Thursday, February 05, 2009


Aww, now this is pure joy. The chance to search out those who you can trick and use. The ones who you can count on to be expendable.

Can be difficult at times to find these people. They just lurk out there where you might not think to check.

So you have to get creative. And that takes time. Way to much in some cases. Because you have to work at it.

Now my means of dealing with this is to bait the trap. Not that complicated. Really just an issue of practice.

One of my favorite options is to take time to hold some raffle. Those can work miracles at times.

Just lures so many out to think they can get something for nothing. And you always make sure you have some winner.

The important part is to create the illusion that it really is going to be a fair drawing. Now that is the key.

Once you get them convinced that they can have hope then they will become addicted. And that is what matters most.

So we mosey along and are grateful for the small things. All the ways this works and we don’t have to lie about it.

Now that is where I have practice my tales all the time. Yep, when I can do that and get some person as a sale, I’ve won.

Oh I never mind though. You just take the joy of the times when it doesn’t suck. When the game plan works.

Hmm, sounds too much like a football game. There is scoring involved. That is a big part of it.

Just perhaps not the type that some consider as helpful, but I like it. Yep that is an issue of opinion.

But then you have to be sure you can take this to a level without guilt. And that is part I love.

Even if it takes booze to get there. Just a matter of principle. And that is not where you can always enjoy.
But I try.


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