Monday, February 02, 2009

Best Deal Deals

Now I can come up with lots of good deals. Yep that is part of my nature. Just makes the occasion work better.

And that is what I cherish. Yep, I will always find that a joy. The simple satisfaction that comes from making people happy.

Well maybe not as happy as they would like. But in a way that give the illusion of joy. Enough so they think they’re happy.

And that you can’t put a price tag on. Nope you just have the time to enjoy giving them joy.

This comes as an issue of simple approach. A chance to take time and celebrate what people want the most.

Which is to have their greed satisfied. Oh they will call it other things. They will tell you that it doesn’t matter.

But you make it sound like a bargain and they will jump at whatever even if sucks. The term deal is suck a bait.

Makes me proud to have come to understand this. Yep, I truly cherish it. Because it appeals to basic human nature.

Oh well so it does less than inspire. Well if you are into things like morals and what not. That is what some call it.

I call it impossible dreams. Because that is what it is. Not perfection or reality, just a nice fantasy.

Course that will not be the way some will admit it. Because to do so would totally ruin the fun of lies.

Now I do find it all the less than sanity when we do this. Make up things that are no true. Call it fun if it isn’t.

Pretend to have values if we don’t. It all falls under the silliness call life that starts with insanity.

Only some don’t admit it. They just love to pretend that it is all reality. So you can pedal some phony bargain and they will love it.

And that will be such a thrill. Well to me it will. Because they will believe anything after that.

Which is a blessing.


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