Thursday, February 19, 2009


Now has anyone you known claimed they were fine? Yeah like that is a realty for anyone.

Unless you massage it with enough lies. And that does happen too. But the hope is that somebody takes time to find some sanity.

Which doesn’t ever seem to be much of a priority. Oh we talk about it. You know those resolutions to do better.

Like the one’s made to get fit you make while passing the gym on the way to the fast food restaurant. Ahem, like that.

Anyway while some are like pretending to not say they have problems. And then there are the others who have nothing, but problems.

But it is nice when you can sit back and say you feel fine. Not good you understand, but to wiped out either.

In any case you just sit back and act cool. Inside you are nuts. Totally ready to go off the wall.

But the difficulty is in making sure you can fake it while not looking like you fake it. To have that nice mask.

And be sure you use it in such a way that it is easy to take off. Or at least let people see underneath it.

That way you can sit back and get attention. Yep that is the best part. To appear needy even if you really aren’t.

Makes the whole thing worthwhile. Well it does for me. Because that way I have time to milk it for sympathy.

Sure got to love that option. Only have to do it with class. Yeah, that is when you have time to sit back and act the suffering soul.

Do it the right way and you can get anything you want. People will be so happy if you work it right.

Some will and some won’t. It does take practice. And if you don’t succeed the nice thing is you can try again.

Just do it with somebody else. Yep, that is the part hat really counts. Do that in the right way and it is perfect.

Well hopefully.


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