Saturday, February 21, 2009


Can’t be unhappy over these options if it applies to somebody else. Because you know it is a matter of either being stabbed through the heart or ripped apart.

Not really exciting choices at times. At least that is not the kind of option that makes me smile.

Unless it is my option. Yeah give me the chance to dispense such joy when I can to anyone I can help.

And that to me is how I choose to view this. A chance to see if I can render this service to others.

Yep, that is so thoughtful from my view. Really do see it that way. And if I work it right then the world gets to enjoy the time.

Well only in a way that I like to think truly makes people feel things. See that is truly so important.

Because you know you have done something to help people see the world in a different way. Perhaps even better.

Oh maybe they won’t agree. Well not right away. They have to get over that anger. Yeah that can be hard.

Pain will do that to some. I didn’t say it wouldn’t have a downside. Just that one needs to appreciate its upside.

What is the upside? Simple. They get to learn. And who doesn’t need that? Education doesn’t come free.

Nope you have to pay the cost. And really one can not diminish the value of such knowledge.

But then it is hard to say when this will ever get the attention and appreciation it deserves. Well not to me.

So I am on a campaign to improve this. Mainly through enlightenment. This takes time and lots of effort.

A chance to be sure you don’t give up on the whole process. And take this to a point that brings good results.

Which ends up such a blessing when you work it right. Yep, I love the rewards. Those chances to be so happy.

And more so when the other person stops crying.


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