Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Now some might be inclined to fail to appreciate the difference between a little bit and a a tad. Well that is my definition you understand.

I keep them separate. For a variety of reasons I feel a little bit applies to something you are trying to add.

Whereas a tad is not always for things you have. It can be an addition. Same concept, but with different purposes.

Now that for me is a big deal. A little bit is easy to come by. You can normally get it somewhere you already got the first part.

But with a tad you often have to be more creative. Yep, take time to you know spread your thoughts in ways that matter.

Just sort of like fishing for bait. Yep, that is what I said. A groping process, little by little you do it.

And if you are lucky it will work out as you want. Or perhaps maybe not when you want it to.

Now for some this will be no problem. That is because they don’t give this subject enough thought.

But I do because I’m a plotted. And a collector. I love collecting things others don’t think is important.

But you see some will never regard it that way. They treat the tads as unimportant. Oh they don’t want to give them up, but they don’t worry about them.

It all ends up being one of those “mine” things. You know, I don’t need this, but I will keep in if you want it.

Yep you know that sucks. And you just will always appreciate this as it will always be other than human nature.

Such is the hunt. The inevitable quest for more. A tad more. From somebody who can spare it, but doesn’t want to.

They will piss you off. Since they will be so full of excuses. Yep that is a joy. However, once it is done you will be so happy.

Just the simple nature of success. And in ways that will always touch. At least their pile of tad.
Yep, got to love it.


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