Thursday, February 12, 2009


This is less than a gusher and more than a drop. Yep, enough to get your attention, but not enough to satisfy.

So you get stuck. A taste so you are sure that it will really give you a need. Only not enough to really help.

This happens more I think as a tease. People wanting to give you some agony. Raise your hopes, but not help.

So the means to deal with this is to try and convince the person you enjoyed things. Just leave them so convinced you love it.

Then you can actually make them think this is a blessing and not some con job. You got to persuade them it is great.

Not this does require plenty of acting. You have look the part. Can’t appear insincere at all.

Otherwise they’ll know their game worked. And then you will get stuck with more dribbles.

That will not improve the situation. Not that it will be a reason to celebrate to be sure. Just more frustration.

So this is where we avoid the conflict. Just use a little verbal finesse to make person sure you are grateful.

This will be a challenge. You have to not let your fear control you. That is the fear that you will get caught.

Which really is such a powerful motivator. Because you know it will know if you don’t work it out things they will really suck.

Now to avoid this you can’t panic. Okay they gave you a dribble. It might taste perfect, but then you got to fight letting them know that.

I call it acting. Don’t drool and don’t flinch. Don’t even give a clue you are hurting. This can be tough.

Yep, that will just be so darn hard if you really love that flavor. Then you could cave from the appetite.

It is called restraint. And let me tell you that is not easy to do. And so much harder to achieve if there is no way to hold it.

So just grin and lie up a storm till you figure out a solution.


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