Sunday, February 08, 2009


Well this is neither forward or reverse. It is the place where you are stalled. Stuck and no chance of improvement.

Nope I do not consider this as a blessing. More of a pain in the butt. And you know it will not improve.

Now there are few who can look upon this moment and take pride. They can lie about it, but will not take it to a moment of boasting.

See life basically has this problem. You just now you are going to get stuck at times. You can try to avoid it, but it will happen.

So the important option here is to lie about it. To be able to make sure you don’t have to admit you have no control at times.

Now that is part of what I do. I build the illusions that matter. The ones that you can take pride in.

Peddling these illusions is hard work. You really do need to be sure that nobody thinks you are faking it.

Yeah this is important. Because otherwise people get upset. Just makes the whole illusions spoiled.

Now for myself I mosey on and take everyone with me. I stroll those places where it smells great.

And that is because I have taken the time to use the right kind of air freshener. Yeah, the type that definitely seduces.

See I have learned nobody like reality. Well that is where I work on making it different. Yep, I always will.

Now I didn’t say I made it better. To just give the impression I will is what counts. And that is the main point.

Everyone wants magic. We all want perfection. And we all know it is impossible. But then we still crave that myth.

So I give it to them. I do what I can to create all the fantasy anyone could want. Make it sound so possible.

Which is the part they never care about that. They just want more lies. So I give it to them.
And we all lived happily ever after in a post card world.


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