part I love.

Even if it takes booze to get there. Just a matter of principle. And that is not where you can always enjoy.
But I try.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


There’s nothing finer that to be able to put the brakes on stupidity. I have truly love this opportunity.

It is tricky to always accomplish. Yeah, you can’t just order the opportunity. Wish you could.

But some really make this so darn impossible. Because they get their motor running an can’t shut it off.

Which is such a pain if you are the type to actually have a brain and expect to use it. But that is the way it is.

Now to avoid this you have to take time to tell the reality. Not everyone wants that. I have learned it the hard way.

Which really is a shame. But that is okay, I have learned to adjust my behave to allow for knowing people are nuts.

Now you can’t always get others to accept this problem. They get all jazzed and then tell you all they do must be right now.

In any case, I work on it the smart way. This is the way to be sure I don’t go nuts. Sure is not an improvement that I want.

So the best way to be sure sanity prevails is to take the time to find those who don’t act goofy. This is by my definition an issue of when people are totally unrealistic.

I mean you really need some decent thinking on this. A time that will allow for some realistic options.

Which means avoid those who think life has a stop watch and decide you can’t enjoy life without their time standards. This I don’t enjoy.

How does one avoid this? First priority is to not allow morons to be your friends. That is determined easy enough.

Just ask a few questions. It is all it takes. If their life story contains too many blunders they call smart, then forget it.

If stupidity is in their brains something they define as wisdom then it is time to pass. Really that is wise.

Hard to resist perhaps, but so important. Well as long as you don’t ask the wrong questions.

Been there. Try to avoid areas such as discussions of aliens. Just a hint.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Now the one thing you have to guard against is the insane types. The ones that tell you stupid things that sound true.

And they act so sincere that you actually belief they know what they are talking about. Which lasts until you get to the place they say is paradise.

It always ends up being such a disaster. And then you want to kick yourself for being dumb enough to believe them.

The worst thing is most of the time you end up passing on working with somebody who seemed less persuasive. And they always end up being right.

Mainly I hate the after math. You sit like a complete jerk somewhere that is a disaster while somewhere else fun is happening.

Tell me that is joy? Might be for somebody. But not to me. I want to scream and then push the jerk who suckered me off a bridge.

But that won’t happen. It never improves a think. You can be sure of that. All that happens is you end up starting over.

Hopefully a little wiser in the process. Yeah I do enjoy starting over. Yep, that will always create a smile.

Eventually. Oh maybe not immediately. Because immediate you are totally pissed off. And then off pouting.

Now later once you have regained your sense then comes a time to regroup. That is when you take time to rethink things.

Another lesson time. Those moments you look into the mirror and go okay, stupid was me.

That is not easy to say. I will confess that part. But the joy is when you know it doesn’t matter.

And even more so when you can get even. You do this by tricking some other clown into believing the same thing.

Oh yeah it isn’t perfection. But nice to not feel alone in being dumb. You can just be so happy when that is the case.

It is a form of victory that carries with it a special satisfaction. Because you know you have company in the stupid department.

Only we don’t pass out memberships.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Best Deal Deals

Now I can come up with lots of good deals. Yep that is part of my nature. Just makes the occasion work better.

And that is what I cherish. Yep, I will always find that a joy. The simple satisfaction that comes from making people happy.

Well maybe not as happy as they would like. But in a way that give the illusion of joy. Enough so they think they’re happy.

And that you can’t put a price tag on. Nope you just have the time to enjoy giving them joy.

This comes as an issue of simple approach. A chance to take time and celebrate what people want the most.

Which is to have their greed satisfied. Oh they will call it other things. They will tell you that it doesn’t matter.

But you make it sound like a bargain and they will jump at whatever even if sucks. The term deal is suck a bait.

Makes me proud to have come to understand this. Yep, I truly cherish it. Because it appeals to basic human nature.

Oh well so it does less than inspire. Well if you are into things like morals and what not. That is what some call it.

I call it impossible dreams. Because that is what it is. Not perfection or reality, just a nice fantasy.

Course that will not be the way some will admit it. Because to do so would totally ruin the fun of lies.

Now I do find it all the less than sanity when we do this. Make up things that are no true. Call it fun if it isn’t.

Pretend to have values if we don’t. It all falls under the silliness call life that starts with insanity.

Only some don’t admit it. They just love to pretend that it is all reality. So you can pedal some phony bargain and they will love it.

And that will be such a thrill. Well to me it will. Because they will believe anything after that.

Which is a blessing.

Sunday, February 01, 2009


There are places where you should have a sign that says please leave your brain at the door. Just stop thinking and you’ll do fine.

Now that is the way it appears at times. Yep, that is what takes place in my world to often.

Yeah, talk about a case of other than brilliance this definitely qualifies. Only it never gets any better.

But see that is the problem of living in the land of dull. A place where boring is the order of the day and everyone thinks that is a good thing.

Well all, but me. I hate it. I will never see boring as other than boring. No way I will ever see it as joy.

Okay so ice cream is nice. So are barbecues. But in between the bouts of stuffing your face you do have to talk.

So it would be nice if it was about things other than the weather. Or another feast of rambling about world issues.

Without a single person having any clue on real facts. So what you get is this totally ludicrous conversation.

One where nothing even has to make sense. And you are left scratching you head while wondering how anyone can say such things who isn’t drunk.

Which is the really scary part. For it is one thing when you take a vacation from reality. A far different issue when it is your home.

And let me tell you that is never a place I enjoy going. It is too crowded there in my city.
Which I don’t care to be in the throng.

However I am working on making that different. Which is to avoid spending too much time among the insane.

This does get challenging at times. And I have managed to survive. Barely at times for the dementia can be infectious.

And that is sure an option I have managed to avoid for the most part. I have to admit that there have been some close calls.

Those ice cream socials can tempt to some point. But that is where you just remind yourself being a slug is not heaven.
Then it is time for the bar again.