Sunday, February 22, 2009


Now some might emphasis the good on this part, but I see the stuff as the priority. And that is not a choice I make easily.

Most stuff to me is good. If you go looking in the right places. And that is easy to do if you know where to look.

Some will not be able to do this. They will be in such a hurry to find stuff they will not worry about where they look

Course the problem is not being experience. You get some urge and just have to have crap.

Only the crap never is something they are willing to give lots of thought. Just give it to me.

Yep, they will roll around to the discount bargains store. Good become a matter of how cheap it is.

And you can be sure they will think they are rich with crap and that is what counts. Just load up that cart.

Come on pig out on crap have it by the pound. Roll in it and have a great time with your artificial sense of bounty.

Maybe it will even keep working once you get it home. Even after you take it out of the wrapper.

Then you can take time to let it all be such a fantasy. One you can enjoy for the few minutes it lasts.

Then after it all breaks you will have learned nothing. Yeah the next time you will go for the same crude again.

Which naturally the bargain people want. They will be there waiting with more of the same stuff.

And in the end you will only have spent the money for no good reason. And let the whole thing repeat.

Which is such a pain since you end up coming to me to gripe about taxes. And like my problem is to make your crap work.

But that is isn’t. Not at all. I am a mayor and not a fix it man. But that is the part I won’t like.

So keep it to yourself.


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