Friday, February 06, 2009


Now if this is some kind of situation where a hot person of the opposite sex is checking you out. That is a blessing.

But if it is say Big Brother looking at you with that you did something wrong gaze, then not heaven to be sure. So you try to hide from those eyes.

Course that never works. We all know he has xray vision. Might not be superman, but sure can see way too much.

Well that is all opinion. After all we do appreciate that Big Brother really is able to hide. Nope that never is quite the joy we want to think about.

But trying to be impervious to such things is impossible. So come on we all need to make it fun.

So I say, what if we are being watched? And they will know your every secret and all the stuff you lie about.

Then I think we need to celebrate this fact. After all what is a more wonderful joy that performing?

Plus you can enjoy knowing that you can impress. I mean these people are naturally in a position to show off.

Yep, that is something we can treat as a fun option. You have this captive audience. They can’t go anywhere.

So you might as well sit back and make a game of it. Yep, that is when you can rejoice. Make it all good.

And that is the way you can turn it into a thrill. Time to let the imagination go wild. Yeah make it bizarre.

Move around and dance, talk to the walls and act totally nuts. Have conversations with the air.

Now that is bound to catch their attention. But the problem is that they can’t admit it to anyone.

Because then they would have to admit they saw you. Yep, that is not working for them. It would totally eliminate their secrecy.

So you can act up and be strange and all they can do is watch. Which is wonderful for you and that is nice.

Should that give a smile great.


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